Day 41 of 2nd SR-Challenge: Ending with SR by cumming from old fashioned masturbation

After day 40 showed up with a second time of leaking semen, I decided to clean the pipes. Yesterday evening having some time for myself I lay down on bed and surrendered to Aless. From the first second wonderful strong involuntaries struck me and initiated an horny autofuck mode with multiple orgasms for more than an hour, leading towards two nice super-Os bathing myself heckling, squiggling, moaning, thrusting and twitching in pure bliss. Though leaking lots of precum I felt quite too far away from an HFWO. Running out of time I turned on my back and switched to masturbation. Accompanied by involuntaries I shortly afterwards shot a big load with strong convulsions and about seven squirts pasting my chest with spunk. The strength of the orgasm however was quite disappointing, while the involuntaries didn’t stop, pumping up last drops of what seemed to be clear precum. Though my penis became flaccid short after ejaculation, the refractory period didn’t begin, instead I could have switched back to Aless as if the ejaculation would not have taken place, if only having had more time.

Due to a comment of GGringo I, too, will for now stop counting days of SR.

For me, I continue but I stopped counting; the results are positive and I’m under no pressure to beat my record. When it’s time to explode, my body takes over and the deed is done (with great pleasure). Before, it was my mind commanding and ejaculation was always eminent.

Entry One

I can’t count how many times over the last year guys in chat have mentioned that they missed my blog here. Some even remembered my blog on Word Press 5 years ago, mentioning how much they enjoyed it. I must admit I miss the connection with real readers. I stopped blogging a year ago, directing all my erotic writing energy to my novels. There will be news of the novels here this year, I am thinking of publishing finally. One is complete and the other (a sequel) is 6 months from finishing. They are long. The first is 130,000 words or 350 + pages; I will know how long the second will go in a few months.

So here is the first entry in my third blog series. It was inspired by a session that I had just finished which is often the case. After letting the last intense anal pleasure spasm dwindle I abandoned any effort to sustain them and got out of bed with my anus buzzing in post orgasm. A few minutes ago I came downstairs, my cock still dripping precum and my anus drooling lube to commit words to the computer before I forgot them. I told a few guys last night that I expected that I would be doing a session early this morning; it was a session worth writing about.

Day 10 of 3rd attempt

It’s probably been a few years since I went this long without ejaculating, and the first time able to have MMO sessions I’ve not ejaculated this long (was re wired about 1.5 years ago).

Noticed yesterday that I generally just felt like I was in a better mood, and a little bit more energetic during the day. I didn’t feel especially horny or frustrated during the day, but also felt like I could turn myself on easily with thoughts or light touch. I had sex with my partner for about 90 minutes, initially when we started I didn’t get an erection right away, but then after a few minutes I was really hard and really turned on. I was having good orgasms from him stroking me and oral sex, but they seemed like it maybe took a little bit more pleasure to “get there” to an orgasm. I actually thought that was a good thing, because when the orgasm did happen it felt a little stronger (like more pressure had built up and was being released). I also didn’t have a toy in – often I do because 1 – it just feels good and makes orgasms easier to have and 2 – I thought the pressure against my prostate during an orgasm made it harder to ejaculate so felt safer.
Anyways, I was feeling in control and far enough away from the ejaculation reflex that I decided to go A-less for the whole time. We fucked for about 45-60 minutes, and I didn’t have any close calls. Had some really good orgasms though, one that lasted about 2 minutes which was amazing. I felt pretty happy being at that 80-90% level and not too afraid of going to far to like 99% where I could easily trigger the ejaculation reflex. I was really horny, really hard, but after he ejaculated I just pulled out and we stopped. The energy and horniness declined pretty easily – within about 5-10 min i was soft and not feeling frustrated like I missed out on something.

Day 5 of 3rd attempt

Was feeling pretty average last night, not a depleted feeling of sexual energy, but not reved up either. I was walking home from gym in evening and thought about having sex later that evening, but couldn’t decide if i was really in the mood for it. Also, I didn’t really want to risk cumming and thought I’d just be safer if I was by myself. Decided to wait till weekend to have sex and did a solo session instead.

