I’ve been having very regular sessions recently, generally every 2 days if not more. Yesterday I had a 3 hour session in the morning and a 6 hour session in the evening ending at about midnight. At 4am I woke up suddenly with a fast heart beat and that sort of tingling/buzzing feeling in my pelvis and abdomen and noticed I was getting erect. Ripped off my clothes, played with my nipples and wow. Dry orgasm. It felt so amazing to do it without a device inserted and to have a dry orgasm whilst very erect too.
I carried on deep breathing and had some more p-waves and fairly intense pleasure that I couldn’t even pin point. Had the hardest erection I’ve ever had and couldn’t resist some edging which triggered p-waves and some really nice feelings in my legs. Went to sleep soon after 🙂
I’ve been having a lot of a-less feelings outside sessions recently that seem to come on randomly but mainly when I’m tired or falling asleep. I might try actively encouraging them in future. Tip’s appreciated