Super-O or Seizure?

I’m kind of scared because I’m not sure what happened for sure since I’m fairly new to all of this. To preface the story, I had a 20mg edible, a couple of shots, and did some popper hits intermittently, so I could have just passed out. It was also later in the night so I was also a bit tired. I was listening to some Shibby files, so only audio, no flashing lights.

Anyway, normally after some warmup, I find that my muscles tend to slowly tense up as the involutary contractions build until it reaches a point I have to voluntarily relax and then start over. However, this time everything was preceding as normal until I find myself abruptly tensed up much more than normal. I can’t remember what happened beforehand, not that’s not uncommon with THC and alcohol.

It scared me quite a bit as I found myself unable to relax albeit just for a few seconds. There was no ejaculation nor really any pleasure to it (the extreme tensing for a few seconds that is.) Any else experience this?

Binaural Beats Recommendations

I have been using and some Shibby files with some great feelings, but I can’t help but wonder maybe the voice is too distracting and I would do better with just the beats. Have any favorites?

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