At the internist's office

Went to see my doctor, getting my periodic diabetic checkup. Mentioned to him that I'd had an odd experience; within the last month I'd learned to call up dry orgasms at will just by requesting a p-wave.

"That's unusual."

He asked if it was a problem I wanted to get rid of.

"No, I don't think so", I opined.

Drove on with the diabetic checkup. 8>)

He did think the folks doing the Alzheimer study I'm participating in over at the Abby van Buren Unit at Mayo Clinic might be interested. Currently they just have me reacting to cards being flipped over on a computer, or tracing a maze several successive times.

Ya cain't never tell …

My knee was giving me fits in the morning, and I took two alleve tabs. When my wife went shopping, i thought it was a good time to relax … I cleaned and lubed and put in the smallest peridise. But instead of howling ecstasy, I just got a couple of mini-O's and one small thrash. After a good whil lying there dozingly, I gave up and moved to the next size up. Again, I had my pc's playing soccer with the bulb, and went nowhere but to sleep. Gave up, cleaned up. and my wife came home.

I'm suspecting that the Alleve interferes with more than pain coming up the nerves.

However, when I went to bed, I was thinking of telling my internist about my newly found gift of calling up dry orgasms at will, tried calling up a couple of p-waves that brought minis, licked the end of my finger, WOOOO! I got a Aneless super that kept me rolling with p-waves and supers for an hour before I collapsed into sleep!

Now I'm sort of scared of what the Eupho Syn will do to me next time it rides me. Last time, I was hallucinating I was in a woman's body having intercourse with my beloved. And I haven't had a dick in me since high school when my best friend and I, with inadequate lube, tried to find out what sex felt like.

Session 1 – Auto Contractions

I am a 20 year-old from Georgia.
I have tried to use my aneros before, but tried to hurry into a prostate O than dry O; therefore, this is consider my first time really trying to create dry O.s
About 15 min into the session, I contracted by PC muscle and started to get involuntary contraction, it feels a little bit good, not like awesome or anything… I was sitting in a chair as that involuntary contraction started, so I climbed into bed and really start to work for it.
Very interesting thing happened: as I was having auto contractions, I started to play with my nipples, and it creates this insane sensation that makes me want to release somewhere, it also make my body feel very hot, occasionally I would feel as if a warm halo is surrounding me; but since the sensation is too great, I had to stop nippling myself.
The auto contraction, again, didn't bring me super awesome feeling. Just, good feeling. Since this auto contraction is on the pc muscle, i tried to translate it to my anal muscle to see if I will create an anal contraction; tried several time, and I think I had seconds of good feeling paroxysmally. In the end, I feel tired and tried to beat off. At the same time, I tried to incorporate tantric breathing – trying to lead the building orgasmic sensation up the spine than out the penis. However, the orgasm was only ok, didn't feel too good. I haven't been having good feeling orgasm for a while, and I just wonder how can I improve my orgasmic pleasure level?
to be continued…

So, what's going on?

Well, I've given Aneros a first exploration. What explains my taking to it so quickly and my current supersensitivity without it in?

I suspect that fifty years of sensual exploration may have a lot to do with it. And my current geezer status with the ED and shortage of semen may have been leading to the facility with dry orgasms. Although I could get what i thought of as female orgasms with nipple play. Just didn't gealize what I had.

Now that I can trigger a p-wave and a super-O just by thinking, I'm wondering whether this gift might be interesting to someone over at the Mayo Clinic here in town. )I've been watching "Masters of Sex" on Showtime.(

Guess I'll quit trying to explore and analyse; pop my helix syn into my tail, relax, and bliss out for a couple of hours.

If you hear someone howling at the moon, it'll be me.

So; experimentation and Mark Twain's Remarks on the Science of Onansim.

Well, my wife and daughter went off to visit another daughter and my grandchildren for the day and night. Around midnight Friday, I was wondering how my regular reflexes and possibilities were doing after the previous day's hypersensitivity. So down in my lounger, I undressed, lay back, put my laptop on my belly and found nice a porn of sweet young things making love. (; search lovers orgasm over 10m to get ones by, who specialize in female/couple-friendly artistic HD porn They kiss a lot, laugh a lot, and seem like they give a damn about one another.

My standard jack-off to ejaculation worked fine, and I'd had time enough since the last time to have some secretions available. )It seems to take me about four pwaves, losing my erection between them to get there.(

So, there I was, a few hours later; wondering how things would go with the helix; considering …

I still don't have the tight kind of control; I lost it onto the rug in the bathroom getting up from loading it in. Got onto the bed and reloaded it. A half-hour into it, using my normal doing-nothing, I had progressed from a few timid flutters to waves of super-Os howling at the moon; literally this time, since I was alone in the house. I could get used to this soooo fast!

