Day 9 of 3rd attempt

Today is Day 9, so beat my previous best attempt of 8 days.

I haven’t really had any big spikes in sexual energy or frustration the last two days. On Saturday (Day 7) I had three sessions (had a few small breaks) and was edging and orgasming for several hours. Was very tempted to ejaculate during the session, but had good discipline and control and didn’t. I felt very frustrated at times during my sessions. On Saturday night I tried to have another session, but it was a dud. I had been stroking my cock a lot earlier that day, and it almost felt numb, didn’t feel much pleasure at all stroking it and couldn’t really get hard. I w as surprised, because I was so turned on and wanting to cum so bad earlier that day – even when I ended things to get on with the day, I was so turned on and hard. I was surprised later that day I didn’t get back to that feeling.

Sunday (Day 8) I was busy and just distracted with other things. So nothing to really report there.

Today (Day 9) I’m noticing that I feel pretty energetic and awake, maybe a bit more than normal. But not really hornier than normal. If anything, a little less sexually frustrated, just more energetic. And noticing that if I touch areas of my body (eg. my face) or if someone else touches me (eg. my partner touches my arm) it feels really good and i get slightly aroused. If more cuddling and touching for a longer period of time, I think I’d get turned on really fast.

Day 7 of 3rd attempt

The biggest change I’m noticing today is I can go from uninterested in sex to completely turned on and rock hard to uninterested and soft in like 2 minutes. I’ve had 4 different sessions today and it’s only 2:30pm. I’m gonna go on to other things now, but I feel so much energy in my groin area right now, and fullness. Even though I’m soft and now not aroused. But I get myself aroused and hard very very quickly if I want.

Likely to have sex later today, so will have to try to do as good a job with all the control I did this morning and make sure I make it to tomorrow, which will tie my previous best of 8 days.

Day 6 of 3rd attempt

Made it through Day 5! I ended up having a long session last night – started with about 90 min of sex, then about 60 min solo session just stroking myself.

I felt like I was “pretty close” almost the whole time during intercourse, which lasted about 45-60 min. Had to go slow a lot, and for some minutes just stayed completely still – even that was enough to have me orgasm a lot. I did get a little closer than I wanted – I found that if I thought I was close, it was better just to stay with the orgasm, thrusting in rhythm and die down with the orgasm. A sudden stop, or sudden contraction was way worse than just relaxing and making slight adjustments to rhythm. So that was good. I lost my erection maybe 2-3 times during the course of the 90 min of sex, so thats not bad – it came back within 2-3 min most of the time.

I was still horny after sex, so stroked my cock slowly for 60 min after and didn’t have any close calls there either, just lots of nice orgasms.

Really good Day 5. Today is Day 6. I still got sex on my mind quite a bit. The videos at calls these few days like around 3-6 hell days because dopamine levels are still really low or something like that. But I feel good, so not sure.

Day 5 of 3rd attempt

Was feeling pretty average last night, not a depleted feeling of sexual energy, but not reved up either. I was walking home from gym in evening and thought about having sex later that evening, but couldn’t decide if i was really in the mood for it. Also, I didn’t really want to risk cumming and thought I’d just be safer if I was by myself. Decided to wait till weekend to have sex and did a solo session instead.

Started with Maximus and got pretty aroused pretty fast. I w as hard most of the session. I used that for about an hour and had a great session with that, pretty strong orgasms. Was also using my hand a little to really slowly stroke my cock. I really paid attention to how slow strokes and relaxing into the orgasm work really well. If I started stroking hard/fast, I could really feel how the ejaculation reflex can come out of nowhere and get close really fast without realizing. It’s like the stroking really fast was causing me to tense up around my groin area and I didn’t have enough time to just relax into the rhythm of an orgasm. I think that is an important lesson I need to remember going forward.

Day 4 of 3rd attempt

I’m still surprised at the drop in libido since starting SR. When I was ejaculating every 2 or 3 days, I almost always felt horny and ready to go within about 12-24 hours after I ejaculated (eg. with my 1st attempt, i was really horny by day 3 and thought it was torture… the 2nd and 3rd attempts have been easy to get to day 4 without the feeling it was torture).

I wonder if perhaps when my 1st attempt made it to day 8, after I ejaculated it was just me noticing more the drop in energy a lot more and it maybe was a bit depressing. When I was ejaculating every 2 or 3 days, perhaps I was always in a depleted state so the change after ejaculating wasn’t as big a shock to my body.

