About Progasm… Help!

Hello all. I own a helix syn and had really nice results with it. But during my latest sessions with it I was feeling like I’d like a toy that’d stimulate my prostate harder. So I went ahead and bought an Aneros Progasm Ice. It’s really gigantic compared to my helix. So, super excited, I tried it. Wow! What a difference compared to helix. I definitely loved it’s feeling.

But… there’s a problem. It’s slipping out. My silicone coated helix was sticking to my butt like glue no matter what position I take. I could move around, squat, stand etc. But with Progasm I can’t stand or kneel, which is a position I love. While lying, there’s no problem. I can put knees up, lay completely flat etc it stays in place perfectly even while having pleasure waves, muscles pushing it etc. But if I get up, it’s thick body starts to come out.

I’m starting to think it’s too big for my body.

Please help.