So I’m a beginner since I just started a month ago and like most beginners, I grew frustrated. I watched the mindgasm videos (highly recommended) and could feel something and get p shivers but that was it. When inserting the helix trident it would just feel like something was in there but nothing else, kind of uncomfortable especially standing up.
I have an open mind and if you’re a beginner you might know what I’m talking about. However, it happened today completely unexpected right after waking up. I read about how you’re less likely to orgasm if you’re wanting it. It felt like being in a half awake dreamy like state is the perfect opportunity.
I also read that edibles make a huge difference so I took two THC pills and I just laid back with my feet flat getting comfortable under the covers. I started get into a meditative state where all I could feel were my arms feeling heavy. I started focusing on breathing for 15-20 minutes while doing nothing, just breathing. Once the edibles started to kick in a bit I mentally contracted my PC muscle and held it. I started to actually feel my prostate.