Trying to remember the hypno female audio voice that gives steps to reach prostate and super o’s … can’t remember who or what it is tho.

It was a website with different audio clips of like explaining when to flex your muscles, hold, repeat etc. it was a female voice, and everything is free during locktober? I really don’t know how else to explain it, can someone please help!

It’s recommended to use an aneros product while indulging with this audio. That’s why I’m asking here.

Session music

So not related to any techniques or anything but I wondered if people use music during their session? I know binaural beats have been mentioned on here and I have tried those but I prefer to not wear headphones if possible and I have a particular favourite album that I love to listen to during my sessions. It’s called “Orchid” by an artist called Ishq and I guess it’s kind of new age type relaxation music but I find it is a bit more upbeat and with lots more going on than you’d usually get in that genre. I find bits of it very mildly erotic but I don’t imagine it was written to be that way. I’m still on the journey rather than having had outright success but my sessions seem to be getting better and better and I’m just really enjoying whatever each one brings me now rather than chasing a super O


Where should I focus on when relaxing, I’ve heard some people said to focus on prostate exclusively while some other said to focus on other sensation such as chest, abdominal and legs.

I kinda can’t do the second one cuz I don’t really know what I’m looking for. Do yall have any descriptor that might help?, like is it similar to a chill, tickle etc

Thanks in advance

How high do you get for your sessions?

I get… pretty goddamn high.

In the beginning, if I went passed a certain level, I would be overcome with extreme anxiety, fear and panic (you all know what I’m talking about).

However, the more times I accidentally overdid it, the less panic I would feel the next time. It’s literally as if I crossed the line so many times that my mind went “Ok, every time we overdo it, nothing bad actually happens.” so now, all that anxiety I get is replaced with even more intense orgasms because I’m able to stay relaxed now no matter how high I get.

Take last session, I got so high I thought I was literally fucking the women in the porns I was shuffling through. It was /extremely/ erotic and hot. Eventually I almost forgot I even existed lol

HFWO with Peridise

Wow I have HWFOs before but this seemed different. Warmed up with the big peridise during a mindgasm lesson (3) lightly following along and then swapped to the small one with the mindgasm 2 hour no talking audio on YouTube. I was fully expecting to move my way up through the toys to the progasm or eupho which has given HFWOs before. But then I concocted a new fantasy where my wife was fingering me and it was her finger that was dancing around my prostate. In my fantasy – and out loud – I was begging her to not make me cum from my ass. I think I had a light HFDO and then immediately went into a powerful HFWO. Guess she didn’t listen to me in my fantasy.

I’ve had a hard time not trying to force something to happen. Maybe this flip of my mind combined with the domination fantasy was what I needed. I’ll try it again tomorrow and see.

What I’m really surprised with is that I had a O at all with the peridise. I used to think my P spot was pretty deep and it seems that the eupho just barely hits it. What gives?

Experienced bottom trying to get into prostate massagers

Hi there!

So I’ve been looking to treat myself to an aneros toy so I can learn more about my body and what’s going on down there. However, I need some advice on which model to get; I’m no beginner when it comes to anal but I’ve noticed I lack the ability to separate those important muscles.

Should I stick to the recommendation of the helix/mgx or should I take the long route and go for a eupho?

separating the floor and pc muscles

hey all! i posted a while back asking about any tips on the process of separating the two muscle groups, but should’ve been more specific.

for those of you that had to consciously gain control of both groups independently, was it gradual, or kind of sudden? does control come with strength?

i feel kind of stuck in that aspect and am not sure if i’m on the right track

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I was screaming in pleasure…

Last night my buddy and I rode together via audio call and I had to shove my face on the pillow so I could scream as much as I wanted when the first super O came by… holy wow… what a feeling…
It rocked my world, my whole body contracted to a point where I was static, almost frozen by all the muscle contractions. A hit of poppers and I exploded in bliss… couldn’t stop laughing. My buddy shot hands free and growled like a massive bear. Our prostates and minds were so connected that it seemed like we were side by side.

New to prostate massagers, any advice?

I just got a prostate massager like a couple days agos and I don’t really know how to use them. Ive been listening to mindgasm lately but can’t understand how I can use what I learned from mindgasm and implement it with my massager. I have a couple questions to ask.

What muscle should I use when iserting the massager, the PC muscle or the base?

How do I stay relaxed and concentrate when doing prostate play?