An Aneros auto-fuck session like no other! : Sunday July 1

Hi guys,

We in the mid Atlantic are having a weekend of excessive heat with highs in the mid to upper 90’s. This heatwave will begin to abate on Tuesday. So this morning I have decided to stay home from church and view the worship service at the church web site.

Most nights in bed I enjoy diddling my nipples which produces a sweet Aless with lulls me to sleep. However this morning my diddling made me ready for an Aneros session. I rode MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Ivory.

However, I started with Maximus which inserts comfortably to the hilt. This morning this comfortable fit along with some mild Kegels started an auto-fuck that went on and on, like to a good thirty minutes which I could have continued another fifty minutes or more! This auto-fuck produced a very high level of pleasure interspersed with an orgasmic buzz or electricity intermingled with many mini-O’s and several Super-O’s. I think I have finally developed MMO capability.
While I was experiencing this Maximus auto-fuck action, I was enjoying the highs and lows of Maximus fucking me. I believe that I am on the verge of developing some control over how this action takes place and produce Super-O’s and MMO’s in the midst of all this pleasure!

I reluctantly withdrew Maximus from my bunghole after thirty minutes of absolute auto-fuck pleasure, but could have rode Maximus much longer.

Follow your Aneros auto-fuck wherever it leads you! : Saturday morning session, June 15

Hi guys,

This morning I had a thoroughly satisfying session with Maximus and Progasm Ivory which lasted about an hour.

I hadn’t any session since Wednesday morning when I tried Maximus and Progasm Classic which produced a session which bordered on the mediocre. Then early yesterday morning Friday while running an errand in the business district of my neighborhood my right hip experienced some pain. I wanted to run this errand before a hot spell begins today and continuing until Wednesday.

I decided to go to bed at my usual time last night at 10 p.m. I wore my BIKE CUP Supporter Unit no. 85. This jock cup fits me like a sock. It lulled me to sleep as I diddled my nipples which was so sweet. Fortunately last night’s sleep lessened almost to nothing my painful right hip.

I woke up the 5 o’clock hour and showered and shaved. I also shaved my scrotum. Athletes wearing athletic cups regularly shave their nuts in order to prevent the discomfort of testicle hair pulls.

Afterward I went out to get coffee and a blondie at our neighborhood 7 Eleven. I regaled in how my BIKE CUP cradled my “junk” so sweetly. That in itself as always is powerful foreplay!

@smaster with his Progasm Classic auto-fucking him inspired me this morning in my session. So did @awired50 with his using Progasm Ivory which Aneros Inc no longer manufactures due to structural weaknesses. The feel of Progasm Ivory lies between the sleek feel of Progasm ICE and the robust feel of Progasm Classic.

Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic, Wow! : Sessions for June 10 & 12

Hi guys,

I had two great sessions with Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic in that order for Sunday June 10 and this morning, June 12.

Seldom do have Aneros sessions on Sunday mornings because that is when I am in church. However last Sunday morning there was only one service at church that seemed avant-garde, so I stayed home. The session I had only lasted 45 minutes in this time slot, 5:30-6:15 a.m. at dawn and sunrise. Now I know that I can begin a session with Maximus which performed well. Then I went on with MGX which performed better. But it was with Progasm Classic that I had a Super-O which lasted five seconds. My Super-O caused me to raise my nips and butt off my blanket. I should have stayed in the pose after my Super-O and attempt a series of Super-O’s and just MMO’s!

@smaster, who is a fairly new member of our Aneros community has been inspirational in that regard:

This morning I had a session with the same models which lasted perhaps an hour. I came close to experiencing a Super-O with Maximus. I also enjoyed my rides with MGX and Progasm Classic as well. These rides this morning felt so good that I just spent extra time just “communing” with my Aneros models.

Take care!

Aneros equilibrium, Aneros resonance, Aneros fishing, etc. : Session for Saturday June 9

Hi guys,

I had a thoroughly enjoyable session with my favorite Aneros models : Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus and Progasm ICE.

