Reflections on My First Session

Reposted from the forum…

First of all, thank you for the kind encouragement and comments. From what I have read on this forum so far it is apparent that the members who post here are extremely supportive. On this journey, which in and of itself is ultimately a personal and solitary endeavor, having others to share experiences and insights with is vital.

I may take up the offer of starting a blog of my progress. I think it would be of general and personal interest.

As a brief follow up to today’s session, I wanted to touch on a few things. The most immediate is the “state” I find myself inhabiting. By “state” I mean my current emotional/psychological condition. I find it extraordinary that the feelings of well-being continue to persist. Throughout the day, I have reflected not a few times on how good I feel. I have been under the heavy cloud of depression for most of my adult life. I have taken medication for it. I have practiced meditation. I have experienced contentment and quiet joy at various times through medication and meditation. What I experienced today was very much like those occurrences. The major difference is that I haven’t been on medication in over four years or meditated for even longer.

Who could imagine a supposed medical/sexual device as an instrument of mental well-being? Though it’s early yet in my exploration, this first experience bodes well for this kind of application.