A very detailed description of what it feels like and how I got there

Hello folks,

I’ve been using Aneros for about 6 years, but it wasn’t until two years ago that I finally got the hang of it.


The amount of pleasure it gives is insane. It’s completely outside the realm of normal experiences. It’s hard to quantify. It feels like it’s always increasing. It’s like my brain has a “current pleasure” and a “change in pleasure” readout, and both of them are maxed out.

If I try to remember how good it was, it’s like it doesn’t fit in memory. It’s like I have to take my past self’s word for it. And then, the next time I do it, I’m like, “Holy shit, that’s right! I had forgotten how good this was! Holy crap, this is amazing!”

When it first starts, it feels like a very weak inkling of an orgasm-like sensation. It has those deeply-satisfying, spine-tingling, heart-fluttering qualities, but not nearly as intense. Maybe on par with a good back massage. But then… it gets better… and better… and better… and it just doesn’t stop getting better. Ever. It doesn’t make sense. It feels like an illusion, like the motion aftereffect, or the [Shepard Tone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzNzgsAE4F0). Soon you lose track. It’s like watching one of those [scale of the universe](https://youtu.be/17jymDn0W6U?t=103) videos. You can maintain your bearings for a little while, but pretty soon, you’ve zoomed out so many times that you’ve lost all frame of reference. The pleasure might be 10x better than an orgasm, or 100x, who knows, it’s hard to say.

Tips for dealing with leg shakes?

I’ve been having some really fun sessions lately, with almost-as-good-as-an-orgasm feelings lasting for many minutes on and off over the course of a couple hours. Occasionally my legs will shoot out and shake, or my hips will buck really fast for a few seconds. Pretty sure that’s a good sign, but the problem is, whenever it happens, the pleasure temporarily stops during the shaking, and I get thrown off of the groove I was in.

I’m guessing you’re supposed to accept the shakes and just roll with them?

That seems to be much easier said than done, though, so I’m interested if anybody else ran into this issue and has any tips.

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I haven’t gotten to a super-o yet, but I think I realized something interesting and was wondering if others have experienced the same.

I started using Aneros about 3 years ago. I started with the basic advice: relax and do kegels. I could feel it hitting my prostate, which felt good, but it never escalated into anything.

Then I did some reading, and found what seemed to be two contradictory techniques. One was the “do nothing” technique, which didn’t work for me, and is honestly a pretty frustrating set of instructions unless you are one of the lucky people for whom it actually works. The other was the technique that focuses on the two-different-muscle-group kegel contractions. After some practice I was able to get muscle spasms going pretty reliably, but I ran into a dilemma. Maintaining the spasms required concentration and slowly made my whole body tense up. This did not sound like the effortless, out-of-control experience it was supposed to be.

Then I tried combining the strategies: getting the spasms started, then mentally backing off and “letting the aneros do its thing.” When I did this, the spasms would keep going on their own, for a bit, but they always slowed down and came to a stop when left to their own devices.