I see in some videos where the aneros is moving in and out very smoothly and has a great range of motion but when i use it i can’t really get it to move very well. i know lube is not the problem because i drown myself in coconut oil and it feels very slick and easy to put in and out.
but i just can’t get the toy to move very well? i do kegal exercises and can move my sphincter muscles separate to my pc muscles but when i try to move my pc muscle it doesnt really pull the toy in
please help I think i may be doing kegals wrong or do i need to do a reverse kegal after i contract?
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/uad96r/range_of_motion_is_very_small/
I use my pc muscle which is the one to stop peeing and bounce my dick a little but it still doesn’t really work that well. do i need to do something special like pull the muscle up etc?