Tempo, my spark plug to great sessions : MLK day session, Monday January 15

Hi guys.

We here in Washington, DC are enduring another stretch of bitterly cold weather. This morning we had a low of 18 F with strong winds from the north. It was bitterly cold. Fortunately there were no apartment staff around on this federal holiday paying homage to Martin King Luther Jr. I waited to the noon hour to have a session which I so craved.

I began the session once again with Tempo. Using gentle, yet strong Kegels and also the Aneros Tug-of-War Technique with Tempo for probably twenty minutes, I proceeded to use Eupho Classic, MGX, Progasm Classic, one-by-one in tandem. Tempo has become a spark plug for providing impetus for great sessions. The heft of its stainless steel design magnifies and amplifies the power of my sessions. I do very little,
but actually I sit back and let the models work on me. Gentle rhythmic breathing adds fuel to my sessions. I have sweet, powerful Aless which lasts for the rest of the day and beyond!

This past Friday, we had rainy, but also springlike weather temperatures in the 50’s, 60’s, and even the 70’s. I just loved how both Helix Classic and Maximus, along with progasm classic. I let Helix Classic just its job on me. He went on and on. I could have let him go freely so much I would have gotten a Super-O!

Tempo, MGX, Black Ice -> Sweet Aless, Monday January 8

Hi guys,

Tonight I tried to replicate last session which was help early Saturday evening, January 6, still so early in the New Year.

What impressed me so much about Temp with its heavy stainless steel heft is that one work with it fairly aggressively using the Kegels and relaxed, rhythmic breathing. Tonight I used Tempo primarily to set the stage for using MGX and Progasm Black ICE. What I observed tonight mostly are the massive Tug-of-War technique with both MGX and then Progasm Black ICE. Tonight I just relaxed and let the three models do most the work. I have a massive Tempo Aless coming on. I plan to engage with Tempo Aless tonight in bed.

Take care!

Tempo Aless, January 6, 2018!

Hi guys,

Early this afternoon, a guy on Aneros Forum about the effectiveness of Tempo in comparison with other Aneros models. I was happy to oblige with an answer because Tempo, when I started using it just after Thanksgiving 2013, caused my Aneros to go into a much higher orbit.

So this afternoon, I used Tempo for the first time in two years. Tempo inserts easily and you can use it comfortable sitting as it works away.

This afternoon I used Tempo with a few concerted Kegels for about 45 minutes. Hence Tempo felt real good. Then I continued with MGX and Progasm Black ICE, a model which sat used in my collection for two years. MGX didn’t massage me as easily as it usually does, I guess mainly because of Tempo. That didn’t bother me. I went on to Progasm Black ICE. Wow! Progasm Black ICE worked on me big time! The session felt real good when I ended it after 1.5 hours.

Right now I am basking in powerful, sweet Aless produced mostly by Tempo. The hallmark of Tempo is its stainless steel heft. Tempo consists of a bulbous head with two knobs, both inner and outer. I believe that Tempo was made mostly to exercise and tone the anal musculature, and not necessary to massage the prostate as the other Aneros devices. Tempo has the feel of gym dumbbells which are used for weight training. So Tempo is used mostly for strengthening and toning the anal musculature, at least that has been my experience.

Aneros sessions, 12/25 & 12/30 : Aneros/Aless Mindfulness

Hi guys,

We here in the Mid-Atlantic are in the grip of excessively cold weather which may continue beyond the first weekend of 2018. This super cold affects also much of the northern tier of the USA and way down south. Hence it has reduced greatly my Aneros sessions recently.

I am typing this blog entry early Saturday morning. My Aneros buddies of Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic have been cleansed and are rearing to go. They consist my Aneros first team Full-Court Press which have given me consistently great sessions for a real long time. I had a powerful session early Christmas Day morning with these buddies. I just let them work me over in their individual way delivering me crescendos and paroxysms of pleasure! However, as I was having this session, an arctic front passed through this frigid weather which now at this writing just keeps coming!

I do not like at all how frigid weather denies me regularity in my sessions which I need even now even now of after 5.5 years of working the Aneros. I use my sessions to prime of pump of Aneros/Aless pleasure and well-being! Not only are my sessions on the whole pleasurable, but they are certainly health promoting and invigorating.

“Full-Court Press”

My! What a night! It all began when I was “instructed” that I can sleep without a cup! (an early gift for my cock?) I took full advantage and slept with nothing on from the waist-down. And it felt wonderful to feel some of the erections. I was up somewhat early (2 AM) feeling aroused but wanting more. So I went to my comfortable sofa, put on a pair of headphones and started listening to relaxing tracks. After about an hour, I felt ready for a session. So I decided to do a quick session with the 950. This time, I used a lube I hadn’t used in a while: Slippery Stuff Gel. Not messy, very slippery and easy to clean-up. Nothing special about this session, so after about 30 minutes, I ended it but still felt unsatisfied.


I decided to continue the journey on the sofa, again sans pants. But this time, I honestly felt ready for a release or perhaps a ruined orgasm. I put on headphones once again and began to listen to a 1-hour track for erectile dysfunction. (I wanted a nice, stimulated erection before I ejaculated). Nice music with embedded soft tones which seemed to be very effective. Before long, I experienced quite an arousing erection and must have dozed-off at that point. When I awoke again, I was listening to another track, this one for a testosterone boost! (Yes, I had a full erection). I am now feeling quite ready for another session (a “full-court press”). But just as I decided, I had to use the restroom. Perfect timing! When I was finished, I knew then-and-there to have a session with the SGX. It was the right choice. I was already lubed-up on the inside (like a pre-lube) so put a little more lube on the SGX and started the session.

