“The Art Of Male Meditation”

[Readers, be aware….the descriptions are quite graphic….]

As I write this, I don’t even know if I will be able to put into words what I was feeling and thinking. I’ll try the best I can….

Background: I awoke not too early this AM and slept in my SD Ultra Pro Carbon chastity “cup” overnight. I switched to my Bike “cup” which is more restrictive and supportive. I go to lie down and relax with some tracks. But things were just not “clicking” this morning so I gave-up the headphones and just went to lie down and relax for an hour or so. I fell-into a meditation. Let me explain what happened…..

I began performing very light reverse kegels, occasionally trying a few “regular” kegels in-between. While doing this, I began to feel a nice stirring in my prostate and actually developed a few whole-body spasms. I felt ready for the next step…..

Now I don’t know what prompted this, but I began to meditate. The exact sequence I probably don’t remember now, but what I do remember is this….

While being confined to “chastity” in my Bike cup, I began to dwell on what is means to be male. I thought about testosterone and its effect on the male sexual response. I thought about all the various components of my male anatomy: my prostate, penis, testicles, and all the related “plumbing”.

A Mini-Meditation: “Guys, We Need Our Cocks!”

While taking a shower this morning, this “mini-meditation” hit me like a brick! Here it is…..

It was so simple yet so profound.

Guys, why do we spend so much time and effort with things like masturbation, ejaculation and prostate simulation? The answer is very simple. We need our cocks! We need our erections! We need our ejaculations! I don’t need to get into the “why”, do I? What are we males without our cocks? Think about it! It’s not just about pleasing ourselves. It’s not just about pleasing our significant other. It involves the entire planet! So the next time somebody tells you that you are too male, too sexy, too provocative, just think and know why you are the way you are.

Think about it……


“Male Chastity: A Different Direction”

While listening toI am suffering from erectile dysfunction and my doctor wants me to wear a cup for 14 days, no exceptions. I should notice an improvement in my erections, especially in the cup. However, no ejaculations during that time. He said I may get a wet dream, which is okay.
While meditating, I was “up and down” in my cup. This only heightened the arousal pleasure during each fantasy. So, there are many alternative ways to rationalize wearing a “chastity cup”. It doesn’t always have to be about “femdom” male chastity!
a most relaxing track on YouTube this morning: “Reiki music for energy flow, healing music meditative music for positive energy calming music 31209R”, I began to deeply relax and meditate and fantasize. Since I wore my Mueller Sports Medicine “chastity cup” overnight, I began to dwell on an alternative “mindset” for wearing a chastity cup. Here is a partial list as I remember it:

• I am preparing for a surgical procedure on my testicles and need to refrain from all self-induced stimulation of my genitals. I must wear the cup for at least 48 hours prior to my procedure.

• I am recovering from a surgical procedure on my prostate and need to stop all ejaculations for 15 days by wearing a cup.

• I am trying to boost my testosterone and need to wear the cup for 7 days. No ejaculations during this time.

Aneros sessions for June 8 and 10, Mindful Anerosing, etc.

Hi guys,

I had a pleasurable time this past Thursday and again this morning, Saturday in my sessions with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. These days I am focusing upon mindful Anerosing. Mindfulness meditation focuses upon the present moment, accepting what is presented to you presently in meditation. Mindfulness enables me to relax and allows me to enjoy the movement of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic within me. When I am mindful, I focus upon the Aneros sensation in many dimensions. Thus, after sessions, I have Aless pleasure during which I luxuriate in mindfulness.

Some years ago I attended a mindfulness meditation group which met at a Methodist church a mile away. But I rediscovered mindfulness during my rehabilitation at a recovery center earlier this year. Since my release from that facility on March 17, I have put mindfulness in my continuing recovery here at the apartment and my walks with the cane outdoors in my neighborhood. I focus upon my walking along with my surroundings, especially when I walk in the presence of other pedestrians and the omnipresent, all to often aggressive DC motor traffic! Thus I avoid falls and accidents with traffic!

The recovery center in a way was a bedlam with TV’s blaring away many hours a day and patients suffering in far worse shape than me. But living at the recovery center for nine weeks was like being in a bubble during the beginning weeks of the Trump administration. Now that I am at home fully recovered, I experience the insanity of present-day American politics. As an American citizen, I have to keep up with the news. But with mindfulness, I can detach from this madness every day.

“Binaural Beats Rediscovered”

I don’t listen to binaural beats that often. I was on YouTube this morning and came-across some new ones. I decided to give a listen. They were by “HelpBinauralBeats” and they were different and sophisticated. I started listening to one called “Incredible Prostate Multi-Orgasm”. The embedded tones were so subtle. Before too long I noticed that I had an erection and my prostate was beginning to stir. Truly incredible! I will listen again (maybe put it on loop).

Other new “files” in this intriguing collection (which I have not yet sampled) include: “Genital Vibration”, “Sink Deep In The Pleasure of Climax”, “Non-Stop Pleasure of Edging Orgasm”, “Orgasmic Meditation” and others. What a selection!

PS Unlike other binaural beat tracks which contain mostly “annoying” tones, these tracks are more sophisticated and incorporate nice melodies with an “undertone” of binaurals. Nevertheless, they are very effective (at least on me).


