Is aneros use everyday bad? for libido and for sex

For some reason , after feeling dry orgasmic feeling everyday (not cumming everyday) for a year or so, I feel very tired down there, weaker orgasm when I have sex and so on. Has anybody experienced?

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I think I was on the verge of super o

I began to feel series of orgasmic sensations increasing significantly in strength from the prostate area, and spreading across the area widely…. Very pleasurable

Later I lost it but when I cum with masturbation to finish the session, I noticed that wet orgasm pleasure was less than the dry orgasm build up I had. So definitely dry orgasm is more pleasurable…. Can’t imagine how super o pleasure will be

Ive been trying for about two years now. Hopefully I reach super o this year

During sessions, time passes so quickly…

I still haven’t felt super o yet, but I do feel orgasmic waves, and they are still so good. When I begin to feel them, 2 – 3 hours pass by so quickly….

anybody like me ?

Later, I just jerk off myself and of course the orgasm is much much better compared to without aneros