Aneros Tempo : the nipple diddling and prostate connection : Friday July 27 session

Hi guys,

This morning I had a really wild session with Tempo, Progasm Classic, and Maximus, perhaps one of my best Aneros sessions ever!

I began the session with Tempo which I have not ridden in a month or so. This morning that Tempo relates very well with nipples. Diddling of course revs up not only my prostate but also the autofuck action of my Aneros tools. Tempo is a unisexual Aneros which tones your anal musculature. However, this morning Tempo seemed to shadow every flick or strum of my finger tips on my nipples. In no time, Tempo began a determined auto-fuck rhythm which produced waves of exquisite pleasure. Suddenly Tempo caused me to have a Super-O that must have lasted a good three minutes. Tempo caused me to raise my hips off my towel as I rode this sustained Super-O.

I must have rode Tempo a good twenty minutes as Tempo auto-fucked me exquisitely in various rhythms. I used Kegels sparingly during this time. Wow, Tempo has opened a new, exciting chapter in my Aneros journey which I must explore!

The auto-fuck action continued with Progasm Classic and then finally Maximus as I too experienced new, sweet pleasures with these two models.

The session concluded at 7:10 a.m., a good seventy-five minutes. Take care!

Update in the 7 p.m. hour. All day since 7:10 a.m., I have had powerful, sweet, and sustained auto-fuck Aless which at times felt very delicious.

“SR Day 8 —– Oh My, What A Feeling!”

Now in Day 8 of SR with my testosterone boost in overdrive. I wore my SafeTGard cup overnight and awoke about 3 AM with a hard, throbbing erection. Wanted a session so I selected my HIH 950. Now it doesn’t look like much but let me assure you, it does the job!

I started the session somewhat flaccid but quickly developed another erection. I continued to wear the cup during the session since it takes my hands off my cock where they don’t belong. I immediately began to feel the p-waves and some auto-contractions which resulted in some precum. Honestly felt like heading for a HFWO. I am moving around in bed, lightly moaning throughout. Surprised that 30 minutes had already passed while in this feeling of ecstasy.

Went to listen to some nice, erotic tracks for about an hour, then went back to bed still wearing my SafeTGard cup. I somewhat remember a lucid dream that was of a sexual nature. I remember “thrusting” in bed but not much more. Perhaps I am closer to a wet dream than I realize? Interesting, but I have absolutely no blue-balls feeling during this current “run” of semen retention. I hope I can keep it that way! If I may be honest, I am feeling like an ejaculation* but don’t really want one just yet. (Thank goodness for the chastity cups that help me!) I like the “High-T” feeling too much! It puts a “male” spin on everything I see and do!

Aneros auto-fucking and Super-O’s : Session for Wednesday July 11

Hi guys,

Since July 4 last week, I have had several sessions that were so powerful and pleasurable that are hard to explain.

So after my session this morning, I will try to explain some of my recent Aneros and Aless experiences.

This morning I had a session which lasted a good 1.25 hours with Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic.

Maximus has joined MGX and Helix Classic as Aneros models which start most of my sessions. I have worked with Maximus fairly intimately since July 2012. My first several sessions were abortive because anal peristalsis ejected Maximus. But shortly thereafter the Kegel Exercises developed my anal musculature to contain and better work with Maximus and my larger Progasm models.

I think I have developed techniques to produce for myself Super-O’s and MMO’s with both Maximus and Progasm. Relaxation is key but also enjoyment of my sessions lay the foundation. Having fun and even playing are also keys to relaxation and Aneros enjoyment. “Having fun” and “playing” have sexual undertones. All this have formed my attitudes with which I have approached all my sessions since 2015, even before.

An Aneros auto-fuck session like no other! : Sunday July 1

Hi guys,

We in the mid Atlantic are having a weekend of excessive heat with highs in the mid to upper 90’s. This heatwave will begin to abate on Tuesday. So this morning I have decided to stay home from church and view the worship service at the church web site.

Most nights in bed I enjoy diddling my nipples which produces a sweet Aless with lulls me to sleep. However this morning my diddling made me ready for an Aneros session. I rode MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Ivory.

However, I started with Maximus which inserts comfortably to the hilt. This morning this comfortable fit along with some mild Kegels started an auto-fuck that went on and on, like to a good thirty minutes which I could have continued another fifty minutes or more! This auto-fuck produced a very high level of pleasure interspersed with an orgasmic buzz or electricity intermingled with many mini-O’s and several Super-O’s. I think I have finally developed MMO capability.
While I was experiencing this Maximus auto-fuck action, I was enjoying the highs and lows of Maximus fucking me. I believe that I am on the verge of developing some control over how this action takes place and produce Super-O’s and MMO’s in the midst of all this pleasure!

I reluctantly withdrew Maximus from my bunghole after thirty minutes of absolute auto-fuck pleasure, but could have rode Maximus much longer.

Aneros to strengthen prostate muscles?

Have had a myriad of sexual health issues in my past, from minor ED and very thin, clear ejaculate. These are not issues that most people my age have. ED is gone now and my ejaculate quality is much better now, but i still want to improve a ton. I feel like all of these issues are caused by my very small/weak prostate and surrounding muscles. Will using the aneros help? Should i be doing kegels with it?

Aneros equilibrium, Aneros resonance, Aneros fishing, etc. : Session for Saturday June 9

Hi guys,

I had a thoroughly enjoyable session with my favorite Aneros models : Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus and Progasm ICE.

