Aborted session, Monday November 14 ; Transformed, completed session, Tuesday, November 15

Hi guys,

After you start experiencing Super-O’s and MMO’s, your body and psyche develops a hunger for the Aneros. It could be Aneros horniness. Just about every session is good, and many are superb. After most sessions, you enter Aless which is exquisite, sweet, and powerful which preps you for the next session. Such has been my experience in recent months and certainly after that landmark session on September 14.

Such was my intention yesterday morning when I prepped my usual models of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic for my session. My ride with MGX was fairly good. However with Maximus I could feel a BM coming on. So aborted the session, went to the bathroom, and had a super large and super long duration BM which pretty much evacuated my intestine. I have found that my Aneros sessions keep me regular. But what happened yesterday was something out of the ordinary. I never got to Progasm Classic. The session lasted only 30 minutes.

I had thought of having another session in the noon hour or early evening, but I got involved in a translation project.

This morning I had a session with the same models which was great. They rode exceedingly well. I relaxed and let go. The models massaged anal tract and prostate with some new strokes which amazed me. I believe the session lasted about an hour. Now I have a great Aless. Take care.

The Plateau – There and not further

In the last weeks my doctor changed my anafranil dose to half, which could kick something in my sexual drive.
I’ve tried having some sessions meanwhile with progasm ice, progasm jr, helix syn and maximus but nothing come out of it.

The problem is that I need a long time for things to start and generally I fall asleep during the session.

Yesterday I decided to try eupho. My prostate is kinda dead and recently I’ve been trying to have more contact with it to trigger something. In the last days I’ve tried something else, getting more movement with helix syn and eupho.

As most of my sessions in the last years, I don’t have much hope that a session will be good. Anyway, I keep trying. My sexual drive is extremely low and I wonder when will I be able to have a proper sex drive to help me in the aneros way.

So after inserting eupho I watched some porn, in this case the xtude Aneros MMO video of that guy with helix syn where he explains through the session what he was feeling. I really like this video and I like the slow session that I can watch for almost an hour.

Aless on my mind, and wow! An amazing Sunday afternoon session! October 24

Hi guys,

I didn’t go to church Sunday morning, but stayed home for some much needed R&R which included an Aneros session and active connection with my Aless described below in this blog post.

Yes, indeed Aless was on mind this morning. Those of you who have read my Aneros blog know of my intense jockstrap and athletic cup fetish. I nurtured my Aless by wearing a jock and cup underneath my jeans from 7:30 a.m. until 1:15 p.m. when I had a session. Most athletic cups these days are contoured and roomy to hold your junk comfortably. The bottom edge of most cups reach under a guy’s scrotum and rest on his perineum. Naturally as a guy engages in athletic activity, his cup will invariably will caress his perineum where his sweet spot is located. Hence rather early in my Aneros journey, if not some months before, I have found a jock and cup ideal for performing the Kegel Exercises. It provides the stimulation not for the fervor of my Kegels, but also revves up my Aless.

What does Aless means to me? I have cherished my Aless, those times outside of Aneros sessions, very much, for the last two or three years, but especially now since achieving my goal achieving first genuine Super-O’s and MMO’s on Friday morning September 16. Aless is the electric buzz of energy emanating from my alive prostate and anal musculature. It is so wonderful to engage with my Aless with the Kegels and relaxed breathing. When I do that, my Aless revves up. Aless gives rise to exciting memories of past sessions, hence they are times of rehearsal both in my mind and body. However my Aless is always there, even at times it may be in background during times of fulfilling the daily affairs of life. But I can rev it up in a moment’s notice.

Reached a super O few weeks ago. Now they’re not as intense anymore.

Hi all.

I’ve finally achieve a super O a few weeks ago. The orgasmS litteraly took my mind out of my body. And for each orgasm I could feel a build up of energy around my butt and pubic area. An incredible sensation.

The thing is, I don’t feel them anymore. I can steal have multiple orgasms (and boy do they feel good!). I can have around 10 in a row and orgasm for maybe 15 minutes non stop. But I don’t feel that buildup anymore nor do I feel my mind escaping my body.

Am I the only one who experienced this? Am I the only one who lost this ability? Are there people who found ways to get it back?

Thanks for your help!

Savoring irrepressible Aless, Thursday October 20 and early Friday morning session, October 21

Hi guys,

I am so grateful to have Aneros buddies like @goldenboy, @GGringo, and @brine who have cheered me on in my Aneros sessions in the last six months or so. Having such buddies makes me so glad that we are on an Aneros team, enjoying our sessions and saving Aless outside of sessions!

Late last night I had an urge to masturbate. I think there is a consensus among Anerosers that Aneros sessions that produce sweet Aless also make a guy real horny, so much so he wants sex, whether with his partner or with his hand. When guys such as me pass the goal of achieving Super-O’s and MMO’s, they begin to plumb the dimensions of the Aneros experience which transform their persons, their views on life, and enhance their relations with people special in their life. Yes, most guys, lead normal lives in their families, their marriages, and their work lives as well. This is true for confirmed bachelors as me who is also retired. The Aneros becomes important once you experience the goal which I mentioned above.

