long layoff and transitioning

As seems to be the case for me since I started this journey is finding the time and the privacy to be able to relax and enjoy. It has been four weeks since my last session, lost a week to a nasty virus and then it took three weeks before i had the house to myself with three hours alone. Started with the helix synn same as usual things started out nice got relaxed got some good prostate pulsing going and things calmed down. Rolled over on my back and started with nipple stim and slight touching of the tip of my cock like I have been doing. Things got going good like usual and my prostate swelled and pumped and a pool of ejaculate came out of my soft cock. Instead of getting up like in the past i layed there and relaxed and was still getting some nice feelings. I stuck my finger in the pool of cum and rubbed some on the tip of my cock on the under side. I started to get hard and began nipple stim and light touching of my cock tip again. Got up to a full erection and felt like I was going to cum again and then had a incredible anal dry orgasm 10-15 hard contractions like I have never felt before. It could of possible gone on longer but i think i stopped it by being so supprised. Two days later had another window of time Used my high island health model PS New supposed to be good for taller men, slightly longer. Similar results as last time. although the build up was much longer, did not touch the cock this time only nipple stim. My legs where lightly trembling and abdomen shivering for about twenty minutes with waves of prostate pulsing that would come and go but no orgasm. I did not want to lay there and shiver for an hour so i started with the light stimulation of only the tip of the underside of my cock again along with nipple stim. The wave started immediatly cock started getting hard and the feeling of ejaculation started to build, my prostate pulsed 3 or 4 times and released a pool of semen but not in spurts like a normal cum, then I went immediatly into a incredible anal dry orgasm I was making breathing and moaning noises like i have never done before my ass was convulsing and it felt like the Aneros spun around a few times (but i know it did not) I did not think it was going to stop and my anal muscles got fatigued. I had a tear running out of my eyes from them watering. I have no idea what is going on but I think i might be transitioning. I am still getting a release of what appears to be excess cum and then going into a dry anal orgasm. At least that is what I think is going on or I am having some other major form of traditional orgasm like I have never experienced before. Looks like I will have another opportunity later this week to try again. The goal will be to go hands free for as long as possible and hopefully I will cross over to the other side. If not i am sure it will be worth it.

smart cock

I have been making breakthroughs and having some very pleasurable orgasms. Not sure what type of O to label them but they are like nothing I have felt before so I think i am heading in the right direction. I have been using a technique i have described before of lightly touching the tip of my cock and nipple stim at the same time. Up until recently I have had my first dry O's with this method. I think my cock has figured this out and is not fooled any more. The last two times once a-less and once with the Helix i have come out of my orgasm and noticed a puddle of cum. I am pretty sure i am having prostate orgasms because they are like nothing i have experienced before, last longer, anal contractions during and continue after. I just think my dick caught on to the stimulation and is triggering the ejaculation. It is not a typical shooting ejaculation, in fact i dont even realize it happened until after it is over and there is a puddle at the end of my cock. I was not even hard like a normal ejaculation. Now that I have made progress and can reach the promised land i am going to try the no touch the cock regime. If it does not work i can always go back just need to make sure I have a towel handy.

desire and new technique

Holidays are over, kids back to collage today, finally a opportunity to be totally alone. Until now my desire has been to insert the aneros and wait or try to make something happen. Since i have had no alone time for a while I have been practicing a less techniques in bed at night and early in the morning. i have become much more in tune with this practice and could not wait for the opportunity to have a session. For the first time my desire was not to have a session and make something happen, i had a strong desire to just have the Aneros inside of me. It had been so long I was mentally and physically craving for it. This went on for about a week until today when I finally got the opportunity. Thanks to a blog from Lingaman I have been practicing a technique he describes in his last blog. (Thank You again) I practiced the technique a less while I was waiting for my opportunity to be alone. Today it Happened! The desire was there, the arousal was there and I just wanted to get the Aneros inside of me and enjoy, and boy did i! Did not try to make anything happen just let the Aneros fill me up and do its job. I started in the usual position on my side one leg up per protocal and the pleasant pulsing started. This has been the norm for me at the beginning of my sessions so i just laid there and let it go. The feelings subsided after about twenty minutes like always for me. This is when I usually try and make something happen and spend the next hour or so overthinking the whole process. Today I rolled on to my back and decided to go with ligamans technique I have been practicing a less for the last week. I took a small piece of coconut oil and placed it on the underside of my cock just below the tip and rubbed ever so lightly in small circles, I also did the same thing to one of my nipples and rubbed both at the same time in rhytham very lightly with a thin film of slippery coconut oil. It took a few minutes and then i could feel something building in my prostate and cock. I had several involuntary prostate pulses and then my cock started to warm up and it felt like i was going to cum. I continued the circles even though I thought i might ejaculate. To my supprise i did not ejaculate and had a nice but not powerful dry o. First time for me! I started again same results a slow build up felt like i was going to cum and a nice dry o again. Not as intense as a regular orgasam but similar in that my prostate and cock pulsed several times and no ejaculation. There was a good amount of precum the second time and my cock was about half hard now. I rested a few minutes and started again I was able to use the pre cum and the coconut oil to create a slippery surface and started the small circles and the nipple circles, after a couple of minutes the wave built again and felt like it was going to be stronger this time. I thought for sure i was going to ejaculate but did not care i wanted to see what was over this edge and it had been about a hour and a half since i started. My prostate and cock pumped away and this time i had two strong anal contractions that startled me. This ended the orgasam and no ejaculation, just more pre cum. I was about three quarters hard at this point and very supprised. I decided to end my session because i have been having a minor hemroid problem recently and i was afraid i would aggrevate the situation. Looking back I wish i would have tried one more time. Getting back to the begining of my post i can finally channel my desire into the Aneros and let it do its job with just a little stimulation to set things off. Can not wait to try again. Thanks again to Lingamans creative writing and helpful tips.

