Orgasm after radical prostatectomy

This is my first blog ever. I had nerve sparing radical prostatectomy about 2.5 years ago. A great deal of time is spent talking about erections, but I was at a loss when it came to information on pleasure and orgasm. The only results I got from Cialis or Viagra was partial erections while urinating while sitting down, for a few days following. I also tried pumps but was not a big fan. Through it all my wife has been supportive, but I was left feeling that she was more on the sidelines waiting for me to figure it out leaving me frustrated and unjustifiably angry with her. The stress on our marriage has been extreme. I was given very little support from my doctor other than erection pills, penis injections or surgery to put a pump in my testicle sac to pump up an erection. Nothing addressed sexual pleasure other than being told the only kind of orgasm I could have would be a dry orgasm. “WTF” does that even mean.
After 2 years of trying, failing, and doing my own research to address the fact that there seemed to be some correlation between my erections and stimulation of the internal nerves that were spared during the surgery. I researched prostate massagers to if any might stimulate the spared nerves even though the prostate was removed. I discussed the possibility of benefit with my doctor’s office and had a very difficult discussion with my wife. I was so relieved when she responded that she loved me and would work with me to figure it out. I settled on the Helix Syn V and Progasm. I found the Progasm comfortable enough to wear while slept. Within a week or so of leaving it in all night every night I started getting erections while peeing sitting down even though I hadn’t taken any erection medication.
I have been able to give my wife orgasms without having an erection, but I was denied any form of physical pleasure myself. One night lying in bed on my stomach facing away from my wife, my legs spread and the Progasm inside me, I asked her to roll over and put her leg over mine. When she did I my body responded and did it ever. Every muscle in my body was contracting, my toes curled, I started panting and maybe even whimpering. This built up for several minutes until I was able to catch my breath and relax, but not for long before I started to blast off again. I not sure but I think this rolling orgasm lasted more than 30 minutes. We were traveling the next day and that night it happened again. So much of my frustration and anger was feeling that sexual pleasure was something that I would never experience again. I can honestly say that I have never had an orgasm as intense or satisfying. Any more my wife can roll over and rub my ankle and get me fired up. I feel the sensations when on my own but never to the extent as I do when my wife is with me.
At this point I’m looking for some counseling. I’m still frustrated with the medical community for their lack of help finding quality of life solutions for their patients. I shouldn’t have had to spend the amount of time I did in pornography to find medical information that the medical community is to squeamish to talk about. Grow up already!

Advice needed – no involuntary contractions

I’m having an Aneros Helix for a few weeks. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to induce involuntary contractions of the sphincter and PC muscles by tensing and relaxing them. It also doesn’t make sense to me how this is supposed to be brought about by training these muscles (-> mindgasm). After all, if I train these muscles, they get stronger, get used to the load, which is rather counterproductive to involuntary contractions due to fatigue, isn’t it?
Does anyone have any tips on how I can achieve involuntary contractions as a precursor to a (super) O?
The massage of the prostate by the Aneros is also rather weak/barely felt by me. I suspect that the Helix is too short and thin (I feel more with the Nexus Glide) and will try the Progasm. Thanks in advance for your tips.

Just recieved my first anal toy in the mail 2 hours ago and am here after trying it.

I just got the Helix Syn V.. I am straight, struggle with pleasure and the Helix Syn Trident was recommended; saw the vibrating option and went with it… why not.

I masturbate with a folded pillow between my legs and never have been able to stay hard or ejaculated with my hand or any other method known to myself.

This implies with sex I’ve had with women also! (I can stay hard and have sex for hours though never get an erge to orgasm.)

It wasn’t charged so cannot say that I know what it’s like with it vibrating though found it pretty disappointing? I have never put anything into myself before; used water-based warming lube and put it in.

I got an erection from putting it in then slowly grinded against my pillow (I usually squeeze my legs together and clench my arse as I thrust). I can’t say I felt any stimulation from it and felt like I just had something between my butt cheeks, the rest of the toy that was in me felt barely recognisable?

Am I doing something wrong..? pretty disappointed with the product atm..

I tried it for a solid hour and didn’t get myself off (that’s normal for me) I tend to struggle with my pillow for an hour + to orgasm.

Edit: what would also be the best way to store the prostate massager? I have just cleaned it and placed it back into the red box it had came in; would that be suitable storage for it?

Finally bought something new, now have a question for other trident users.

So, I’ve been using a Helix syn for 4 or 5 years. I love it and have had varying degrees of success with it over the years and thankfully fewer and fewer dud sessions since beginning.

I’ve long thought of getting another and put lots of thought into it before maybe a decision. Long story short, i decided to go for a eupho with the classic finish (not the syn). I picked it up at a local shop last Friday and when I got home I realized i bought the trident version. I hadn’t intended to get that but whatever, I’m open.

