How to overcome stigma around sex toys?

I’m 18M and in college so this is the first time I can get a sex toy discreetly. I want something different as masturbating with my hand is getting boring. I’m looking at the Aneros Helix Syn as my first toy. 

I’m apprehensive for some reason. I feel like I might be weird for getting a sex toy. I know there’s nothing wrong with toys. I just feel like there’s a stigma around men using toys for pleasure and that stigma is stopping me.

Has anyone else felt similar before buying their first toy?

Also, how has using an Aneros toy affected your non-prostate orgasms? I want to explore because I’ll be a long distance from my GF, but I still really want to enjoy regular orgasms. Does it “ruin” your enjoyment of “regular” orgasms? I’ve only seen one question about this, so I just wanted some more opinions.

I really appreciate your responses!

-also posted on /r/sex for more answers