Male Chastity: “Roadblock to Frustration” or “Bridge to Tranquility?”

[Thanks to @Turnrow and @Harper for providing me the inspiration for this blog]

Male Chastity “Roadblock”
Self-imposed male chastity has been extremely sexually stimulating for me. Since I can’t masturbate or ejaculate while wearing a “chastity cup”, I am frequently awakened in the middle of the night with a powerful, raging erection. Then, I find myself squirming around on the bed for 20, 30 or more minutes, waiting for the erection to subside which it always does. Oh, how I wish, beg for an ejaculation at that time.

That period of time is very frustrating (obviously) for me. It is also very mentally challenging to remain in chastity, waiting at the roadblock, and not give-in to the frustration. Sometimes, I embark on an Aneros “journey” as well. But that can only increase the frustration due to prostate stimulation that does not result in an ejaculation (HFWO) either. And sometimes, I have to give-up and go-around the roadblock (“blue-balls” is to blame) and ejaculate. And that got me thinking… there another way to mentally “get through” this chastity “roadblock” in one piece and yet remain in chastity? I wondered and fell deeper into this meditation….


I began to meditate on the difference between a “roadblock” and a “bridge”, and what I discovered was quite amazing. Let me explain….

“Male Arousal: A Meditation”

I had been meditating on this for a while early this morning following a nice 35-minute session with Eupho Classic. I am currently in Day 11 of my SR and still wearing my SD Ultra Pro Carbon “chastity cup”. I have been having fairly regular extended “arousal sessions” at night, triggered by my nocturnal erections and stimulation from my cup. These can last anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes. During that time, I feel very close to the PONR, to the point that I feel like I could have a spontaneous ejaculation at any time. But usually, I don’t. Those feelings triggered this meditation.


While lying in bed this morning, I began to dwell on the subject of “male arousal”. It is a fascinating subject, but mysterious and extremely difficult to put into words. I don’t know if I will be able to express my thoughts in sufficient detail this time either, but here goes anyway. Again, let me try a FAQ format…


What is male arousal?
I began to think of male arousal as a “train” that only we as males can ride. It starts out at a station called “Erection” and ends at a station called “Ejaculation”. Oh, there is one more stop just before “Ejaculation” and that is called “Point Of No Return (PONR)”. But what stations are in-between? What “scenery” can be seen? How does one feel while riding the train?


Neros was around from 2014 to 2016 and became an Aless expert. This is a forum post he made back then. I don’t know if it’s still accessible, so I am putting on my blog. But all the credit goes to him! Thank you, neros, wherever you are!!

Now I’m gonna preface this by saying this is just my opinion based on my experiences BUT that said the principles I’m going to talk about are ones that tantric sexuality has been talking about for centuries.

Plus, I know I’m not unique in my experiences. There are plenty of men on here who have experienced the same things I have and have experienced success using stuff I’ve talked about before.

So, try what I suggest in this post and you’ll probably be pleased with the results.

So, let’s get into it.


We are all pretty much the same physically.

Some of us have different positioned prostates or different sizes BUT we are all pretty much similar

Barring any traumatic injuries, physically we all have the ability to have the super orgasm.

In the same way that men who have a healthy functioning genitals will be able to ejaculate if stimulated in the right way.

BUT, ejaculation is EASY. It’s an instinctive thing that most of us discovered by sheer accident at a young age.

“The 950 Went Deep…Into Uncharted Territory”

All I can say is wow! I wore my SD Ultra Pro Carbon “chastity cup” overnight and awoke several times with a hard, arousing erection. I am currently in Day 13 of SR and have staved-off the blue-balls several times now. I seem to be making progress on that front so I’ll keep on going.


When I awoke about 3:30 AM, I decided that the time seemed “right” for a nice session with the HIH 950. So I got ready, lubed-up and started the ride. What I experienced during this session was quite unexpected and extremely arousing. Let me explain….

I made sure that the 950 was inserted properly and deep. It doesn’t have much of a “tail” like the other Aneros massagers. It also isn’t as long. But looks can be deceiving as I will explain….


I read in the original instructions that I should contract “as slowly as possible” and subsequently release “as slowly as possible”. I did so about 10 times or so. I began to feel something developing in my prostate that I would not categorize as p-waves; they were much stronger and felt more intense. Could they be prostate orgasms? So soon after the start of the session? I don’t know at this point.

Aneros sessions, 12/25 & 12/30 : Aneros/Aless Mindfulness

Hi guys,

We here in the Mid-Atlantic are in the grip of excessively cold weather which may continue beyond the first weekend of 2018. This super cold affects also much of the northern tier of the USA and way down south. Hence it has reduced greatly my Aneros sessions recently.

I am typing this blog entry early Saturday morning. My Aneros buddies of Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic have been cleansed and are rearing to go. They consist my Aneros first team Full-Court Press which have given me consistently great sessions for a real long time. I had a powerful session early Christmas Day morning with these buddies. I just let them work me over in their individual way delivering me crescendos and paroxysms of pleasure! However, as I was having this session, an arctic front passed through this frigid weather which now at this writing just keeps coming!

