At Day 4 of SR and sleeping all-night in my SD Ultra Pro Carbon “chastity cup”, I got-up around 1 AM but not with an erection. Nevertheless, I decided on a session with the MGX Classic. I lubed-up with SSG and started. Much to my amazement, I got no anal contractions like last time, nor did the MGX elicit an erection. After about 20 minutes, I got my “therapeutic effect” of this prostate massage (probably without precum but I didn’t look) but little else. Of course, I was disappointed but actually, I had no expectations going-in. So this session was a “wash”!
Listening “Erection” Session
I then retreated to my sofa and put-on some YouTube selections which were relaxing and soothing. While listening, I thought that I would experience at least one erection (like an NPT). But, alas, none were coming my way! {PS Toward the end, I decided to “cheat” and put-on a binaural beat for inducing an erection: it worked well and quickly too but couldn’t be sustained. When I stopped listening, the erection faded. Oh well…..}
A couple of things I notice about these erections. First, I do not know the “timing” of them, that is: how often can I expect to get one? And second, once the erection starts (without help from, for example, binaural beats) it is virtually impossible to stop it! So when they come naturally, they are especially arousing. That is why I usually wait until the start or near the “end” of the erection to initiate an Aneros massage session.