For many months recently, I have tried to find out why my sessions have felt so good. I have settled upon some description Aneros terms:

“Aneros foreplay”: Like @goldenboy, I enjoy wearing a jock and cup to bed most nights. Not only does this combination feel so good, but a jock and cup is so consoling. Like a pacifier, they enable me to fall asleep like a baby. When I wake up in the still of night, I like to Kegel in my jock and cup and diddle my nipples. It is so sweet and it constitutes hours of leisurely foreplay. When I wake up in the morning, I am horned, rearing to go with a session.

Last night, I wore a Nutty Buddy Cup in the pouch of an ordinary BIKE jockstrap and over a pair of Munsingwear Kangaroo Pouch boxer briefs. My Nutty Buddy Cup “floats” in this combination.

Here is a pic of MLB great, Mark Littell, creator of the Nutty Buddy. I hope you do not mind the kinkiness of this pic! 🙂

I cannot stress though how the Kegel Exercises, diddling your nipples, and relaxed rhythmic breathing act as rocket fuel in your “Aneros foreplay”.

Kegeling and diddling while wearing my BIKE CUP in Aless! May 12 session.

Hi guys,

I wore a BIKE CUP Supporter unit, no. 85, men’s medium, to bed last night just after 10 p.m., my usual bedtime. Summertime weather is making its gradual appearance here. It was 92 on Thursday, low 80’s yesterday, and today it is supposed to be 93 for a high. However last night, I slept with the A/C turned off and the windows slightly open. I woke up at 2 a.m. this morning feeling slightly sweaty wearing my BIKE CUP and jock. I listened to the BBC for a while, but fell asleep and slept some more till 4 a.m. when I listened to the BBC until 5 o’clock. I decided to get up and prepare for a session. The BIKE CUP Supporter unit became an instant hit among athletes, mostly baseball players. The BIKE CUP has an innovative contoured shape with a rather thick polyethylene foam gasket. It’s accompanying supporter has polyester fabric. The combination not only contains an athlete’s “junk” but is very comfortable to wear.

I enjoy diddling my nipples while wearing the jock and cup while in bed in the still of the night. Doing all this at night is very much a pacifier. Of course, these activities are powerful foreplay in themselves. Because of all this, I was really horned for my session!

For this morning’s session, I used in order the following models: Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE.

“A New Direction For My Sessions?”

This blog post is not related to any particular session lately. Rather, my sessions seem to be taking a different direction. Let me explain…..


The past two sessions have been good. I generally start aroused and wearing a “chastity cup”. Nothing new there. But lately, my sessions have been shorter and less eventful. My most recent one with the SGX was only about 20 minutes long. But in that time I had one quite large full-body contraction (was it an orgasm?) I am beginning to think so. That one large contraction came on the heels of a basically do-nothing approach to the session. This session with the SGX started out very nice and relaxing. But before long, I could feel it starting to “tickle” my prostate which started to swell.


I believe that the key to enjoyment of my sessions lately is to just relax into them and have no expectations. And if the session is short and only filled with one orgasm, then that should be good enough for me! I should not try to lengthen it or expect multiple orgasms. Perhaps when my body is ready, it will give me another Super-O! It will probably build-up out of a “do-nothing” start! But until then, I will just savor the sessions as they come and enjoy every brief moment of them!

MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE give me stupendous Aless! Session for Monday April 16

Hi guys,

Because of matters I had to attend to over the weekend, I was not able to have an Aneros session this past Saturday or Sunday yesterday. But I was really horned for one. I believe that proficient Aneros users reach a point in their Aneros journey that their well-exercised anal musculature and prostate hunger for the Aneros. It could be called Aneros hunger or horniness. Of course, many proficient Anerosers try to limit their sessions to two or three times a week. Aneros hunger or horniness interacts well with one’s Aless, especially on those days away from the Aneros. That has been my experience over the years, especially when I began to experience Super-O’s and MMO’s on regular basis in my sessions and in my Aless beginning in mid September 2016 when I achieved a major breakthrow. See below:

This morning I arose in the 5 o’clock hour feeling horned for a session. I had worn my Nutty Buddy Mongo Cup to bed last night and slept well. I went out and returned with a Brookie and coffee from our 7 Eleven. My Aneros tools of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE had already been prepped and were rearing to go. I also donned a BIKE jockstraps-Nutty Buddy Mongo Cup for the session.

