Did you cut the back branch of your aneros ?

Hi !

I’ve been on my path since few years ago and recently i took the decision to cut the back of my aneros (The branch going to the back, not the one in front going for the perineum)

I’ve seen a difference with my helix and damn, the 2 sessions i made since then made me progress a lot.

Now i was wondering if i should also cut the same part on my Eupho or not, i do feel like it might block it from truly reaching my prostate (i got a big ass) and think i can buy a new one if it’s not working, but i always got the doubt ..

Does anyone else tried, saw a difference, or regret ?

Thank you !

Helix Syn V Questions

I am a 23 yo and have an Aneros helix Syn V. It’s really comfortable but I feel like I’m not close to a super o. I feel that the first 20-30 minutes of my session are the best as I definitely feel pleasure but after that the feelings subside and I eventually end my sessions since I lose interest. I was looking for suggestions as many people can have a session for a few hours and really want to reach the super o.

If you are stuck maybe take a break for a couple of weeks

After not having a lot of progress over the last half year or so I was getting a bit tired of my Aneros collection. It got to the point where I prepared myself a couple of times but as soon as I layed down I decided that sleeping was the better option.

I used a Lovense Edge sometimes which was nice but not much to write home about. Other times I jerked it normally, maybe with some perineum massage. I didn’t totally stop prostate play but I certainly did it way less frequently.

Well, after like a month of doing this the urge to try a massager again got me. My first session with the Eupho was decent but nothing new.

A couple days later though my prostate started to tingle during the day. I was looking forward to trying again. I used the Helix that night and it was the first session where I could continuously feel the Aneros rubbing my prostate. As normal I finished by stimulating my penis but this was easily one of my best sessions.

I think taking a break helped me to get rid of old patterns. Generally I was much more relaxed than previously and didn’t buck my hips up and down when things got going. Also I wasn’t contracting as strongly as before. I would contract only lightly and wait a couple of seconds to feel the pressure from the helix. Then I fully released and started again.

From MGX to Helix or Eupho?

Basically, I own an MGX classic and want to upgrade to a Helix or an Eupho. It’s been years and I still haven’t made any substantial progress with my MGX despite knowing my prostate well by now, so I thought that maybe it was time to change models. I guess my question is whether failing with the MGX implies that the Helix would make a better upgrade than the Eupho or viceversa.

From my experience, I don’t feel like I need to go up in size and that’s why I’ve narrowed it down to the Helix and Eupho, but I’m still undecided between the two. I used to think that the MGX was overall too aggressive but it turns out it’s probably just the P-tab, which I eventually learned to manage. Sessions are now kinda pleasurable but overall dull, and I can’t really feel contact with the prostate.

Side note: go ahead and comment even if the post gets a little old, as it’ll be some time before I can get the new model and it may also help others.

How to level up from pleasure to orgasm?

I have been enjoying prostate play for about 10 years, and while I enjoy the feelings, I have never experienced an orgasm from only prostate stimulation.

Does frequency of practice play a part? Is there a position that works best? Am I doing something wrong? What is the secret to going from “this feels good” to cumming?

I have a Helix Syn and an nJoy pure wand.

7 years and counting

So, I’ve been on the journey for around 7 years now. I started with the Helix Syn. Then I got the Progasm Ice and finally the Helix Trident.

Alll three have given me different sensations but none have pushed me over the edge. I probably like the Helix Trident best and he’s definitely my go to. I haven’t really used the Helix Syn for some time as the material seemed to cause me a little bit of discomfort.

Now as I said. All three have given me good sensations. I’ve tried pretty much everything with all of them. Doing nothing, doing something. Holding at a low pressure, doing straight up Kegels and/or Reverse Kegels.

Laying on my side, my back and my stomach. Standing up, kneeling. Hard surface, soft surface. Watching porn, not watching porn. Listening to binaural sounds. Abstaining and not abstaining.

I tend to leak pre cum quite freely during sessions, and I go from soft to hard and back again a few times.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Aneros, and I tend to reach for it whenever I get a private moment. But I will admit that I am starting to lose the sheer excitement I had for the first 3-4 years.

Do you guys have a pro tip I should try to maybe reach the next step? Pretty much willing to try anything. I’ve seen a lot of guys make great progress using weed and/or gummies but that’s out of the question for me.

New user, loving it, but do I have the wrong toy?

I am guessing I fall into a different category here than most. I don’t really like lying and relaxing with the Aneros and I don’t like the audio files that some here recommended.

BUT I also do NOT fall into the category of “I started using it and feel nothing!”. Quite the contrary.

I feel absoluty joy even when inserting, almost rolled my eyes the first time I was putting it in, I really do feel my prostate stimulated the moment I put it in. I do moan every single time I put it in, it’s so nice. It feels absolutely great wiggling and moving the toy around (something which you are supposed not to do). Not going to sugar coat it, I enjoy the feeling of the toy “fucking me” and rythmically pressing against my prostate. I also played with the idea of fixing it somewhere and riding it. It’s so much joy that I honestly can’t lie there and do nothing, even the muscle contraction movements are not half as good as manually moving the Aneros for me personally. I am still a beginner, but I bet that it will make me orgasm some day just by moving it back and forth with my hand, I feel a light rush but lose it because of overexitement.

Was this a p-gasm, p-wave, just involuntary contractions, etc.?

I just had a really long session with my Helix Syn using great tips and lessons from this subreddit and Mindgasm (respectively), and while it was good to practice separating out the PC vs. sphincter, I wasn’t getting anything like an involuntary spasm. After a long while, I started doing random contractions, trying out different positions, etc.

I decided to just give up and jack off to finish. Maybe it was either getting hard or just relaxing after that decision, but I suddenly felt like I was about to have a wet cum. For a few mins I was left in a state where my PC muscles were contracting as if I was dry cumming and it felt amazing, like I was on the brink of ejaculation from edging. I tried keeping this up but eventually it passed the point of no return and I ejaculated.

While I’ve read about all the things (title) and super O’s, I’m not sure what I just experienced. Was it just involuntary contractions, or one of the other things mentioned in this sub?

So close!

So revived my helix the other day and got straight to!

Wow this is amazing from the off!

Soon as it’s leading I could feel it in my P spot! After a few contractions I was getting into the rhythm of what to do and it felt great with a few waves of pleasure and involuntary spasms coming.

In the end I lost the rhythm though and stopped but I definitely delete a lot of fluid/precum

So many to choose from

At first I was annoyed.
Overpriced and a ton of models to choose from, didn’t want to get the wrong one.

Two days after getting the helix syn trident I’ve decided I want them all! Levels of pleasure I’ve not experienced before and if there are subtle differences to appreciate I NEED to feel them!