MGX Trident Syn Vs Something else

Im really wanting to pick up another Aneros to play with. I have a original helix, and a trident helix., a eupho syn, and a progasm. I get really good pleasure and sensations from all. I reach for the helix trident the most. Im leaning towards and MGX trident in the syn. Never used one and would like to try it. Should I get it or the eupho trident syn? Id love to get a Vice 2. Not sure if its worth the price tag.

Oh my very sweet traditional Aneros MGX!!!

Hi guys,

Saturday night overnight we had perhaps the coldest nights of early 2021. A blast arctic air arrived Saturday afternoon. It was cold and blustery. Fortunately today Sunday the winds calmed down and we had a fairly pleasant afternoon.

I went to bed last night around 7 p.m. after it got dark here. I slept soundly until 10 p.m. when I had to get up and use my bathroom. Then I returned to bed and enjoyed my body in periods of diddling my nipples. Since I am pretty much rewired now, I can induce Super-O’s and even MMO’s on demand by diddling my nipples. When I arose in the 6 o’clock, I quickly dressed and went to my neighborhood 7 Eleven to get an extra-large size of mocha. Then I had an Aneros session with MGX around 7 o’clock when the sun rose. My session lasted a good 20 minutes. I must say that my erotic night with bouts of nipple diddling had primed the pump of an extremely satisfying session with MGX!

The Aneros directions of use over the years has suggested 20 minutes of contraction exercises with the Aneros. Of course, my body just knew what to do since those exercises are ingrained in my consciousness. They go hand-in-hand with my nipple diddling!

A very powerful session with traditional Aneros Maximus

Hi guys,

Earlier this morning in the 7 o’clock hour, I had a very powerful session with my trusty traditional Aneros Maximus. It lasted about 20 minutes. I have been working with the Aneros, as many of you know, since early June 2012. After several years of a regimen of Aneros sessions which occurred three/four times a week, I finally achieved major breakthroughs in mid September 2012 with Super-O’s and MMO’s. Since then, I can have all sorts of orgasms on demand most nights in bed mostly through diddling my nipples. Nights in bed are when I can shut out daily cares and blast of daily news. The darkness and quiets enable to relax and thus participate in my erotic activities.

The Maximus is between smaller models such as Helix and MGX and large, heavy duty models as the Progasm. I am intrigued in the more modern Trident series and how the Trident Maximus performs. I wonder of guys using the Trident series achieve Super-O’s and MMO’s more quickly in terms of months and years.

Take care!

Post Workout Session

Recently I’ve started working out more in our home gym, I’m on a major fitness and weight loss program and so far so good.
I find that working out whilst watching porn helps me, it takes my focus away from the exercises and focuses my mind on the hot girls!
Post workout I find myself all hot and sweaty and surprisingly aroused, maybe its the natural rush of endorphins? As I warm down and take a shower mind wonders towards quality time with an aneros.

Yesterday I did just this followed by a session with my MGX Syn Trident. Pleasurable sensations were there almost instantly, the device hit the sweet-spot with an instant buzz. The session went really well. I had a big Supe -O within the first twenty minuets followed by a long fallow period, not a problem as I was happy to bask in the afterglow of the Super-O, I then started holding the device with my sphincter and PC muscle to the point where it was fluttering and dancing, this caused the MGX to bounce around like crazy, the result was Super-O number two, then after another drop-off a third. Its awhile since I’ve had the fluttering sensation but I loved it, going to try that again next week.

Happy riding guys.

Another new toy

I’ve noticed over time that my prostate has changed in the kinds of stimulation it responds to. For a while it responded very well to my Eupho Syn Trident. Then it seemed to prefer the MGX Syn Trident. Every once in a while it liked my Helix Syn Trident.

I noticed a pattern. It started with liking gentle subtle stimulation like with the Eupho. Over time it seems to respond to more direct stimulation. I’ve had my Progasm for a while, but it’s never really done much for me. My guess is that while my body is liking more direct stimulation, the Progasm is so large that it can’t move around much. I thought that getting the Progasm Junior would give me the best of both: fullness and mobility.

I ordered the Progasm Junior when it was on sale. It came in the mail yesterday, and I was anxious to try it. I started the session with my MGX, and it was nice. I soon found out that it was a warm up for the main event. So I inserted the Progasm Junior. It was awkward at first. I wasn’t sure what to do with it at first. It’s very different from my other ones. I find the the “do nothing” method works well for me. I insert my toys, start playing with my nipples, and let my body take over. It seemed like my body didn’t know what to do with it at first. Finally, I could feel the warmth and tingling in my prostate. I could feel this sensation all over my body that I don’t think I’ve ever felt. It was waves of pleasure. I could feel the tip milking my prostate, and it was heavenly. I actually thought it would make me ejaculate. It felt like my prostate was expanding and contracting. I focused intently on the sensations and it magnified them. I really enjoyed feeling it all coming on. It felt like it was going deeper and deeper. My dick got so hard. It was an amazing experience. I’m thinking about trying again tonight.

A new level

A couple of days ago I think I had my most intense experience yet. I recently got an MGX Syn Trident. I started off the session with my Helix Trident. It felt nice, but it wasn’t really doing it for me. I had a feeling that there was more. I have learned more and more how to listen to my intuition during sessions. I had this strong thought that I needed the MGX Syn Trident. I inserted it, and the real experience began.