back in action

As expected the holidays meant a full house and little time or privacy for a session. I also learned that alcohol is a deal buster. The one or two times I was able to try a session was after a night of partying, not excessive but enough. Sessions usually started out good but quickly faded and often I fell asleep. In fact i made myself sore after falling asleep with the helix in and removing it about 4 hours later. I had to give it a rest for a week. Had the chance to be alone and sober the other afternoon and lubed up and relaxed for a session. Still no big O for me but learning along the way.The first 30 min. are the most pleasurable for me at this point. I am now experiencing multiple pulsating sensations in my prostate as my body adjust to the Aneros being in. After about thirty min. it subsides and not much else happens. I then try different positions and some contractions to try and get something going. Last time around I tried just relaxing not thinking about the Aneros at all and gently rubbed my nipples they got erect and it felt pretty good. I then noticed my prostate woke up again and started the faint pulsing I usually get in the beginning of a session. My heartrate was increasing and it felt like some pleasure was about to happen and then it faded away. I had been at it for about one and a half hours and decided to stop because I had to be somewhere soon, but I am encouraged for the next session. Hopefully I will have a more exciting and interesting post the next time around.

taking a break

I thought i was close to making a breakthrough so what do I do? try and have a session every chance I could to make something happen. Well that did not work, in fact I think I regressed. All part of the learning curve I guess. I found myself thinking about what I would write in the forum during my session. This is such a mind game, but i am happy with my progress to date. I am going to give things a rest for the holidays and start with a clean slate and a swollen prostate. ha ha


It has been 3 weeks since my last blog and I have probably had 6-8 sessions since then. Not keeping track of every session which i feel is a good things. In fact I am treating some of my sessions as practice sessions keeping them short and not expecting to much. Most of my pleasure seems to be in the first 30 -45 minutes and then i seem to try and start making things happen. I now am getting subtle pulses in my prostate during my sessions very faint almost like a heartbeat. Just one pulse and a little twinge. They are becoming more frequent now during a session and I think I am moving along. I start out on my side as reccomended and usually get good feelings within 10 minutes and some pulsing and then it subsides after about thirty min. Recently i have started rolling on to my stomach after the thirty minutes and in my last session was having increased pulsing at closer intervals. They are definitly involuntary and feel nice but short. At this point it is very difficult to not let my mind think that something good is ready to happen and try and force the issue and lose the feeling. i am getting better mind control and can get back but man it is easy to lose the relaxed focus needed. Then the phone rang i looked at who it was, looked at the clock started thinking about i should be doing something else and it was over. Got up and took a hot shower and left the Aneros in during the first half of the shower. never realy walked around with it in before. It felt pretty good in the hot shower and then it was easy to take it out and clean up right there. So going to give it a couple of days rest and try again but i am confident know that i know how to get to that point and enjoy what is coming to me. know to relax and try to omit the distractions and hope for great things to cum.

