This blog entry is more for my future reference than anything else. Sometime in the future, I will be revisiting these notes and reminiscing on my journey’s progress.
Today, I must note how pleasurable my Aless sessions have become. It seems everyday (at least twice a day), my Aless sessions escalate to a new level sending me in total bliss but still without orgasms. I’m not shooting for an orgasm (no pun intended) but I do look forward to the pure pleasures a simple breath, a subtle contraction here and there and a bit of concentration can generate.
At night, lying in bed, I can transpose myself in the ‘zone’ with ease and without efforts and remain there for as long as I wish. When I think about it, it’s much easier than penile play, less messy and less of a drain on my system.
I never would have thought such pleasures were possible and abundant. I appreciate the gift Aneros gave me.
Life is wonderful!