Rewiring prostate and nipple.

Ok, rewiring is the process of mentally accepting an relaxing the new sensation which I am going to or which I will get right?
I don’t have any toy, I’m looking forward to get one, now how do I rewire my nipples along with my prostate.
And how to rewire my prostate


Does mindgasm website really work? or are they just gimmick, like i have to pay to some random dude online and what if it doesn’t work.
Share you thoughts and experience if it was success.

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is it mandatory?

Is it mandatory to not have penile orgasm for 3 to 4 days to have great prostate or super O, or is it like if I’m well focused, I can achieve p or super o if I’m horny no matter if I had penile orgasm like even 2 hours ago?

Are all aneros the same

Like the program mgx and all….. Do they all give different feelings while using or is it just on the paper??
And has anyone used tempo?? Which dosent stimulate prostate but only anus?? How is it, is it as good as other aneros products?

Nipple gasm

Has anyone had a nipple orgasm. Like just stimulating the nipple and nothing else, not even penis or prostate??
How does it feel? How intense and long is it??
And what do guys mean by rewiring the body, is it like getting adjusted to the new sensation which we get??

Is the journey to orgasm good.

I’m planning to buy an aneros. And I’m wondering if the journey to the orgasm is long and exciting as orgasm. I don’t only want the orgasm to be body shaking and all those fascinating things I’ve read. But I also want that journey to be as good as the orgasm. Please reply.

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