It Owns Me

Yes, i'm still here. it's been so long since my last entry, because i'd basically concluded that i'd reached the pinnacle of solosexual love and lust. my Aneros was giving me hours of pleasure. i'd ride the waves of lust, going the full range from a satisfying warmth deep in my hole to full-body convulsions. i could hit peaks where i'd have a dry orgasm for what seemed like 20 minutes, hanging suspended between aching balls and orgasm. it was great. it was awesome. it fulfilled every promise the Aneros had made. or so i thought.

what i realized, however, was that my autoeroticism was still penis focused. success meant having a hard-on at the moment i orgasmed — or at least subtly manipulating my cock as i involuntarily pulled my Aneros deeper into my hole. but about 2 years ago, it all changed. i saw a posting on tumblr from a guy who said he had been totally "cunted" by a Master. (To those who object to this word, my apologies.) The guy wrote that he hadn't ejaculated by jerking off for several years. all his orgasms were induced by the manipulation of his hole.

Silently Screaming

i've been quiet it my blog lately, but in my house i've been blissfully silently screaming in pleasure. i've become totally enamored with my prostate and all the lust it fills me with when i use my Aneros boys. i've had day after day of sublime bliss, riding the erotic waves that flow from my hole throughout my entire body. i used to focus on bating my beautiful cock, but he gets tons of pleasure from my Aneros boys just like i do. he swells, throbs, bounces in lust, oozes and drips little treats for me to feast on as my Aneros is doing its work. never been closer to heaven…

Draining the Tanks

My previous session ended in a spectacular series of dry O's. I woke the next morning aroused, lustful but oddly satisfied. So a week later, I went into the session knowing it would end in a cum geyser. And it did. I was proud of myself for being able to relax and take things slow. I listened to lots of erotic sounds from bateworld and watched some awesome porn. but after 3 hours, i just had to drain the tanks. i knew if i didn't, i'd be deranged. so that's the long and short of it…a spectacular cum shower, which I scooped up and feasted on. It was wonderful to fall asleep with the taste of my sperm on my lips.

A Seismic Shift

After last night's amazing session, I woke up and simply laid in bed and luxuriated in the light waves of pleasure that flowed throughout my body. I could feel my cuntlips slightly swollen and hot from the night's 3-hour session. I enjoyed an hour of mini-o's before getting up and making coffee.

I don't know if humankind has a soul or not. But if I do, I realized today its shifted from being near my heart to being centered in the apex of my cock and my cunt. That's where my love and joy springs from — a soul that's filled with lust, eros, autoeroticism, depravity and desire for pleasure at all cost.


Super-O or Simply Super?

If you constantly hit new heights of pleasure in an aneros session, how can you be sure you've truly had a Super-O? Maybe you've just had a super session. Whatever happened to me last night, all I can say is that if it gets any hotter, OHMYFUK!!!

I've learned a lot from other guys' blogs and postings. Last night, I began with a quick clean-out to make sure my path to pleasure was unobstructed. Then I looked for the perfect sounds to listen to thru my headphones. My plan was to insert and relax. But I had a brilliant bit of inspiration. Instead of new age music, I went to bateworld )of which I'm a member( and checked out the site's mp3s that have been posted by fellow baters. I was ready.

I laid back on my bed, head propped up with a few pillows. I lubed my mancunt generously, making sure my pussylips were thoroughly coated with a thick layer of albolene. Then I coated my aneros with lube and placed the tip at my hole. Thru the headphones, I began to hear sensuous music mixed with the sounds of men masturbating and moaning in pleasure. I gently pushed my aneros between my cuntlips and sank it to the hilt. And then I was gone. Two hours passed as I rode wave after wave of autoerotic bliss, at one time floating gently on the edge then at other times panting, drooling and thrusting my hips forward like a rutting animal in heat.

Ending in fireworks

It was so hot and humid on the 4th, that I declined several invitations to join friends for the Boston Pops Esplanade concert and fireworks display. I'd planned to go away for a long weekend anyway, leaving the morning of the 5th. So I wanted to devote the 4th to celebrating my own personal freedom to give myself as much pleasure as I could handle.

For about half an hour leading up to beginning my aneros session, I merely relaxed, headphones on, with soothing sensuous music lulling me into a mild stupor. I flexed my anal muscles in concert with my prostate, feeling the pleasure start to build deep in my hole and luxuriating in the tingling sensation of my manucunt lips. My balls were feeling tight and my cock slowly began to become engorged, but not rock hard. Wonderful!

When I couldn't wait any longer, i lubed my pussy with a mix of vaseline and albolene, pushing the balm deep in my hole with my finger and spreading a coating on my hot pulsing cuntlips. I took out my aneros classic and covered it with the same lubricating mix, and prepared for the penetration. I changed the music track to )oddly enough( a series of satanic chants i found on a tumblr page. Many of the chants celebrated a devotion to lust and erotic pleasure, while others were dark, foreboding but intensely sexual.
Lying on my side, I placed the aneros tip just at the opening of my hole. And as the music exhorted me to give in to lust, I pushed the aneros into my hole while pushing my hips back to fully embrace the penetration.

working out

tho i won't be back home and in reach of my aneros boys, i've continued to do my kegel exercises this week. that way, when i'm home on monday, my cunt will be primed and ready for hours of aneros pleasure. i also haven't cum in a week, so my prostate is tight and aching to fully engage with my aneros.

chaste week

i'm out of state, with no privacy and neither of my Aneros boys with me. Next post will be after 7/1.

Double the pleasure

This is my very first entry to my new blog. So it'll be brief for now. I'm basically a solosexual that loves and worships my Cock. He's been my constant sex partner since I hit puberty. But I recently discovered he has competition. Thanks to continued experimentation with my first Aneros, I now realize I have a whole new sex organ — my mancunt. I've enjoyed numerous mini-O's over the past few months, once I realized my Aneros was so much more than a funny shaped dildo. Once I learned to relax, breathe deeply, and ride the wonderful waves of erotic pleasure my Aneros gives my pussy, I'm all the more devoted to the love and adoration I feel for my body, my Cock, my Hole and myself.