Progressing beyond p waves.

Hi there I’ve been using aneros products for over half a year now and I’m wondering if anyone can give me some advice. Frequently in my sessions I reached a point where I would increase rapidly and arousal and this would build and build and completely involuntary contractions would take over but this would not result in pleasureable waves or any kind of notable building pleasure. It would be more like a massive increase building of arousal. Normally (based off the reccomendations online) I would allow the toy to do its thing without any muscle input from myself.

Now recently the same thing has been happening but now I’ve been able to notice pleasureable feelings down there from what I think and assume is my prostate and this pleasure has built in the same way with involuntary contractions building as well and ends up with me being washed over with gentle pleasureable waves for about 30 seconds. This is very similar to the building of arousal and involuntaries but now it sometimes comes with waves of slight pleasure. These sessions sometimes take me 2 hours of a mixture of doing nothing with the toy inserted or light waves of contractions with the pc and anal muscles.

I’m looking for advice on how to either, increase the speed or frequency at which I can reach these states. Or why sometimes I feel pleasure from this buildup and other times it doesn’t come with any pleasure at all and just an increase in arousal. Has anyone else experienced a similar situation to this? Can anyone give me advice on how to progress.

Aneros model advice

Hi there I have the helix trident syn but I’m unsure if it’s the right size for hitting the right spot for me. Can anyone comment on the MGX and whether it’s a bit longer and more suited to reaching the spot a bit further in than the trident? Is there a model that someone can reccomend I move on from the trident to? I have the progasm which is nice and filling but I’m unsure if I’m experienced enough to move onto that. I have been using these toys for about 8 months and have never had anything more than a few p waves.

Difference between finger and toy

When I have a finger inside me and I attempt a come here motion I can hit my prostate and get a nice sensation almost instantly. Is it correct that you shouldn’t feel this with the toy inserted? Even when having involuntary contractions I don’t feel prostate stimulation the same way I would if I was rubbing my finger against it. Can someone comment on this or am I doing something wrong that’s causing the toy not to hit the prostate?

How to progress from involuntaries

Hi there, I’ve been new to this game and over the last 6 months on and off I’ve attempted possibly 10sessions since I first purchased the helix trident syn.

I’ve attempted and tried a number of the tips that are commonly posted here and have made some progress strengthening the PC muscles etc. The stage I am currently at is that I can (without much effort) cause what I believe to be extended periods of involuntary contractions. These involuntary contractions usually lead to periods where I feel very aroused but that is all. If I focus on these involuntaries sometimes (with my eyes closed and focusing on my breathing) I can cause myself to start spinning but not in a dizzying way. These two results of involuntary contractions are the only progress I have made. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, what sensations I should be focusing on to try and achieve p-waves.

I’ve also considered the toy isn’t working for me. When I have tried or my girlfriend has used a finger inside me it has felt like my prostate was actually being stimulated and besides being a nice feeling using the toy and having the involuntary contractions I don’t feel it actually stimulate my prostate or any sort of build up of pleasurable feelings in that area. Where exactly should the pleasure or p-waves originate so I understand where to focus and cultivate them?

Any help anyone can give would be most appreciated.