My sex drive keeps being as low as ever. With a possible change starting only in September things keep dragging.
Most of my sessions end in nothing.
When I have a lot of time sometimes I can get to somewhere.
In the last productive sessions I ended up with another old friend, the unavoidable hfwo that ruins my sessions.
In the first session it came out of nowhere, and it was fast.
I had just inserted Aneros and I was viewing some porn to get some arousal.
I was like 30 mins in with nothing special then suddenly I feel the orgasm coming, with no previous warning.
It went from nothing to ejaculation, and the weird is that I had only the background pleasurable feelings before it came sudenly.
I’ve never experienced this before (the sudden out of nowhere ejaculation/orgasm).
In the second session as usual it took some hours until I felt something.
I was getting the feelings of general pleasure and I was relaxing and letting it continue, always with the do nothing approach.
Sometimes I fell asleep and kept waking up, the session contnued and eventually it reached a part where I started to feel more pleasure and, as also common for me, eventually it was too much and it triggered the ejaculation.
My third session was long but nothing special happened. I was again in the plateau and nothing happened for hours.
In my fourth session I also took a lot of time for it and let it go.
I managed to get nice pleasure and I experienced something more than in the past.
Sometimes I get some flashes of localised pleasure in my legs (it’s just milliseconds), generally just above my knees.
This time I felt this but it sort of keep happening over and over again, and in both legs, like 5 times and being longer, but eventually quite suddenly too I felt the ejaculation feeling, and everything was ruined.
These ejaculations are a bit different from “normal” ejaculations. The cum flows in a much more liquid shape at first and there are no contractions in the beginning of this orgasm, then after 5-10 seconds the contractions come and my penis pumps the rest of the cum.
These kind of ejaculatons happen to me when I have aneros sessions.
Note that these are 100% handsfree ejaculations.
This is something I’ve experienced from years and I really think it is also preventing me from getting further and experiencing a “proper dry-o”.
Thing is, I don’t know how to prevent this.
I’ve tried a session after I ejaculated but I ejaculate too after some time.
I have premature ejaculation, something that really hurts me so much, and I don’t know if there’s some relation here.
The fact that I have both a severe premature ejaculation and some erection problems makes me have almost no sexual life.
Last time I was with someone (a man, I’ve never been with a women as it attracts me less and I am ashamed and I would not be able to have sex due to my problems), it was some weeks ago, and again it broke my heart again.
I was unable to be a top as I ejaculated some seconds after penetration. I even had taken viagra and priligy but as I experienced before these don’t make much of a difference.
That’s why I avoid having sex too, and while I’m searching for solutions doctors don’t seem able to help me.
By the way this is something I always had, it’s not something new.
I don’t know how long will I be able to live like this, it hurts me so much.