Started with Maximus and got pretty aroused pretty fast. I w as hard most of the session. I used that for about an hour and had a great session with that, pretty strong orgasms. Was also using my hand a little to really slowly stroke my cock. I really paid attention to how slow strokes and relaxing into the orgasm work really well. If I started stroking hard/fast, I could really feel how the ejaculation reflex can come out of nowhere and get close really fast without realizing. It’s like the stroking really fast was causing me to tense up around my groin area and I didn’t have enough time to just relax into the rhythm of an orgasm. I think that is an important lesson I need to remember going forward.

A “Virtual” Aneros Session….Amazing!

An amazing session! Here is the background……

I was in Day 6 of SR and chastity. My wife was feeling better after a week with a stomach bug. Anyway, we lay down in bed just relaxing and watching TV when I reached out to her to cuddle. I began to get an erection, but this one wouldn’t go down. It remained hard and just got harder. I began to get aroused and she felt it. She began a most-erotic, gentle tease of my cock and after about 25 minutes, I was thoroughly wet. I knew I would have to go-off or suffer the consequence of blue-balls. I didn’t have a towel handy so I went to get one and returned. I got it into position and my wife took over from there (knowing I am in chastity, she gave the green-light). She proceeded to finish me off with some mind-blowing ball massage and cock-work. I didn’t last long, I ejaculated with an incredible amount of cum! My pelvis was tingling for several minutes afterwards.


Fast-forward to this morning; I am “locked” in my pseudo-chastity-cup and found an interesting track on YouTube: “Tantric Deep Lounge” by G.I. Joe. I started listening and could feel my cock twitching beneath my cup. I started performing some kegels but not knowing where this was going. After a while (I lost track of time) I began to feel an unmistakable clenching in my prostate and it was a prostate orgasm! Now realize I have stopped my “formal” Aneros sessions months ago. But this “session” felt like I never stopped! Things settled down for a short while, but started-up all over again! OMG! A MMO! During this session, I had the usual moans, deep-breathing, shaking and euphoria. I guess you could say that the Aneros re-wiring is indeed permanent! I probably could have lasted longer, but, alas, it was time to get-up.

Day 2 of 3rd attempt

2 days now since I ejaculated. The first time I tried semen retention (I guess 2 ish weeks ago now), I was really horny and thought it was a huge challenge even by day 2. The 2nd and 3rd attempts, at around the day 2 mark I’ve been much less aroused.

I had a session yesterday, but it didn’t last very long. Was hard for about 30 min or so before I got soft, and had a few orgasms, but nothing too strong. My sessions start to die after 2-3 hours usually, but this one was dead after 30 min. Had one close call (was using a new masturbator toy that literally is powered and jacks you off – so still getting the hang of it), but managed to stay away from ejaculating. But learned a bit of a lesson – I made it to 8 days on the first attempt because I wasn’t touching my cock very much. I keep having close calls lately because I am stimulating my cock. Especially starting a session, it’s easy to trigger the ejaculation reflex with cock stimulation when you aren’t having orgasms quite yet. The orgasms help move that energy away from your cock, so I think I should avoid touching my cock unless I’m well into strong multiple orgasms.

Start of 3rd attempt

Oops. Was having sex with the boyfriend and having lots of multiple orgasms. Just stopped or did one wrong move and triggered the ejaculation reflex. Nothing came out, but know there was a contraction or two at the base of my spine / pumping for at least a second. Lost my erection for a few min. Got it back and finished fucking (without cumming).

Wasn’t sure if I actually came. But the loss of erection and slight feeling of a release now, I’m pretty sure I’ll have to consider that an ejaculation and start from the beginning. I sorta feel some loss of sexual energy. Although I wonder if because it was just a small short feeling of ejacukating I was able to stop, maybe physically I’ll recover faster?

So starting 3rd attempt today. Dammit! This is harder than it sounded.

An enjoyable session, despite the winter cold, Monday December 19

Hi guys,

Church activities yesterday Sunday combined with a fresh blast of Arctic cold mid afternoon exhausted me last night. I slept very well last night in my sweats along an Underarmour Cold gear long-sleeve shirt underneath.

I woke up in the 5 o’clock hour and listened to the news on my walkman radio all the while enjoying Aless. Interacting with Aless in bed is really sweet because I can rev it up to something major, like a Super-O or even MMO’s if I want.

