Wearing my Progasm in public right now

I’m running some errands and going to the dr and decided to wear my progasm out cause I’m fucking horny. Oh my god it feels fucking amazing. I love the fact that I’m walking around people and they have no idea that I’ve got this shoved up my ass and getting off to it and could orgasm at any moment.

Anyone else wear their aneros in public?

Wearing aneros out in public and sleeping with it in

Hi Everyone.

I have used aneros products off and on the last 8 years probably but haven’t in the last 2. Ever since I got married I stopped using it because my wife doesn’t know about how much I like playing with my prostate (she has weird hangups about anal sex in general).

Anyways, I plan on buying one tonight at the local sex store and wearing it after my wife falls asleep. I know that may prevent me from relaxing all the way and letting go, but I want to have something in there at night. Are there any complications from wearing it while you sleep? I know having enough lube is an important thing so it doesn’t dry out. But will I wake up in the middle of the night shaking and groaning from the aneros doing it’s thing?

Also, what is the stance on wearing it out in public? I know it will stay in there, but could it cause any problems and/or embarrassment?

I can’t fucking wait to start using this again!