Curious if anybody has ever tried THC lube oil or THC suppositories

Just curious if anybody has tried to use either of these types of products?
I know you can buy THC lube oil or THC suppositories at a dispensary.

Just wondering what the Feeling might be compared to using an edible. I do know that it does not provide the same type of mind / body high but wondering if the effect might help the overall HFO multiples

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Relax question

If during a session, I feel my abs muscle or leg muscle starting to tense involuntarily(as in just stuck in tense mode), should I actively relax the muscle or just let it happen

Thx in advance

Peridise and eupho and the do nothing approach

So I finally bought a Peridise. Here are my thoughts: i practiced with the smaller one. Inserted but not all the way. I kept the bulb towards the handle outside (is this right?). Tried relaxing and doing nothing. And felt nothing. So tried to squeeze and still nothing. Then switched to eupho with do nothing approach that usually gets me good feelings and found it really hard to relax. So does the Peridise make it harder to relax?

Also quick q. For the aneros massages, I notice that the male anatomy shows that the prostate is only like 2 inches in but the massages are like 4 inches. So is it really massaging the prostate or the seminal vesicles? I ask because lately I get pain when I use the eupho that’s deep inside.

dry spell

Hello everyone,

I’m writing in regards to a dry spell with my aneros use. Almost a year ago I achieved my first and only truly successful sessions (involuntary, powerful, indescribably dry orgasms for hours on end, they felt similar to penile orgasms but deeper and just so much better). Some background that makes this situation complicated is that when I achieved that session I did so rather unconventionally. Most people on here talk about involuntary twitching causing the toy to stimulate the prostate which leads to orgasm. However, that night, the way I got there was by repeatedly flexing my pc muscle and hitting my prostate over and over for some time until suddenly I wasnt flexing anymore and the toy was fucking me. I’ve tried to do this again but it doesn’t happen. I’ve tried doing nothing, tried sustained long flexes, porn, no porn, weed, no weed, and it simply won’t happen. Any advice on getting back to achieving dry orgasm would be so helpful.

Should I buy Helix and MGX?

Hi everyone, just looking for people’s thoughts.

I have the Eupho Trident, Maximus Trident and the Progasm ice. I like these for their varying sizes, and they all give me crazy good times in their own ways.

I have the Helix and the MGX (both Trident) in my cart but hesitant to purchase in case they’re overly similar to the ones I have. Like, are the stem grooves noticeable on the MGX? Is there any need to get the Helix now that I’m perfectly proficient with the ones I have, knowing that the Helix can be known as the usual beginner model?

Any opinions greatly appreciated. Have a great day!


I just had my third session where there are u voluntariness, as in :

– my abs started to tense
-body moving on its own
But, other than that subtle pleasant feeling in my prostate, I feel nothing else in my body, it just feels like my body moving on its own tbh,

Also, is it posiibel than my mind is subconsciously moving it to create a reaction cuz although it feels involuntary, it kinda feels like my body is like faking the movement like I can control if that make sense

PO or super T?

Started two months ago with the helix syn trident and maxi trident. Started out with only slight positive feelings and more intense penile orgasms with Aneros in. Since then I now consistently get p waves and my prostate craves it. I usually end sessions with a penile orgasm, what I’ve noticed is that the prostate sensations are good but get much more pleasurable and intense once I start touching my penis. If I edge myself, I’m usually able to push myself over the edge with just the Aneros. This type of orgasm feels like it’s originating from my prostate and feels more intense and satisfying than a normal one. Is this a HFWO? Or am I triggering a normal orgasm because I am edging myself?

Helix syn vs MGX syn

I’ve had the helix syn trident and maximus trident (non syn) for about 2 months now. I’ve had the best results so far with the helix as the maxi sometimes feels too hard and intense. Just got the njoy pure wand and peridise as well, have had good results with the njoy but not much experience yet. I really like the look of the blue mgx syn, wondering if it’s worth picking up or if it will be very similar to the helix.

Catastrophic Week

I’ve broken not one but two tabs off two toys this week. K tab from my best friend MGX, may not be so bad as I’d bent it away to get more pressure anyway. Then the P tab off my Progasm Ice! 😢

Bought myself a Hush 2 to console myself and still have my Trident and Progasm Jnr.

I cannot believe this orgasm that I had my last session!

I was recently having a new prostate massage session that wasn’t great, but still good, if you know what I mean. I had a few orgasms but they were difficult to arrive at, and not the best I had ever had (not even close).

So here I am thinking of calling it, when I decide that I should jerk off for health ( seriously, we need to get it out at least three times per week to maintain health in the prostate). So I begin the clean up process/device removal, then start jacking, I do not cum easily from masturbation. I prefer prostate massage for my masturbation now.

I finally get close, I start climbing the point of no return, suddenly I start having a mega wave, Super wave probably is a better name. Picture a sphere around you, you are inside a clear bubble. Suddenly that bubble comes shrinking from the outside to the inside of your body, it feels like the tingling/buzzing you get from being abruptly scared. The bubble goes zooming into the prostate. The feeling from this is beyond words, as I Cum my prostate contracts so hard that it takes over the majority of the orgasm feelings. My prostate feels like it’s being squeezed from every direction, I squirt like a fountain ⛲️, filling my bowl that I keep under me. The cum was so thick and there was five or more times the normal amount.