“Extended Sexual Orgasm”

I was just chilling on the sofa listening to a nice track. I had on my “chastity cup” as usual and was greatly aroused. The erection subsided but about 20 minutes later, it came back, stronger than before. I began to meditate on the connection between arousal and sex. And when I did, some time later, I began to feel a quivering in my prostate and further-down in my anus Yes, it was an orgasm. A strong one. But not one, not two, not three. Rather it was an entire series of orgasms. Way beyond the “usual” MMO. By moving ever so slightly, or even breathing, I could “trigger” another one! And then another one! This was mind-bending! I felt like I have never felt before, even within an Aneros session! I don’t know how long I remained in this state….I feel like I could have prolonged it for as long as I wanted. Interestingly, at no time did I feel like I would ejaculate, even in spite of this extreme sexual arousal.
PS It is called “Extended Sexual Orgasm”. Here is some info. from Alan P. Brauer and Donna J. Brauer, who have written a book called “Extended Sexual Orgasm – How You and Your Lover Can Give Each Other Hours of Extended Sexual Orgasm”.

“Learning To Let Go & Male Whole-Body Orgasm”

Thanks to @SOWithoutAneros for inspiring this amazing session! In a recent reply to another Aneros user, he suggested that he just had to learn to “let go”. Here is the background as I remember it…….

It started with a good positive attitude, which actually started yesterday in the pool of all places! While swimming, I got the strong sensation that as I approach people in life, I could either bring to them a dark cloud or a ray of sunshine! And I obviously want what is best for me and for them. So I carried this feeling all throughout the day yesterday and felt amazing.

This morning, I am relaxing in my new Shock Doctor 218 jockstrap with cup pocket. I use my Ultra Carbon cup and it feels amazing. I actually slept in it last night for the first time. I awoke about 2:30 AM with an incredible erection and a horny feeling that was extremely arousing. This carried me over into the next phase……

I am now chilling with a nice track on YouTube that I have experienced many times before: “DJ Fotis – Music For Sex (Round 4)”. And while listening to this track, I began to meditate…….

“Meditation: I Am Uniquely Me!”

While listening to a favorite track on YouTube: “DJ Fotis – Music For Sex (Round 5)” I “fell-into” a meditation. In a nutshell, here it is…….

In all the universe, I am uniquely “me”. There is no one else like me anywhere. What does this mean exactly? It means that only I will experience my unique pleasures of life. That may involve food, traveling, friends and yes, even sex! As it applies to the Aneros experience, what this means to me is that my Aneros pleasures are uniquely mine and no one else’s! That is not to imply that others may not experience what I am experiencing. Of course, we have shared pleasurable experiences. But it means that my experiences with my prostate in particular, are uniquely and ultimately mine!

Is it wrong to want to experience Aneros pleasures such as the Super-O the way others have? No, but I need to realize that even when I don’t have the exact same experiences and realms, neither do they experience mine. Is there a sense that I am traveling alone through this thing called life? Perhaps. But the true joy in life I believe is in experiencing shared pleasures. If I can master this aspect of living, I believe I have accomplished a great deal.

PS A lot of this meditation could not be put into words; I tried as best to say what I was feeling. This was a very powerful moment for me and I tried to share some aspects of it.

[Life Hack] I’ve been at this for 6 years, let me share a secret with you.

Let me preface this by stating I haven’t yet achieved the legendary hand-free Super-O, but I’ve been trying for a while now so I’ve gotten extremely efficient at trying. But this hack has kicked things into overdrive for me and I figured I’d share.

Now, everyone will tell you this is all about correct muscle movement, relaxation, and focus on subtle feelings from within a part of your body you’re not used to focusing on, and they’re not wrong, but there’s something extra you can do to help.

First: Figure out where inside your body you prostate is, use your finger to find the depth of your prostate (it’ll feel like you have to pee when you’ve found it, but you knew that). Compare your finger depth to the length of your aneros. You might find that the point at the end is further from your prostate is than you thought. I found that the Helix I had was too long and ended up missing my prostate by a half inch or so. Admittedly this took me years to discover and cost me hundreds of dollars in other toys.

The Hack: So, if you’re like me, the Helix is missing the right spot by a small amount but holding it in the right place by hand is either difficult or uncomfortable for long periods of time. My solution? **A loop of string.**

“The Microcosmic Orbit” Experience

I was just chilling this morning (in pseudo-chastity) thinking I would perform some Aless contractions. Little did I know that instead of an Aneros “Aless” session, I performed what I know now to be a “Microcosmic Orbit” meditation. It took some time to research, but I believe what I felt was a definite “circular” energy quite distinct from a typical Aless (prostate) experience. For one thing, some of the energy was directed through the perineum and not the prostate. This circular energy flow was gentle and I was in a very relaxed state when performing it. In some way, it was almost like a whole-body orgasm, but different. Not at intense, for one. I felt the energy progress from the perineum, up the spine to the brain and then back down through the front of my body. This pattern repeated generally with my breathing.

PS I knew virtually nothing about the microcosmic orbit prior to this morning. Interesting how the body “knows” what to do with the energy!