my new blog

I was up til the wee hours chit-chattering my brains out with the most silly nonsense with dj and brine, the after-hours club. I finally closed the lid of my laptop thinking I would go to sleep. I was curious about how my body would respond to the severely modified MGX, no p-tab or handle ring. And how the Tantric prana exercises which I learned yesterday would affect me. So I played with moving energy around with no-touch, and with concentrating energy in my abdomen. I felt the prana or energy follow my no-contact hands like nothing I've ever experienced. It is a new super power for me. I'm reminded of a childhood dream about my grandfather walking around with his hands extended and rays coming from them onto the trees and plants. He was a great gardener. So I finally fall into a deep sleep and wake up at dawn, feeling very good. Wave after wave of sweet contractions with a rolling sense of pleasure, the most intense and longest series of dry orgasms yet. So this is what they were talking about! I still had to give the contractions a push start occasionally, but they kept on coming for hours. This time I felt the presence of some of the men here, thinking about me, caring about me, encouraging me, knowing me at some deep level. I kind of got concerned thinking that men were talking about me behind my back but decided that they meant me no harm. I've had some bad experiences with men in my life. I haven't much noticed this kind of presence before, mostly my own empathic feelings about certain men. Some of the men touching me I didn't even know. It wasn't a vision as much as a thought. I imagined what they were saying. At last I really needed to get back to sleep but found it impossible because of the pleasure. I took out the MGX with great difficulty because my ass didn't want to let go, knows a good thing. But the orgasms continued and seemed to be escalating the more I tried to quiet my body. I started feeling my ass, my anus, perineum, scrotum, looking for the"off" switch. Unfortunately unlike Data, I don't come with that feature. So I decided to just cup and hold my balls and dick, my old friends, which I usually find comforting. I was afraid my dick would get the wrong idea but he behaived and the orgasms slowly passed. I never did get back to sleep but it was worth it!

The Mapping of Greater Orgasmic Responses

[11:04:43] artform: By awakening our prostates, we are awakening the energies that power our regular ejaculatory orgasms, and we learn to separate those dry energetic Responses from the wet orgasms Response. That separation of those two elements of regular sexual orgasms is the great key and great gift from the aneros practice.

[11:04:48] djblackknight: It's my body telling me it's fun time

[11:05:11] artform: could be indeed, most likely!!

[11:05:42] djblackknight: O wow

[11:05:42] artform: Could you take a bit of time and have a hands-free, no ejac session then?

[11:06:10] artform: Although that could make the 3:00 am thing a habit tough to break too.

[11:06:35] djblackknight: Yeah

[11:08:02] djblackknight: This chat has helped open my eyes a bit and I have gained understanding in this

[11:08:39] djblackknight: I will take all the understanding I can get

[11:09:09] artform: The guys talking hallucinations are experiencing some of the possible effects from the higher levels of dry orgasms, and there is no need to fear those, as I will explain now.

[11:09:29] artform: Evere do Tai Chi or any Kung Fu?

[11:09:41] djblackknight: No

[11:10:15] djblackknight: Would that help

[11:11:20] artform: Those practices are based on the same energies we all have that drive our Orgasmic Response, as separated the Ejac Response.

[11:12:03] djblackknight: Okay

Further info on the start — my history

Where am I? I had my first really big orgasms in my 20's. I took a sensuality class from Maxine Sanini [Rey Anthony]. She taught us about pushing out when your orgasm starts. She said you could lose a few when you were learning to do it, but if you could get into it, it was amazing. You bet it was! For me, if I pushed out hard, my ejaculations felt like my consciousness was blowing out through the top of my skull, splattering against the ceiling, dripping down the walls, and slowly flowing back to me. I taught a lover, and she was having two-minute orgasms, almost bucking me off the bed.

When I married, however, my vife, although orgasmic, had very little interest in anything not plain vanilla. And having five kids in the house cut down the joyous noises from the bedroom.

But now the kids are all gone. I found the internet, and, having never lost my deep and abiding interest in sexuality, I found symatico chat rooms. Bianca's Smut Shack; State of Insanity )still there.; and the Verandah.

I loved cybersex, and at the Verandah I presented myself as Poly. Polymorphously perverse, with a whole bunch of repressed personalities that loved to get out and play; Recreational multiple personalities, as it were, I never broke character when I was in one. If IThey got the action; I got the orgasms. Seemed like a fair trade.

Sleepover–what could possibly go wrong ?

Sleepover–what could possibly go wrong ? — or, Sometimes things go bump in the night!

A couple of nights ago I visited Chat. The Chat server was having some difficulties managing identities. So we were rather anonymous. I hadn't planned an Aneros session but had been several days since my last and I seldom do "overnight" sessions so opted to ready myself and my toys and turn into bed early. I checked with my wife and learned that she wasn't interested in any part of my bod so sealed a deal with myself to see what a 'sleepover' with my Helix-syn might yield.

On the way to the shower I split a Viagra tab and swallowed it down, thinking it would "augment" my nether regions and prompt me to undertake a Super-T when my Testosterone spiked at 3 a.m.

Prep went smoothly and in less than an hour I presented my squeeky clean naked body and brain to the joys of Dame -syn. I had carried along my tablet computer and decided to continue the chat I'd started an hour earlier inspite of a standing preference to not multitask a session with Aneros Chat.

Just a few minutes after I lubed up and inserted my -syn, I sensed the start of deep fascia tremor and knew this would be an excellent ride. I allowed the tremor to develop and draw energy from my Dan Tien down into my lower limbs where it grew to major shaking.

Newbie Needs Super O Tips!!!!!

Hey Gents. Just got my Helix this past Friday and used it 5 days in a row. I'm already addicted!!!
Going to try and control myself until Saturday which will be the next time I'll be alone with plenty of time to play. I should be good and ready!! I got the involuntary contractions real easy from the first session. I'm even starting to feel the difference between the anal and prostate contractions now. The tug of war between the two is amazing and feels great. Just haven't had a Dry O or Super O yet. The anticipation of my first one is killing me so I'm looking for tips to help me get there…

1( Should I concentrate on the prostate or anal contractions? Which are more important to reaching the O??

2( When the contractions get really fast does that mean I'm getting closer?

3( Do you have to be clenching up to hit the O or is it more involuntary? Sometimes I think I might be squeezing too hard in anticipation.

4( Which position do you think would give me the best chance of hitting the O??

I know many of the answers will be unique to each person, but I believe the more information I have the quicker I can reach my goals. I want to make sure I'm not missing anything or doing anything that will delay my progress. Any advise will be greatly appreciated..