After the cold snap, an awesomely sweet session : Tuesday, November 22

Hi guys,

We had bitterly cold and blustery weather Sunday and Monday this week, so I did have a session yesterday morning.

Unfortunately Sunday morning at church I found myself having very unpleasant, political conversations which upset me. It had to the with the incoming Trump/Pence administration. Not only was it bitterly cold with winds howling outside, I was so agitated that I got only 2-3 sleep late Sunday/early Monday. I arose at my usual hour just before dawn yesterday morning and spent my day with translation work which composed me.

Then last night, I slept more soundly which refreshed me. My Aless in bed this morning before arising was exquisitely sweet, yet insistent.

I readied myself for a session which began 6 a.m. and ended 6:45 a.m., just 45 minutes which my usual Aneros buddies, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. MGX is ideal for the Aneros beginner. It is just right, not too small and not too large. I just love its ribbed stem which stimulates so nicely my anal canal and musculature. MGX is the perfect Aneros model for opening a session.

I love Maximus for its large size and its curvature for stimulating my prostate more directly. Give Maximus some quality time and he’ll relent for amazing surprises of sensation texture as it relates to Aneros sweetness and sexual energy found in Aneros sessions and in Aless.

Finally Progasm Classic with its big bruiser traction is most effective if you allow it have its way. He does the user’s cooperation in delivering to it occasional Kegels. Likewise he appreciates some quality time as well.

I am composing this blog post more than two hours following the session. For some weeks, I have Aless moments when I “feel” Aneros inserted and massaging away. I feel during those moments the sweetness like what I experience during a masturbation plateau when I am close towards orgasm and ejaculation of semen!

Take care!