For many months recently, I have tried to find out why my sessions have felt so good. I have settled upon some description Aneros terms:

“Aneros foreplay”: Like @goldenboy, I enjoy wearing a jock and cup to bed most nights. Not only does this combination feel so good, but a jock and cup is so consoling. Like a pacifier, they enable me to fall asleep like a baby. When I wake up in the still of night, I like to Kegel in my jock and cup and diddle my nipples. It is so sweet and it constitutes hours of leisurely foreplay. When I wake up in the morning, I am horned, rearing to go with a session.

Last night, I wore a Nutty Buddy Cup in the pouch of an ordinary BIKE jockstrap and over a pair of Munsingwear Kangaroo Pouch boxer briefs. My Nutty Buddy Cup “floats” in this combination.

Here is a pic of MLB great, Mark Littell, creator of the Nutty Buddy. I hope you do not mind the kinkiness of this pic! 🙂

I cannot stress though how the Kegel Exercises, diddling your nipples, and relaxed rhythmic breathing act as rocket fuel in your “Aneros foreplay”.

Aneros sessions for Sunday June 3 and Tuesday June 6 so sweet and powerful!

Hi guys,

I am sorry that I have been so scarce lately. My Aneros sessions have been so amazing in recent weeks that I have a scarcity of words to describe them. I cannot analyze them in detail. Also the weather has been so rotten with two weeks of very high humidity, days of rain and hardly any sun. Fortunately overnight June 3/4 the persistent weather system bringing such misery exited our area. This morning we have brilliant sunshine and low humidity.

Sunday afternoon I celebrated my sixth anniversary with Aneros with a session using in order the following models: Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus and Progasm Classic. What was noteworthy of this session was that these models worked of their own accord without my trying. I came away from this session with abundant pleasure with great satisfaction.

It is hard to believe that six years ago on Sunday June 3, 2012, I had my very first Aneros session with Helix Syn. Fortunately there was little discomfort when I inserted Helix Syn that evening. I had purchased MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic late December 2011, but they had sat unused because I had felt aversion from using them, a fear of anal play.

Now whenever I have a session I come to it with an expectation of Aneros horniness. Like @goldenboy, I wear an athletic cup to bed the night before. I do not look upon jockstraps and athletic cups as chastity devices but articles that are charged with great eroticism. This goes back to my puberty and adolescence in the early 1960’s when men and boys wore them for sports, even for street or leisure wear! 🙂

Kegels and Reverse Kegels

In the last few weeks I have been trying something new: alternating kegels and reverse kegels. I had never heard of reverse kegels until reading the forum posts. Reverse kegels are done by relaxing or almost stretching the PC muscles. I get the sensation that the pelvic region is “yawning” and enlarging during a reverse kegel. I have used this technique mostly during A-less sessions and the results have been excellent.

I begin with a moderate kegel contraction (approximately 30 to 40%) and hold for several seconds. I don’t time the contraction. I usually wait until I feel a slight quiver or pulse in the muscles or prostate. Then I do the reverse kegel. I often feel the quiver or pulse strengthen a bit. All of this is done slowly while breathing deeply and relaxing as much as possible. After several minutes of this alternation I usually feel a series of mini-Os and occasionally some stronger dry-Os. Once (several days ago) it led to one of the biggest Super-Os I’ve ever experienced. I had full body tingling and shaking. I could feel the distinct build up of a new wave as the previous one was subsiding. If I counted accurately there were three huge waves and two smaller ones before I was finished. I haven’t tried this technique since then. As each session is unique it would be foolish to expect an exact repeat of the previous one. I’m satisfied to be on an interesting journey and appreciative of whatever comes my way.

“An Underwhelming Cup, But Compensation Galore!”

I decided to wear my diminutive SafeTGard “chastity cup” to bed last night. I like this one: the strap is not tight at all and the cup (Cage Cup) is shallow and not too long. If I “point” my cock down in it, it fits well. Of course, it won’t accommodate an erection too well, but that’s okay. The erection will push up the cage and it will not be uncomfortable. By the way, I am heading into Day 9 of SR with no sign of blue-balls. Amazing!

Sesssion #1
I awoke not too early and decided to continue my BPH-relief sessions. I didn’t know which massager to use. I thought about the HIH 950 but decided to go for the more aggressive Helix-Trident. I lubed-up with BB and started. This session lasted about 30-35 minutes and what I noticed most was a lot of slippery, sticky precum. Almost like a ‘precum milking’. It seemed that eventually, following rapid and regular kegels (due to the P- and K-tabs) I hit a “precum sweet spot” and the more contractions I did, the more precum I produced. Eventually, I had to remove the cup completely and when I did, I was able to see and feel all the precum I was producing. My cock grew a couple of times just to show me how much precum it could produce! I ended this session on a high note and went back to sleep.

Jocks & Cups, Kegels, Aneros, etc. –> Going deep and Sexual touch!

Hi guys,

Getting my very first BIKE CUP Supporter unit, no. 85 at that sporting goods store on Thursday April 10, 1986 was an event that changed my life. I believe that it was one of the best products that the BIKE Athletic Company manufactured for support, protection, and comfort for athletes competing in contact sports, such as baseball. I ordered actually a lot more of this protect for my burgeoning jock and cup collection for the two or three years it was manufactured.

I wore this jock and cup last night. We have a long stretch of rainy weather the last few days. A couple hours of thunderstorms are scheduled for this afternoon which will usher in a drier stretch of weather. Anyway BIKE CUP Supporter Unit feels like a sock. It is perfect for Kegeling in. I slept like a baby in the early hours before sunrise this morning while it rained cats and dogs outside.

Actually I discovered that I could wear this cup and jock comfortably to bed the very night in 1986 after purchasing it. The elongated, contoured and banana shape of this athletic cup not only scooped my genitalia, but I fell in love who the bottom edge of this cup covered my perineum and even massaged it. It is interesting that I discovered unconsciously that night the Kegel Exercises.