Finally in the 7 o’clock hour this morning, I got up and had a session with the following models in order: MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. It must have lasted a good 45 minutes. I credit my session’s success to that Underarmour Cold Gear long-sleeve shirt underneath my hoodie.

Post session Aless went well, but I had to use my bathroom just after 12 noon and had a big BM. The wonderful thing about the Aneros sessions is that they keep me regular.

Take care.

Update just before 6 p.m. Monday evening. Today post session, I have had amazing Aless. Good Aless for me is as though I have my Aneros models working away.

I finally did it!!!! [multiple orgasms]

Tonight, nearly one year after I first purchased my Aneros De-Vice, I had my first instance of multiple prostate orgasms. Up until now, most Aneros sessions ended with me getting impatient and masturbating normally. I have also been strengthening my PC muscles over the past year, which made a huge difference tonight.

I’ve come to the conclusion that relaxation is quite possibly the most important factor – at least for me. Lately I’ve been trying to cut back on porn, because I noticed that I’ve had the urge to masturbate multiple times per day – sometimes 3 or more – and its been getting in the way of me getting my work done. I decided that for at least the next month, I will only masturbate if I can take my time and do it mindfully, without any porn, which is exactly what I did tonight. I started out just doing some breathing exercises while different parts of my body, and slowly moved on to lubing up the De-Vice and easing it in. Once it was in I started really focusing on trying to feel in the moment – how my hand felt on my penis and vice versa, while also focusing on how my muscle contractions were slowly massaging my prostate. Eventually the P Waves started, and as I neared orgasm I suddenly flexed my pc muscles, at which point I felt like I was carried across some kind of threshold and delivered into my first full-on dry orgasm! I repeated this process two more times, each orgasm more satisfying than the last, before finishing with an explosive cum. Easily one of the best masturbation sessions of my entire life.

I Wasn’t Going To

I swear I wasn’t going to. I planned on taking a day off. My wife is going to be out of town all day tomorrow so I was just going to save it all and not do anything today. I’m glad I didn’t.
I thought I’d just lay in bed and edge for a bit and see how far I could take it but my itch got the best of me. For some silly reason I decided to do a little anal exploration. I’ve never taken the time to really check my self out down there and I didn’t have to work today so I had a bunch of time. Pulled out a glove and some lube, put a dollop of ‘glide on a couple fingers and worked em in. Interesting, I learned a lot about my body during this time. What muscles do what when I clench and how it feels. Cool. Then I got that itch. Crap, I might as well, I got everything out. Went to the closet to retrieve the Helix Syn and prep him for duty. I opted to put a condon over it to keep it from retaining odor. He was getting a bit stinky and I figured I’d give it a shot. I don’t know if it makes a difference in performance but today’s session was incredible. I did my pre-ritual lube job and lubed inside and outside the condom. Insertion was effortless and I settled in, laying on my back and relaxing. A couple minutes into it and I got some butt twitches that triggered p-waves, Awesome. I rode those for a few minutes, then the feelings subsided. I caught my breath an rolled over on my side. Glanced at the clock and figured out I was going for 10 minutes, cool. I’m always amazed at how much time flies when you’re having fun. I started doing some really deep, focused breathing to relax. I concentrated on trying to get every muscle in my body to release tension. OMG, it worked! The next thing I know my hips start gyrating and my glutes start twitching and I’m thrashing around on my side. I maintain my breathing pattern and start throwing in light PC clenching. BINGO! I start going into what I’m guessing are orgasms because that’s what it feels like but I’m not ejaculating anything. I’m knocking em out left and right and it’s not stopping. Is this what a MMO feels like? Holy crap, I don’t want it to stop. I finally roll onto my back to get my foot off the throttle and realize it’s been a fricken half hour. You gotta be kidding me, OMG! After a couple of minutes I roll over to my other side and settle into the fetal position. After a few minutes of relaxed breathing, it happens again. Great googlie mooglie, this is AWESOME! I’m riding waves and hammering orgasms in an endless stream, I’m in euphoric bliss! I’ve always wondered what women experienced when they have multiple orgasms, now I know. Once I got settled down, I look at the clock and see that I’ve been going at it for an hour. A few minutes later I hear alarms going off. Damn, time to end it.