Evey session feels better than the last one since two years

I started to feel insane sensations during my sessions two years ago. They were so intense that it was clear to me that those were orgasms.

Ever since, I tell myself after every session that: “this is the most intense pleasure I’ve ever experienced”.

Does it ever stop feeling better?

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Ive been working with aneros and expeiranced something weird.

So. I did aneros session. It was great, i was horny, super relaxed and warm under the blanket but also kinda sleepy. At first me being sleepy was annoying but later i used that for my advantage and felt something super insane. So i was doing breathing and just enjoyed little sensations (cos i was sleepy) and suddenly i would get into sleeping state for a short moment then kinda wake up again (after maybe couple minutes) and suddenly i get very sensitive to the sensations which almost led me somewhere. I dont know but i wake up then i focus and suddenly feel this weird pleasure deep in my soul that did “reps”. It felt like blackhole was trying to suck me in but it did it with too much force so i was sent back into the stellar space. Anyone experianced something like this?

Aneros Helix Syn V Review

One of my all-time favorite prostate toys, and my go to for a long time has been the Aneros Helix Syn. My experience with vibrating stimulators had been pretty bad as most of them feel like you shoved an industrial concrete vibrator up your ass and your insides are getting scrambled, so this kept me from trying the Helix Syn V. After a discussion with an Aneros rep, I decided to give the V a shot since the power can be turned way down.

Aneros Helix Syn V Review

The blessed week

Happened to me a few years ago. I was 17 and was curious about prostate play. I bought my helix trident and had literally little to no sensations, even after several sessions. I remember thinking “these mfs are all liars who work for aneros, I’ll never buy their toys again”. I got frustrated and really wanted to hfo, so I bought dildos and learned to do it after only a few trials.

Fast forward to that “blessed week” 2 years later. It’s may 2021 and I’m in college. That year was intense for me, was working hard every day. And that week I had exams from 8am to 5pm for 5 days straight. It was monday evening and I was studying for my upcoming chemistry exam. Searching through some old papers in my bedroom I find my helix syn trident. It was 9pm and I thought to myself “You’ve worked enough, why not give this toy one last try and toss it if it still doesn’t work”.

I lie in bed, switch off the lights, put the aneros in and watch some porn. And of course, I do not touch my dick. I was just squeezing my ass a little and could feel something building up, I was scared to let go so I held tight untill I couldnt hold it anymore. My dick started dancing like crazy and I was moaning really loud, I couldnt believe what was happening. I tried different positions and my body started shaking and I couldnt stop. It felt so hot. I had to sleep so I pulled out the aneros while my body was still shaking, not knowing whether or not I’d be able to do this again. I laughed like crazy after that, amazed by what had just happened. It was unreal.

All I can do is a wet coregasm / need help!

I have been using my aneros helyx syn trident (forgot exact name) for 3 years now but mostly just to boost my penile orgasms strenth. Couple months back I first managed to have a handsfree orgasm with aneros massager inside but only by flexing legs straight and crossed and abs as if I were doing crunches half reps as it stimulated my prostate (cant do it without flexing, too weak pc muscles I guess). Today I discovered this subreddit and would love to hear advices on how to reach what you boys call dry orgasm and super orgasm. By now I always thought only the type I can do (I believe they call it coregasm) that I practiced 3 years to achieve existed, omg.

Hello and thank you!

Can someone describe their successful session for me pls

It’s just that I’ve been on this journey for like three months now and I still can’t tell if I’ve gotten a pwave or not.

I just wanna cross reference with y’all on what I’m suppose to look for

I’ve been trying to meditate during each session with varying success, mainly my adhd preventing me from focusing for more than 10 minutes, my thoughts keeps drifting.

And even if I think I’m doing something, the sensation I do feel feel like a singular dot pleasure /pressure laser focused on my prostate, beside that I’ve haven’t encounter any other sensation.
Thanks in advance

What did I get into?

So… here is the story. I’ve played around with traditional dildo type toys… have gotten some “sensations” but I was usually pretty disappointed in any kind of results.

Last week – I finally pulled the trigger and ordered a Helix trident syn (I think… the black non vibrating one) and while i was waiting for that to arrive – i ordered the progasm. I actually received the progasm first.. and was excited to try it out. I inserted – and was surprised to find that it did NOT readily slip out. – I used it for about 90 minutes – but nothing really.. a couple “ooh.. what was that? ” then gone away.

A couple days later my Helix arrives. I find myself with a rare “day by myself” and I figure I’m gonna try this out.

I inserting the Helix. Nothing special. I lay on my back.. slowly doing some contractions. It feels ok… but I feel that I’m just not relaxed enough.

I flip over to lay on my stomach. Flacid- pushed downward where my pelvis is against the bed. I seperate my legs a little- but angle my legs like I’m kinda pigeon toed – opening up my ass a little.

I quickly find out that if I pull the helix into my core – and hold it – it will eventually lose “its grip” and like a worn out fatigued muscle – it kinda “flutters” back to relaxed. This starts some sensations

Tried out the Maximus and had the most intense orgasms yet.

My Maximus arrived in the post today. It’s a model I’ve been trying to get for a while so I was quite excited to finally get my hands on it.

It wasn’t my intention to try it out today but as soon as I opened the box I wanted it in me.

My first impressions weren’t good actually. I didn’t find it particularly comfortable during the first 5 mins but ended up playing around with some contractions and it felt a lot better. Settled down with deep valley breathing and had involuntary contractions after around 10 mins. During the next 30 minutes I had some incredible feelings that were new to me. Really strong sensations in my head, particularly around the area right above my ear. A sort of pleasurable pressure.

The pleasure would build in my head, involuntaries would happen and then I’d have an orgasm wash over my body. Rinse and repeat every few minutes. After a while it felt like my prostate was connected directly to my head, each contraction would send out pleasure that I could feel building in my head. Each contraction would increase in pleasure too. I had THE hardest erection that I’ve ever had which seemed to make the involuntaries stronger. I couldn’t tell if the Maximus was getting drawn in to me or pushed out. The pleasure was so strong now and I was having dry orgasms, prostate orgasms on top of full body orgasms. Everything was so intense.

HFDO from external anus stimulation

In my last session I had an elevated heart rate from running around the house right before laying down to play. So I decided to take it real slow to give myself some time to relax.

After calming down and relaxing a bit I decided to continue but keep it slow. I lubed up a finger and started slowly stimulating my butthole with circular motions. Immediately I noticed p-waves spreading so I pursued it for a few minutes and was rewarded with several back to back dry orgasms.

These orgasms were triggered by the external anal stimulus, but centered in the prostate. They felt identical to the smaller (non-superO) HFDOs that I get with the aneros inserted.

Has anyone else been able to reliably orgasm from external anal stimulation alone?

Finding useful posts

I am sure that many, if not most, of you already know this, but I just discovered it today. When you are looking at posts in a community it defaults to hot posts first and you can also change it to most recent posts. What I never noticed is that you can also sort by top posts then select top over the last day, I think 30 days, year, or all time. When you sort by top posts over the last year or all time (each gives slightly different results) you can find some real gems that you otherwise would have never seen. I found some really useful stuff in there pretty quickly.

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