I found it to be different and genuinely quite pleasurable, but the forward prostate tab gets really painful after a while(it’s flexible on my helix). I’ve heard others suggest that it can be cut off, but I’m not certain that’s what I want to do. I’m just looking for advice here. Do you get used to that tab over time? I actually didn’t mind the gentle pressure at first but after you really get into it, it really isn’t all that gentle anymore.

Thoughts? Tips?

Success?! (Aneros Progasm Ice)

So I’ve been playing with my prostate every now and then for a few months, I tried the Aneros Helix, but I couldn’t feel it when inside me. I’ve had p waves before but nothing more.

I bought the Progasm Ice on sale last month and tonight was the first time I got to use it.

Once I got it in I just laid back and put on some porn to listen to. I have a small bullet massager that I was using on my nipples that was like okay, but nothing crazy.

After about 10 minutes of just laying there on my back with my legs up doing kegels, I had my first p wave, shaking, heavy breathing, the whole deal.

This happened a couple of times, it was going like how all of the other sessions went, p waves and leaving me questioning what the next steps feel like.

Then, I started moving my hips up and down, I remembered that I liked this motion and that it got my going last time.

Then, I started to feel intense pleasure in my head. I could almost feel a line being drawn from where the toy was touching me inside to my brain.

There was a buildup of pleasure in the front of my head, just above my forehead (idk if that makes any sense, but that’s where I felt it lol).

ways to increase sensations

Hi guys,

After having a my first HFWO with my Anero Helix Syn a month or two ago, I’ve been continuing to use it about every week or so. I’ve been continuing with the same routine, which has been making having a HFWO more and more easy, with less and less body spasming.

The problem is, I have very limited sensation up until close to the point of having an orgasm. It is clear that I am stimulating the prostate as I can cum relatively easily, and my prostate is definitely getting more sensitive as its getting a lot easier to cum with less movement. However I am a bit disheartened that I have very little to no sensations (like p-waves) leading up to the orgasm. I have tried using positions other than laying on my back with my knees up without much success, and I have also tried stopping myself from thrusting during the sessions as I’ve read that that makes you have a wet orgasm which is not my goal. I have also tried to separate the orgasm from ejaculation without much success as well.

I guess my point is, it takes me around an hour to have a HFWO, with little to no sensation up until about 5 mins before the orgasm. Is there anyway to help me have a dry orgasm, or feel more p-waves or sensations? (E.g. different positions to try or ways to make the prostate more sensitive)

Helix v Progasm Jnr : a 48 hr road test

So I picked up a Helix Trident Friday after having a Progasm Jnr for a little while. I tossed up between bigger and smaller toy and after some consultation here decided on smaller. Wow 😮 Big isn’t always better.

I had the weekend to myself so it was time to make some progress and I wanted to compare these two toys. I’d had some success with the Progasm with what I’m assuming was a mini o. It was time to see if I could replicate it or better.

I don’t do much prep. No drugs. Not a lot of porn. I just get turned on by my sense that anal play is a bit of a kink for me. I jumped into bed albeit tired from the week and not sleeping very well. Popped in the Progasm, got into usual side position and relaxed. As expected, it didn’t take long to replicate what I’m calling a mini o. Pressure building from my source and then a wave of intense contractions in my abdominals. Then another smaller less intense wave. Then I think I fell asleep and was awoken some time later by another smaller wave.

That was pretty cool. Time to try the new helix.

Same deal. In, side, relax.

What happened next was incredible. 45 min of wave after wave of these intense abdominal contractions until they started getting less intense and less frequent.


To Progasm Or not to Progasm?

A little about me and my experiences. I am a 21 year old straight male who has always been curious about prostate play since seeing women perform it on guys in Porn. About two years ago I bought my first aneros product, which was the helix syn Trident. I’ve been using it often on for the past two years, but I just don’t really feel like it does anything for me, I’ve had a couple of dry orgasms here and there, and some nice pleasurable P waves. But it just doesn’t really feel like it’s hitting anything. I had purchased a vice 2 about a year back halfway through my journey with all of this. And Ive been reading a lot of posts on here about people switching from smaller toys such as the helix that I have, to a Progasm.

I was reading about how some people would warm up with smaller toys and then use the bigger toys to finish off. So I decided to try this last night, I started out with my normal helix and I used it for about an hour. And then I got up took it out. Took a piss made sure that everything was ready to go and I was comfortable. And then I inserted the vice two. I was actually very surprised as how full it felt. However it didn’t really feel like it was still hitting my prostate. I started doing some contractions, I even turned on the vibrations but I really wasn’t getting anything out of it. I turned on the vibrations and started to watch some porn. I was focusing as much as I could on the toy while watching the porn. My thought process behind this was may be if I was more aroused with the porn my prostate would grow and Vice Two would hit it better. I eventually ended up turning off the vibrations because that just was uncomfortable.

Lube choice for “sleepovers”?

Hi – I want to try sleeping with my helix in. Am I ok to use a lube-shooter with the helix slathered up with a hybrid lube such as sliquid silk or should I use a silicone or oil/based lube instead for this kind of extended insertion?

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