Should I buy Helix and MGX?

Hi everyone, just looking for people’s thoughts.

I have the Eupho Trident, Maximus Trident and the Progasm ice. I like these for their varying sizes, and they all give me crazy good times in their own ways.

I have the Helix and the MGX (both Trident) in my cart but hesitant to purchase in case they’re overly similar to the ones I have. Like, are the stem grooves noticeable on the MGX? Is there any need to get the Helix now that I’m perfectly proficient with the ones I have, knowing that the Helix can be known as the usual beginner model?

Any opinions greatly appreciated. Have a great day!



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  2. MGX doesn’t give me any additional pleasure before so I opted for the Helix again once I had the chance to buy another Aneros

  3. I think if you can swing both why not. I have owned both for some time (non syn versions) and I have to say the MGX was a huge surprise! For me the ribs have given a new unexpected pleasure. Out of all the aneros models I’ve tried there is just something about the MGX that keeps every session feeling better than the last. There is nothing quite like the surprise of the ribs once you’ve forgotten they are there and you get that hard contraction from an orgasm.

  4. I’ve had theProgasm Icefor some time now but I feel it’s just not hitting the p,I can just lay there going through the motions and not feel there anyone that recommend one.

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