Been using my Aneros since Feb, and so far I've had no luck. Not ready to give up yet but at the very least I want to know if I'm making progress… weird as that sound.
I've read the wiki (seriously there's a wiki for anything huh) more times than I could remember, but… theory and practice is pretty different IMO haha.
I've a lot of questions and no idea where to begin so I'll just write those at the top of my head now.
- Involuntary contraction: I suppose this is the thing that gets the whole motion going, but I haven't been able to do so consistently (if at all). I've tried contracting the external rectal muscle, the PC muscle (the muscle that you use to stop your pee haha), and still nothing. Do I have to contract it consistently, or do it occasionally, sorta like 'teasing' the internal muscle to contract involuntarily? The wiki said to go with small movement, but I can't even feel if I'm doing anything at all. How do I know when the involuntary contraction starts? I've read comments that the toy should be moving in and out on its own?
(NOTE: My knowledge of biology is abysmal at best and the terms I'm using is based on what I read so far so pardon my incorrect usage)