I do not like at all how frigid weather denies me regularity in my sessions which I need even now even now of after 5.5 years of working the Aneros. I use my sessions to prime of pump of Aneros/Aless pleasure and well-being! Not only are my sessions on the whole pleasurable, but they are certainly health promoting and invigorating.

“Chastity: A Complete Male Shield”

While sleeping in my SD Ultra Pro “Chastity Cup” , when I awoke this morning, I began to feel its curved, contoured shape with my hands and began to dwell on a nice meditation….


There is a definite similarity between a “chastity cup” and a man-made marvel of nature: for example, Hoover Dam. You may laugh but I see a connection. Let me explain…..

The dam is designed to hold-back a great, powerful body of water. The cup is designed to hold-back the great, male, raw sexual power.

The dam is designed to periodically release some water; otherwise it would overflow. The chastity cup when properly used is designed to allow a male a periodic release of seminal fluid.

An overflowed dam can be compared to a wet dream.

The dam generates power by virtue of it great potential energy. The cup generates power by holding-back that great male libido; raw sexual energy. The greatest power generated can be compared to an ejaculation.

No natural disaster: earthquake, tornado, lightning will destroy the dam. The chastity cup is designed to withstand direct blows without fail. It will not collapse or otherwise fall apart.

See the connection? I did! This made for a great meditation!


“No Turning Back, No Escape”

I decided to sleep in my Bike “chastity cup”. This is the most-restrictive cup. I am only in Day 2 of SR and not feeling anything particularly arousing. But I was up early this morning and decided to have a session with the SGX. I began this session in the usual way but didn’t plan on two developments: a meditation and then a fantasy. Here they are……


Meditation — When we decide to embark on an Aneros journey, we really don’t know where the path will lead us. We take a “leap of faith” when we start, not knowing the end-point nor the pleasures we will encounter along the way. I dwelt on this for a while, succumbing to the erotic pleasures coming from my prostate. I began to feel a tingle coming up my spine and ending near my stomach. I began to shake and squirm all over the bed.

Fantasy — Then, this meditation morphs into a darker fantasy. I am now tied-up and locked away only with my inserted massager and my “cup”. I am squirming over the bed in various positions, unable to wrest myself from my predicament. With every squirm and position, I am feeling more and more stimulation on my willing prostate but am entirely powerless to do anything about it. Not that I wanted to—it felt so good—but the uncertainty of the situation added a certain level of arousal that had not existed there before. Somewhat panicked, I continued to twist and bend in various positions, again hoping to regain control of my situation. I was unsuccessful. Finally, I began to think that the only escape would be when it came time for me to “expel” the massager in the natural way! With that thought, things began to settle-down for me and so this session had ended.

Kindling the Fire

The following is yet another set of tips for novice and/or frustrated Aneros users. I’m not the yokozuna of prostate play or anything, but I’ve collected a handful of habits that seem to afford me consistent success with different models. I don’t pretend that they’ll work for everyone, not even for most people, but I’ll be glad if they help a few users out, even if indirectly by showing the right attitude and spirit of experimentation to bring to sessions.

1. *Start thinking of your ass primarily as a sexual organ.* Sure, it does impolite things and sometimes even commits atrocities, but so does your mouth, and yet you usually aren’t too hung up over the fact you eat, belch, vomit, cuss, and tell lies with it when you’re kissing someone. As far as you’re concerned, the primary function of your ass is now pleasure; all that other business is a regrettable sideshow, and should be far from your mind as you experiment. I encourage you to try other things back there: fingers, someone’s tongue, someone’s dick. Build up a whole armada of toys.

Aneros Full Court Press with Kegels ; Kegeling in Athletic Cup in Aless, August 23

Hi guys,

I have had several sessions of late featuring an Aneros full court press with Kegels and Reverse Kegels. From my Aneros “first” team, I used in order the following, Eupho Classic, MGX, Helix Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Classic.

Doing a set or two of Kegels and Reverse Kegels enable fully to enjoy these five Aneros models. It is always gratifying to experience pleasure and power building in my prostate, anal musculature, testicles, perineum, and penis.

This afternoon around 3 p.m. my Champion Sports cup and jock. The cup has a slight banana shape and an soft gasket containing my scrotum and penis snugly, yet comfortably. I have been Kegeling in this cup supporter unit off and on since then.

A thought occurred to me 30 minutes ago getting my supper from my neighborhood 7 Eleven three blocks from my apartment building. Baseball players and umpires wear protective cups for hours on end. So do law enforcement, military, even EMS. You know you’re wearing these essential items for support and protection even though you may “forget” it in the course of your day.

Here is where Aneros meditation may enter in a very erotic, yet powerful and subtle way in Aless. During Aneros sessions, your prostate, perineum, anal musculature, and even your entire genitals have powerful contact with the Aneros. During Aless, sweet, yet powerful sexual energy emanates from your awakened prostate throughout your body, even consciousness. An athletic cup in a supporter holder or “pocket” magnifies greatly this sexual energy. Kegeling and Reverse Kegeling interacts with the jock and cup and magnifies this sexual energy even further. Yes, you may be wearing a “chastity” cup in Aless, but sexual energy through the Kegels and Reverse Kegels transcends “chastity.” It is all so sweet, particularly when you diddle your nipples!