Day 1 of 5th attempt

Had a slow long, but not very intense ejaculation yesterday after 13 days. It just drippled out of me with not much force, weak contractions. I was trying to relax instead of tense up to stop the ejaculation.

Anyways – still feeling very different today than the other failed attempts. After the other failed attempts, I wasn’t all that horny or aroused for a few days after and felt a pretty good drop in energy. I feel pretty much the same today, and am actually hornier than I have been in probably a month. It’s not like I’m walking around with a hard on or anything (maybe I do feel a bit less pressure down around my groin area). But mentally, very aroused and horny.

I’m thinking of giving up the challenge. My 3rd and 4th attempt made it to 16 days and 13 days respectively. So basically a month now of ejaculating every 2 weeks aprox. So maybe that explains why I still seem to have so much energy today? It’s been building up over weeks, and it takes more than a single runied orgasm / weak ejaculation to deplete it.

This might be my final attempt. Going to try to avoid masturbating too much, and just be more careful during sex (although it was yesterday by myself that got me into trouble with having my dick in a masturbator, Venus 2000).

Day 13 – last day of 4th Attempt. Day 0 of 5th attempt

Was having a good session with my eupho syn and Venus 2000 masturbator all setup. Was soft most of the session, but getting close quite quickly. Was probably hovering too close to the point of no return for too long. Eventually, when I turned the masturbator off (I turn it off and on every few strokes as I get close) I was tight and couldn’t move the energy up my body. I thought it would be better to turn it back on to get it back up to the highest point of the stroke to sort of “let go” of my dick, but that made it worse and the stroke just caused more tension and contractions. I slowly spilled my load into it, and didn’t try to hold a contraction to stop what I knew was too late.

The ejaculation lasted about double the length of what a normal ejaculation does. And the contractions seemed a little slower and not as strong. I wasn’t that hard either when I ejaculated. In the minutes afterwards, I actually felt almost no loss of sexual energy. Like my head wasn’t a bit cloudy, I still felt kinda horny (although pissed off at myself for slipping up). In fact, it’s been about 15-20 min since I ejaculated, and typing this I’m getting horny thinking about the session and thinking about touching myself again (so will probably go try to play a bit after I type this, just curious what that feels like).

Day 11 of 4th attempt

Have felt pretty consistent for the last few days.

Good mood, a little bit more outgoing, less anxious. Haven’t generally felt horny at all this week, except if I am intentionally trying to get horny. For example, wasn’t really in the mood for a session last night but had some time to myself in the evening. So I set things up and did have a session, after a minute or two I’m totally into it and really enjoying it. But I also find it really easy to stop and then the sexual energy goes down pretty fast. If I start up again, it comes back pretty fast.

Actually a good thing I think.

Also finding it a lot easier to not reach the point of no return. I got a little closer to it than I usually have in my other attempts at the 21 day challenge, and took a few more risks (eg. stroking harder and faster while orgasming and feeling close). But it was easy to relax and be aware of where I was. When I was close, it was easy to slow down and back away from it.

I’m finding that stopping suddenly is almost as worse as speeding up and going harder in that it can make you cum unexpectidly. If I’m close, I’m finding it way better to just slow down a bit, relax, keep orgasming, and the feeling will pass.

Day 7 of 4th attempt

The last few days, and really for most of this 4th attempt, I’ve felt pretty calm energy and grounded.

Had a really good session yesterday afternoon that lasted about 2 hours, a-less. At the start was maybe just a bit too agressive because I was reaching the point of no return pretty quickly and needing lots of breaks. Maybe 2 close calls, but nothing that I couldn’t deal with and carry on.

The whole session my cock wasn’t as hard as it normally would be, especially for having not cum for almost a week! It did get very hard several times, but it was some effort on my part.

The last hour of the session really was amazing – I was stroking my cock lots and more aggressively than usual. I was able to keep myself in an orgasm for over a minute while doing this, and probably had about 15 or so of these orgasms that lasted over a minute while stroking my cock. It was about finding the right intensity to keep me in an orgasm vs. going to hard that I’d reach the point of no return. I felt like I was at the point of no return (and having an orgasm) but had really good control and wasn’t afraid of going over.

Day 4 of 4th attempt

At day 4 – I’ve had really calm energy during the day, not feeling all that sexual. But when I’ve been having sessions/sex in the evening last two days they went really really well. Had lots of control and lots of orgasms, and very easily was able to stay away from the point of no return.

Don’t feel like I have a lot of stored up sexual energy though during the day. But at least my sessions at night have been great! When I stop them, I go soft within about 5-10 min and don’t feel horny. But at the peak of them, even when I end them, I’m really having a good time and feel lots of sexual energy.

Will be interesting to see how the next few days pan out (weekends are my biggest risk for a screw up since Im more likely to have sex, and that can be a little harder to control).