Had an Aneros session last night with Pro Jr. It was okay, had a few medium orgasms and then fell asleep with it in. When I woke up a few hours later I was rock hard and horny, nice feeling. Didn’t play though, just went back to sleep after removing the toy.

Day 2 of 3rd attempt

2 days now since I ejaculated. The first time I tried semen retention (I guess 2 ish weeks ago now), I was really horny and thought it was a huge challenge even by day 2. The 2nd and 3rd attempts, at around the day 2 mark I’ve been much less aroused.

I had a session yesterday, but it didn’t last very long. Was hard for about 30 min or so before I got soft, and had a few orgasms, but nothing too strong. My sessions start to die after 2-3 hours usually, but this one was dead after 30 min. Had one close call (was using a new masturbator toy that literally is powered and jacks you off – so still getting the hang of it), but managed to stay away from ejaculating. But learned a bit of a lesson – I made it to 8 days on the first attempt because I wasn’t touching my cock very much. I keep having close calls lately because I am stimulating my cock. Especially starting a session, it’s easy to trigger the ejaculation reflex with cock stimulation when you aren’t having orgasms quite yet. The orgasms help move that energy away from your cock, so I think I should avoid touching my cock unless I’m well into strong multiple orgasms.

Start of 3rd attempt

Oops. Was having sex with the boyfriend and having lots of multiple orgasms. Just stopped or did one wrong move and triggered the ejaculation reflex. Nothing came out, but know there was a contraction or two at the base of my spine / pumping for at least a second. Lost my erection for a few min. Got it back and finished fucking (without cumming).

Wasn’t sure if I actually came. But the loss of erection and slight feeling of a release now, I’m pretty sure I’ll have to consider that an ejaculation and start from the beginning. I sorta feel some loss of sexual energy. Although I wonder if because it was just a small short feeling of ejacukating I was able to stop, maybe physically I’ll recover faster?

So starting 3rd attempt today. Dammit! This is harder than it sounded.

Day 3 of 2nd attempt

Had a good session last night using Eupho Syn. I sort of forced the session, and wasn’t really in the mood. But I got in the mood pretty quickly, and had several good small intensity orgasms. Compared to last week, the session was pretty tame. I was having crazy long good orgasms last week at this time.

However, I feel better today. I think having a session helped build up some sexual energy and interest and I’m carrying that around today.

Not planning to have sex today, or a session. But will likely have sex Saturday and either sex or a long session on Sunday. So should have lots of juices flowing and stored up in a few days if I’m successful not cumming through the weekend.

Day 2 of 2nd attempt

It’s been about 36 hours now since I ejaculated (at that point had made it to 8 days before I had to start again).

When I was ejaculating 2-3 times per week normally and not trying semen retention, usually by now I would start feeling a bit more interested in sex and horny. I still feel a bit drained and uninterested. So I wonder if the drop in sexual energy after 8 days of not ejaculating has lead to more of a depletion that takes longer to recover from. That almost seems like an argument not to do semen retention.

Gonna see what happens and stick it out. Might try to play with myself tonight in a session and see if just getting some good feelings and pleasure (without ejaculating!) helps build up the energy and interest going forward. I’d hate to think that by Friday/Saturday (tomorrow/Saturday) I’m still feeling depleted and uninterested in sex because of an ejaculation that happened on Tuesday!!!! That simply didn’t happen when I was ejaculating every 2-3 days. Usually within 12-24 hours I was horny again.

Day 1 of 2nd attempt

Today is Feb 22. Day 1 of my 2nd attempt at Semen Retention.

Previous attempts:
1st – 8 days (ended on Feb 21 with accidental ejaculation during edging)

So how did I screw up? Carelessness. I got a new sex toy, but it’s a masturbator/stroker. So I was pretty excited to be using it. Never had anything like that before (uses air pressure to move a cylinder/sleeve up and down your cock at varying speeds). First 2 hour session earlier in afternoon was good. Had a few close calls, but had very good control and successful at stopping the ejaculation. Took a break and had another evening session. At the end of that (about another 2 hours), I just got careless. I felt like I was able to increase stimulation to my cock more and still be under control, but I wasn’t paying enough attention to what I was doing. It was stroking me pretty quick, and the ejaculation reflex came way too fast. I stopped everything, and kept my muscles tense to stop the ejaculation. Nothing actually came out, but i had to hold that tension for a minute and there were some contractions I think. Too much, cause all the sexual energy was gone, and today I feel like it’s empty. All gone.

So on day 1.