“Integrated Pleasure”

I have had a recurring groin irritation this week and have suspended my use of “chastity cups” for a while. I have been sleeping in a loose pair of boxers along with my PJs. But that’s okay—-I feel great and so does my prostate! I awoke with a strong, arousing morning erection. This morning’s session with the SGX lasted a full hour; I don’t know where the time went but I had wave-after-wave of pleasure. The session “ended” with my attempting to expel the SGX with reverse kegels —- I couldn’t do it without bringing-on erotic anal stimulation from the ribbed stem of the SGX. A wild ride! And then I began to think about it….


Prostate pleasure should not be isolated to an Aneros session. Rather, since my prostate is so “portable”, I can take it wherever I go. So it makes sense that any pleasure derived from my prostate (including Aless) is naturally integrated into the whole of my sexual well-being. I am currently in Day 8 of SR and have reached a peak in my testosterone level. Boy, I sure can feel it! I am surprised that I have not developed “blue balls” yet! (We’ll see how the next few days progress). But in the meantime, I am feeling a “wholesome sexuality” that envelops my entire being. It is not just about wanting to wank-off quickly and relieve my built-up sexual tension. (But that would be a welcome relief). It is about feeling good from head-to-toe and that includes my sexuality. It’s not about just wanting to perform an Aneros session. It is about feeling the intimate pleasure of prostate contractions throughout my male body and feeling alive with that pleasure! And since this pleasure is so “portable”, I can experience it in the car, while shopping, dining, you-name-it, I can feel it. And that makes for a wonderful life! Please join me in pleasure!

Help with Aneros choices/shapes

So i really love my njoy pure wand and i have a glass dildo by icicles that has a curve at the end that hits that spot real nicely. I mention these two because i find that i need a bit of a curve to hit that spot as straight dildos have never done much.

I’ve been looking at getting an Aneros for some hands free pleasure while doing kegels. Is there one that has enough curve to really hit the prostate? Looking at the shape of them all it seems like they would just sit inside me and not provide enough stimulation but i could be underestimating it.

Thanks for your help.

My thoughts on male chastity, and jockstraps and athletic cups, and Nov. 21 session

Hi guys,

For many months now, we have been regaled by @goldenboy’s prolific blogs entries on Aneros, sex, jocks and cups, erotic dreams and waking fantasies, semen retention (SR), and male chastity which he lives out by wearing a jock and cup to bed. He calls athletic cups, “chastity” cups, a concept I find intriguing.

I have been pondering and reflecting on male chastity for many months now. It seems that there are least two types of male chastity: (1) religious or ascetic chastity, and (2) erotic chastity for the purpose of enhancing a guy’s sexuality either individually or as one in a marital relationship with a wife.

When I think of male chastity in a religious or ascetic sense, I think of the monastic life either in a Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox sense. In the Roman Catholic Church, you have religious orders and the clergy. Men joining such have swear three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. It was believed for many centuries by that church that masturbation and conjugal sexual relations prevented men from living out a devoted life to God and church.

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormon church, married couples have to swear to the Law of Chastity, thus allowing a life of utter devotion to marriage (one man, one woman) and the LDS Church.

“Prostate Dance”

Day 6 of SR and I feel my testosterone starting to build-up. I awoke this morning (still wearing my favorite XO “chastity cup”) with a very strong erection and an HFWO feeling. I knew it was time for a session. I lubed-up and inserted the 950 half-way; it took-over the rest of the way and nuzzled against my prostate.


Now, the interesting thing about this session is that I felt compelled to move my hips. And as I did, I began to feel a gentle “tickle” first on one area and then another area on my prostate. That “dancing” feeling was unmistakable. The same prostate, only a different stimulation and a different feeling! My-goodness! Mind-blowing! As I moved-around, first in one position and then another, I continued to move my hips ever so slightly. And the “dancing” prostate pleasures only continued. How long would it last? I knew I had some Dry-Os since I felt a “clenching” that reached a peak and then subsided. I felt, like in a previous session, a “pumping” sensation down-below. I began to feel a little soreness so I knew my prostate was well-exercised. I knew it was time to stop.


I ended this session by doing about 40 strong-and-hold contractions (kegels) as recommended by HIH for prostate health. My prostate has never felt healthier!


“This SGX Session Packed A Punch!”

I had just had a BM and felt completely ready for a session. I knew I wanted more, so instead of my trusty HIH 950, I reached for the SGX. It did not disappoint me. Let me explain….

I lubed-up with BB and started a most relaxing session. I was wearing my XO cup for a couple of hours this morning (I’m not sleeping in it yet). When I started the session, I knew right away that this would be a good one. I did not expect that, before long, I was feeling tingling in my toes and especially my fingertips. What happened next is that as I began to completely relax, I felt waves of pleasure moving throughout my body, so much so that I could not help but start to squirm, shake and convulse. I could not help but let out a few moderate moans as well. Every new position on the bed only brought me closer to complete euphoria.


I have not had this much precum produced in a session before! I don’t know what was happening but I felt a “pumping” going on within my groin and it felt great! Towards the end of this session, I took off the cup and began to feel like I wanted to “expel” the SGX with reverse kegels. But the more I tried to expel it, the tapered ribbed stem took over and pulled it back in! In this way, my anus became thoroughly stimulated and I began producing more precum! My penis was hard and I could easily have cum. But I didn’t want to (I am only in Day 5 of SR). Finally, I felt like I had enough and expelled it completely.