At first I wasn’t too impressed. I did love the warm sensation that I only get from the silicone versions. There was a slow buildup. Then suddenly I got this feeling that’s difficult to describe. It’s like it hit the prostate just right, and suddenly my attention was pulled to my prostate. The focus was very intense. I had this sensation of being pulled inside myself. I lost awareness of the rest of my body.

I could feel the MGX stroking my prostate. I could feel my prostate pulsating. It got faster. I could feel this intense warm tingling pleasure fill my body. The pleasure was so intense. For a moment I thought I might be losing my mind, but I didn’t care. It seemed like it would never stop. I’ve read on the forum some people talk about how they had to put a stop to it because it felt so good. I finally understand what they meant.

Two hot Progasm Classic rides, Nov. 28 & Dec. 5, 2020

Hi guys,

Last Saturday morning, November 28 and this Saturday morning, December 5, I had two amazing Progasm Classic rides just before sunrise. These rides produced wonderful Aless. These Progasm two Classic rides happened about after two years of disuse.

A guy on a masturbation web site in October 2011 told me all about the health and sexual benefits of self-administered prostate massage which the Aneros produces. So in late December 2011, I ordered for my use the original models of Helix, MGX, and Progasm. However I was afraid to use them because I was unacquainted with anal play. When Aneros began marketed Helix Syn in March 2012, I ordered that model which opened soon after for me the benefits and pleasures of prostate massage. Helix Classic, MGX Classic, and Progasm Classic soon after joined my Aneros sessions.

The Progasm Classic seems to be formidable model to use because of its girth and its aggressive prostate capacity. All you do is just relax and let this model work on your prostate. Gentle nipple diddling and occasional Kegels are only necessary to actuate the massage action of the Progasm. You will be reward with lovely Aless which lasts throughout the day and in the evening as you go to bed.

Take care!

Erotic night of diddling & MGX Classic ride, December 19

Hi guys,

Friday night I retired early as I do now on these long winter nights. Off and on throughout the night I enjoyed diddling my nipples as I reflected on questions posed by @Poseidon on nipple diddling techniques, etc. The short answer to such questions is that there are basic nipple diddling motions you can perform: (1) Circular motions on the fleshy aureoles surrounding the nipples. These motions may be light and dainty or rough and aggressive. (2) Diddling the nipples in circular fashion themselves. (3) Strumming the nipples back and forth using either light and dainty or rough and aggressive strokes. The nipples through such play will awaken of their accord. Just be patient and have fun. Nipple diddling will certainly be felt in your genitals, e.g. the perineum, at the base of your scrotum, cock root, cock shaft, and various parts of your Glans, not the least nipple diddling being felt in various parts of your prostate. It is so sweet and powerful and full of fun! That is why night time is a very special time for me, hours of leisurely exploration during long winter nights!

@goldenboy, who was a very prolific Aneros blogger, how I miss his blog posts and insights, spoke much about the PONR, the sexual point-of-no-return, which all boys discover when they masturbate, or which guys seek to harness when they have sex. As an experienced Aneros rider and nipple diddler, the PONR for me a beautiful temple of male sexuality. During many long nights, I enjoy long dalliances at the PONR temple, and when I do go all the way, the sex is so sweet and powerful!

What a home Cumming!

I got home late last night form a business trip, whilst away I was hoping for some nice relaxed sessions with my growing family of Aneros’s.

Unfortunately things didn’t go to plan because my work colleagues were placed on the same floor of the hotel. I tried a few sessions but couldn’t get to a Super-O, I had lots of lovely sensations and the sessions were enjoyable, in the end I resorted to my second favourite pass time, sounding!

What happened during this trip made me realise the importance to me of having absolutely no distractions, or for that matter anyone else within earshot. It also dawned on me how vocal I am during my sessions, this is something I wasn’t fully aware of.

I got up this morning and drove my wife to work fully intending to work at home today, my prostate had different ideas! Ok so I can’t really blame my inability to work on my prostate, maybe I did brows a bit of porn and get myself worked up!

Sitting at my desk I could feel a buzz and a warm glow coming from my base of my cock, this was far more concentrated (and difficult to ignore) and intense than normal. It would have been rude not to oblige and bung a Aneros up my ass!

Ups and Downs

I’ve recently been away on assignment working up to 16 hours per day, feeling mentally and physically tired, even so I’ve still found time for a few sessions with my ever growing collection of Aneros’s.
Unsurprisingly most of the sessions were duds, not a lot to report, hardy even a p-wave. The combination of exhaustion, being in unfamiliar hotels and rushing totally and utterly killed any sensation, what this reiterated to me was the need for a quiet space, somewhere without disturbance, and with time to relax and enjoy the moment.

On returning home I set-to tidying up loose ends, to conclude the assignment, to clear my desk, physically and metaphorically. After doing this I browsed some porn and settled in for a session with the MGX Syn Trident, a douche, shower and total peace and solitude, no distractions whatsoever.

I lubed up my ass and smeared Vaseline on the MGX, inserted it and concentrated on my breathing, in through the mouth for seven seconds, hold for seven and slowly release the exhaled breath. in no time sensations started to build, a delicious dull ache in my groin, gentle shaking and quivering of my legs and a tightening of my abs. Occasionally a p-wave would send shivers from my head to my toes, I started contacting my pc muscles whilst simultaneously attempting to push out the Aneros with my rectal muscles, it didn’t take long for my muscles to fatigue and start to quiver, by now I could feel the gentle pressure applied by the massager on my prostate and it was was buzzing.