Day 16 – end of 3rd attempt

Last few days was feeling really good. Great mood, good energy, not sexually frustrated. Felt excited about sex a lot during the day, looking forward to sessions that would be coming up.

Also during sessions last few days felt like I had a lot more control and easy to know where to stop stimulation to cock and avoid the point of no return.

Failed last night during playtime. Too much muscular tension I think while playing and triggered the ejaculation reflex. Stopped it with my muscles but the hormones and stiffness of my cock immediately decreased. So while it only lasted a few seconds and there was maybe only one contraction – which I squeezed and held a squeeze for 10-15 seconds to stop further contractions (and nothing came out), i felt different and knew it had gone too far.

So time to start over.

Day 1 of 4th attempt

I feel more tired today and just less horny. When I focus down mentally to what my cock feels like, it just doesn’t feel as sensitive or good as it did before I failed and broke my 16 day no ejaculating streak last night.

Still woke up horny though and jerked off for about an hour. Didn’t cum. But erection would go down fast when I stopped stimulation a few times. But not feeling quite the same. Just more tired, less sensitive to pleasurable touch.

Bit mad at myself that I’m starting from 0 after a successful 16 days but that’s a mental thing I need to get over. I still can enjoy lots of good sessions on the climb back up to tie or exceed my 16 day record. Hard not to be a bit disappointed with myself.

Day 12 of 3rd attempt

No significant changes to the way I feel over the last couple days, so just some observations of things I notice.

Still have a really hard time getting sex off my mind, been like that a few days. When I start fantasizing about something in my head, I get really excited and get almost like a slight anxious feeling or jittery.

Noticed during some sexual contact with partner (just playing with my cock a bit while we were cuddling on sofa) that my physical response to arousal was a bit different. I had a really strong erection at first, but it went down more quickly than usual and I was soft the rest of the time (usually I stay hard). Still felt good though, and didn’t have any orgasmic contractions, but had lots of orgasmic sensations and feelings. Thought I’d have strong orgasms and stronger erections that lasted longer the more I got into the semen retention. I noticed last night, and a solo session day before, that my cock wasn’t as hard as normal and had more periods of just being soft (but still aroused).

Sometimes when I pee, I notice there is some semen at the tip of my urethra after I pee… if I touch it, it’s clearly more thick and stringy than just pee. So leaking a bit I guess.

I have I stronger desire for other parts of my body to be touched, not just my cock.

Day 11 of 3rd attempt

Woke up this morning and feel pretty confident, bit more energetic. Easily turned on, was hard to ignore my morning erection – but I did and got myself to the gym and work.

Last night was having a session with Aneros Eupho, Pro Jr, and Pro Ice (in that order). I think I was just a bit tired. After being horny all day and having sex on my mind almost constantly yesterday, I thought I’d have an amazing session with amazing orgasms. I had some good orgasms, but wasn’t feeling orgasmic for more than about 20-30 min at a time (and did that twice, with about a two hour break in between those two sessions). Stroking my cock really helped with arousal when nothing was happening and was able to enjoy some really long orgasms (longer than normal in duration, but not as intense as I usually get). It was really nice though. Felt very much in control. Able to stroke my cock and orgasm without feeling like I was too close to PONR and didn’t have any close calls.

Today I feel horny again and sex on my mind. But I also feel in control. If I actually try to focus on something else – I can. It’s just hard to because I like thinking about sex 🙂

Day 10 of 3rd attempt

It’s probably been a few years since I went this long without ejaculating, and the first time able to have MMO sessions I’ve not ejaculated this long (was re wired about 1.5 years ago).

Noticed yesterday that I generally just felt like I was in a better mood, and a little bit more energetic during the day. I didn’t feel especially horny or frustrated during the day, but also felt like I could turn myself on easily with thoughts or light touch. I had sex with my partner for about 90 minutes, initially when we started I didn’t get an erection right away, but then after a few minutes I was really hard and really turned on. I was having good orgasms from him stroking me and oral sex, but they seemed like it maybe took a little bit more pleasure to “get there” to an orgasm. I actually thought that was a good thing, because when the orgasm did happen it felt a little stronger (like more pressure had built up and was being released). I also didn’t have a toy in – often I do because 1 – it just feels good and makes orgasms easier to have and 2 – I thought the pressure against my prostate during an orgasm made it harder to ejaculate so felt safer.
Anyways, I was feeling in control and far enough away from the ejaculation reflex that I decided to go A-less for the whole time. We fucked for about 45-60 minutes, and I didn’t have any close calls. Had some really good orgasms though, one that lasted about 2 minutes which was amazing. I felt pretty happy being at that 80-90% level and not too afraid of going to far to like 99% where I could easily trigger the ejaculation reflex. I was really horny, really hard, but after he ejaculated I just pulled out and we stopped. The energy and horniness declined pretty easily – within about 5-10 min i was soft and not feeling frustrated like I missed out on something.