Had an amazing session last night, but need some advice

I had a FANTASTIC ride last night. I smoked a little (probably a tad more than I should’ve tbh lol ) and I had my emerald DS poppers ready. I inserted the MGX and turned on my side both legs bent. I could immediately feel a bit of pleasure. Started doing some VERY light contractions of the PC muscle only, and I feel a buzzing start and get more powerful with every contraction. Soon my prostate felt like it had swollen up to the size of a baseball and I was in ecstasy for about an hour before I decided to end things by jacking off. But it was a surreal experience after the initial few contractions I felt waves start come and go on their own. At one point I sat up to take a sip of water and a wave started when I was taking a drink lol

This was really amazing because I had started to lose faith in the aneros massager it hadn’t done much for me until last night, and I was starting to think it was some sort of hoax. But after what happened last night, I’ll be keeping it haha

The reason I say it might have been too much is because when I would get REALLY into it I would feel my heart pound and go a Lil lightheaded and this kinds scared me so I would tone it down a bit. Anyone experienced this before? Should I continue? Was I right to hold back?