moving in the right direction

It has been a week since my last session. I think most of my problems are i am always sneaking around trying to find a moment when no one is home. The problem with that is in the back of my mind i am always thinking about someone coming home and finding me in bed in the middle of the day or at some other unusual time. If i hear a neighbors car door close i think its at my house and get up. Not good. I have been making progress however and have really been able to concentrate and be aware of my prostrate and feelings in between sessions a-less. Last night i decided to have a session in bed with my wife there. She thinks i use the aneros for health purposes in fact she got me started on it years ago from a article she had read. So with her there and knowing what i was doing there was no stress about being caught. It had been a week since my last session and release so i was ready to go. Since iwas so relaxed and not distracted the session started out great. I was relaxed in minutes and warm sensations and light pulsing was happening frequently. It felt so good i fell asleep. I woke up about a half hour later and laid on my back and pulled my legs up and tried a few contractions I could not get the warm feelings and pulsing back. I re lubed and tried some more but I was two hours in now and it was getting late so I pulled out and went to sleep. I woke up two hours later with a hard on, i put my hand down to feel and it was rock hard. i had used coconut oil during the session so the residual was stillon my perenium and in my ass crack. i rubbed my perenium snd could feel my cock shaft base hard all the way to the root started rubbing the cocunut oil from my ass crack up the perenium and was lightly coating my cock. I could not believe how hard I was. It was 2 am i should be sleeping. i peeled back the covers and started stroking away.could not believe how hard i was and how long i was lasting. I had a T shirt on and i finally blasted a load like i could not believe. Peeled the shirt off and laid back and went to sleep. The next morning i picked up the shirt from the floor it had a streak of wet cum from my collar all the way down to the bottom with a big pool at the bottom. It must have been a huge load. If nothing else the Aneros sessions are improving blood flow, feelings and increasing pleasure down there. Now that I feel comfortable having a session while my wife is in the room i think good things are on the way. She was not feeling well andslept through the whole thing. going to take a break for a few days feeling it today a little. good luck to all!

learning the hard way

Last week I did all the things you are not supposed to do trying to make something happen. It included four sessions in five days, trying different positions, trying different lubes. A all out newbie quest for the big one. Needless to say nothing exciting to report, however i learned from my mistakes. It happened in my last session, I had a bad cold so i took a hot shower and wanted to lay down in bed and rest I felt like crap, so what did i do I decided to put the Helix in before laying down. During my experiments this week I discovered coconut oil and find it do be a very effective lube. Easy to insert for pre lube due to its solid form when cold, just push a piece in and it melts away inside. Lubing the Aneros is a bit tricky but it gets the job done and stays in place. Iwas cold and achey so i just laid down to take a nap not even trying for anything with the aneros. Once I got warm under the covers and I was almost asleep my prostrate warmed up and pulsed a few times. It got my attention but I just wanted to rest. I was nodding off and on and in between was having warm flashes and pulses in the prostrate area every so often. Then the newbie in me started trying to make something happen and things went away. I took a little nap and woke up feeling like i wanted to release from my frustrating week. I grabbed a piece of the coconut oil and presed it on my penis just under the glands and started to let it melt away. I slide the melting piece slowly up and down the underside of my shaft concentrating on the upper half. I started to get hard and the oil was melting nicely. I had had the aneros in for over two hours at this point but i was now concentrating on getting the hardest erection i could. I would contract and push blood into my shaft the aneros pushing from behind, this went on for a while and the cocunut oil also makes a great hand job lube. I finally released with the Aneros pumping and pushing away it felt great and i just laid there for a while covered in cum and coconut oil. So what did i learn from the week. coconut oil is a good alternative natural lube. When they say relax they mean relax! almost like going to sleep. let the feelings build on their own and do not try to manipulate them. (all things I read in the forum but I guess you need to figure it out on your own) I have decide to obstain for four days until thursday and will take my new knowledge to heart. Looking forward to a nice relaxing time that could possibly lead to something more. Will keep you posted thanks for reading

keeping track

I decided to start a blog because I have been posting under the testimonials under born again user. A post I made years ago. you can go back and read if you want to see my history although it was not very exciting. It was not until recently (the last two weeks that I have decided to give a good effort at this) I just completed my sixth session in the two and a half week period. I was going along and relaxing and started to feel like something was happening I felt a warming sensation like I was going to pee or possibly start to cum. I relaxed and let it happen a squirt came out that looked like clear urine. I thought oh that must be the stream of pre cum everyone is talking about. I was a little startled so i relaxed and built up the feeling again, then another squirt and another like I was cumming but a lot of fluid. At this point I realized it was pee. I got up went to the toilet and urinated for ever like i just drank five beers. got back on the bed and tried some more for half an hour and could not get anything going. was thinking to much and it was getting late. While cleaning up I had to pee again. Does the aneros stimulate the bladder at times. Every session has been totally different for me. I feel I am moving in the right direction because i am feeling things i never felt before in my first experience years ago. Will keep trying and track my progress. I thought I was going to take the week off but the urge to try again won me over. Looking forward to things to cum.