My path to Super-O


1. Avoid jerking off watching porn
2. Let go of control
3. Size of toy may not matter that much

Hi there, since a few weeks I got the point I can reliably summon Super-Os. So I thought it is a good idea to share what worked and what did not for me.

Like many of us, I read tons of guides, some of which were contradicting others and kept me confused. Moreover many guides are written by experts who already achieved Super-O and are somewhat harder to interpret by people who are in the beginning of the journey. I hope this will be useful.


### Jan

Received Lelo Bruno. Manual toys are oldschool and cool kids should get battery powered toys, right?

### Feb

Had around 5 sessions with Bruno while watching regular porn in front of the PC. No luck. Jerking off with vibrator in did somewhat improve orgasm but nothing to write home about. Realized I needed to research more and there is not going to be a delayed gratification thing, again.

### March

Got MGX trident. Tried steps from the wiki (breathing, contractions, CaveOfMystery method, donothing). Absolutely no pleasant sensations whatsoever. I did notice sometimes during exhale combined with some very specific PC contraction there was a “feeling”. It was not pleasurable but not unpleasant either. Motivated by some progress, decided to help my prostate awake by ordering another gadget. We all know ordering stuff online is the way for the win.