I took my time with each of my Aneros models. MGX hugs my prostate and thus accentuates the force of my Kegels. I also Kegeled a great deal with Maximus and was richly rewarded with tons of pleasure. The same thing with Progasm ICE. I believe this morning’s session lasted about 1.25 hours.


So, Crimsonwolf was a meteor across the Aneros community skies.. He rapidly found himself very successfully anerosing and just as quickly Alessing “all the way”.
Here is something he posted to a forum thread that I had started (I had completely forgotten about) in 2014, called “Telling your Friends [about Aneros]. That thread is kind of interesting all by itself. Here it is:

03-15-2015, 06:59 AM
Greetings, Gentlemen –

I wanted to post this earlier today, but I had too much going on. So here we go…

A lot has changed since I had my first multiples/super-os. I’ve been asked how I’ve managed to start getting these without using a toy, or a-less, as some might say. As happy as I am to share any information with you gents, I’m a bit hesitant to do this, because I do not wish to send anyone down a path that may cause delays in their experience of pleasure and self-awareness.

In order for me to explain this from my perspective, I’m going to say some things that some might find disagreeable. What has proven effective for me may not help you in any way, but I do believe that we are, in fact, more similar than we are different. As such, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for anyone to describe their personal bodily experience, as long as it’s understood that it’s not meant to be advice. Ok?

On with it…

Anniversary synopsis

On January 18 (today), it has been exactly two years since I first inserted my Aneros Helix Syn. At the time, my back door experience was limited to a few weeks of finger exploring with minimal results. I had been reading the Aneros forum for some time and so I knew there was a chance I was going to discover a new world of pleasures and possibly improve my health in the process.

At 61 years of age, my sex life was abysmal, enduring a very low libido and hardly able to have an erection. On occasions, I felt pressure in my lower abdomen and irritating sensations while urinating: possibly a touch of BPH or prostatitis as so many males experience at that stage of life. Porn was plentiful but had become ineffective and boring. I was also getting up countless times to urinate at night (3 sometimes 4).

I was feeling my age, I had become an old man with a lazy prostate and almost on the edge of depression.

I cannot remember exactly how I came across the topic of Aneros but somehow my curiosity and interest in seeking more info on prostate health must have lead me here. As mentioned above, I started exploring the dark hole with my index and found the intrusion interesting. The more I read the Aneros forum, the more intrigued I became. I simply had to get one!

First Session – I Think I Had a Prostate Orgasm

Hi everyone,

TLDR: is it ok to apply pressure to my prostate via external pressure applied above the base of my cock while using my Aneros?

I finally took the plunge and bought an Aneros yesterday. My local toy shop only had the progasm, which is on the bigger side but I’m accustomed to plugs and D so I figured it was worth the risk.

The Progasm went in with no problem and felt great. I relaxed and tried to work my PC and anal muscles. I had some very good porn playing next to me and just gave into the experience knowing that this was my first time and trying not to have too many expectations.

I stayed soft most of the time (90 mins) and did have several flashes of eye rolling pleasure from my contractions. I was sure to not touch my dick too.

Here’s my question- I applied pressure to my prostate via external pressure right above the base of my dick. This sent me in OVER THE EDGE. I had an incredibly intense orgasm and came buckets without touching my dick. Is this technique ok? Should I avoid this moving forward? I certainly want to get to a truly handsfree MMO capability.

Can’t wait to try more!