Transition from Njoy to Helix Syn – any tips?

Hey all! Just got my first aneros – until now I’ve been using the njoy (pretty successfully I’d say – I can usually bring myself to pgasm if I’m in the mood). I understand aneros requires a little more patience, especially where I’m not rearranging my insides with any amount of force, and am wondering if any njoy to aneros converts have some first session tips.



  1. Try out some of the stuff from All the content is currently free for NNN. It teaches you different types of techniques. Be aware that they utilize squeezing your PC and sphincter muscles separately. If that concept is new to you, try out the Big Squeeze first. If you already can control them separately pretty well, try out the Endless Wave. Even if your can’t separate the two, you have to start learning somewhere.

  2. The big difference here is removing the impulse to manually stimulate your prostate. I have found I enjoy the more active participation of njoy and dildos over passive, meditative aneros sessions. It’s just what works for my schedule and I’ve found the results to be better. Don’t be discouraged if you find the results to be lackluster to what you’re used to, and try to set aside more time for sessions if you really want to learn how to use aneros.

    My current sessions are Progasm->njoy->dildo and I’m super happy with it, ymmv.

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