Yes, late last night, horniness hit me like a brick as I began to masturbate. Aless has transformed my masturbation practice. I need to masturbate every day and explore this working out of my male sexuality in conjunction with Aless. I had an irrepressible erection. So I masturbated and surfed the edge of ejaculatory inevitability for 30-45 minutes last night, but petered out because it was around midnight because it was way beyond my bedtime.

It’s gotten cold! Saturday afternoon session, October 22

Hi guys,

Cold blustery weather finally arrived this morning after our few days of Indian summer which warranted my turning on my air conditioning for some hours Thursday noon to Friday morning. We did have a few hours of showers mid afternoon yesterday with it feeling noticeably cooler toward sunset last evening.

I had to go to meeting at church this morning. When I arrived back home this afternoon, my apartment felt like a icebox. Management has not turned the heat yet! 🙁 After some hours lounging and relaxing, I couldn’t stand anymore. I was really horny for a session. It lasted probably over an hour and it felt really good with models MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE! However I found a way to remain warm during a session in an ice cold apartment. First I wear my long-sleeve Under Armour T-shirt and then over it my hooded sweatshirt with a zipper, all this despite my being naked from my waist down. Also this wore my hooded sweatshirt unzipped so that I have access to my nipples and hairy chest, albeit underneath my UA T-shirt.

Actively working with Aless : Tuesday evening, October 18 & two Super-T attempts

Hi guys,

@goldenboy has inspired me to work actively with my Aless this evening. I had a great session this morning with Maximus and Progasm which gave me incredible Aless throughout today.

@goldenboy speaks much about nipple stimulation in his Aneros blog entries. It is a practice that a you can adopt easily when you begin working Aneros. The Aneros is a potent key which opens erotic pleasures throughout your body through prostate stimulation by an Aneros device. Nipple stimulation actually enhances your Aneros sessions which enable to discover powerfully your body’s erogenous zones. This has been experience in my five plus years with Aneros.

Most guys discover erotic pleasure through direct stimulation of their genitals. Boys generally discover that their penises are dynamos of pleasure around age five. Hence many boys instinctively learn to masturbate at that age. While most boys achieve successful orgasm and ejaculation of semen during their adolescence, some achieve dry orgasms through masturbation at age nine or ten or even earlier. Hence boys derive sexual pleasure primarily through stimulation of their genitals. This sort of direct genital stimulation even continues when boys begin having sex with girls or other boys, even into their adulthood. However some males discover pleasure through stimulation of their erogenous zones, including stimulation of their nipples by themselves or through sexual relations with an understanding and loving partner. I didn’t discover the thrill of eroticism of stimulating my erogenous zones until I began working with Aneros five plus years ago.

Tuesday morning session, Tuesday October 18 : Savoring the Aneros and Aless!

Hi guys,

I had an hour’s session with both Maximus and Progasm Classic shortly after sunrise at around 7:30. I so value my Aneros sessions now that I had that I had that landmark session on Friday September 16 over a month ago when I experienced my first genuine Super-O’s and MMO’s and absolutely sweet Aless afterward.

Here in the USA the noxious election season of the presidential contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has a grating and jarring affect on most Americans, myself included. It has even upset my daily routine. Last Saturday it was so cold here that I didn’t attempt a session. Management has not turned on the heat on our building yet. But this past Sunday the weather pattern changed with winds coming from the south, so I had a Sunday night session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE which was an OK session, but really nothing special. Monday yesterday I woke up and fell into a funk. The funk and perhaps depression yesterday was the result of the noxious political discourse of late, but surges of Aless did break through yesterday.

This morning I could have continued the funk, but my body craved a session. I awoke with a low-grade Aless which I revved up by caressing and stimulating my nipples. I am now a sixty-seven year old confirmed bachelor. I am so grateful that the Aneros has taught me so much about my body and how I can turn it on through stimulating my erogenous zones. Loving and caring sexual couples, both heterosexual and same-sex, can teach each other about the erotic nature of life. That includes one’s own body, whether alone or in communion with another. This goes far beyond mere genital stimulation, whether it be masturbation or sexual intercourse.

A “normal” session : wonderful Aless following

Hi guys,

My Aneros sessions are now settling in a new normal since that early Friday morning session nearly three weeks ago when I experienced a solid series of Super-O’s and MMO’s! That one session has revved up my Aless many fold, that constant Aless buzz centered in my Prostate and quivering anal musculature, so sweet. Yesterday morning I had an hour’s session with both Maximus and Prograsm Classic. Since then just that irrepressible Aless! 🙂

I dedicate this blog entry to @GGringo who is so earnest in Aneros session. I wish him success in all his Aneros endeavors.

Take care!


Just over a week ago, I decided to change to the Vice that I purchased about month ago. At first, I didn’t like the Vice much, the vibrations were a distraction, but because I enjoy sitting at my computer with an Aneros inserted, the Vice (without the vibrator inserted) is the perfect partner As it doesn’t have those stick-up bits that can hurt. So I inserted it whilst doing my Tax on the computer, and WoW, I started having mino O right there. I would have to stop work and just enjoy the waves of pleasure flowing through me. It is easier, whilst seated, to move the Vice inside me, to stimulate the prostate.

On the Monday, I was travelling for business and decided to take my new found friend (Vice) with me. I enjoyed a week of imence pleasure every night with MMO after MMO, 4, 5, or 6 MMO’s. These were all less intense than the SuperO i had recently, but none the less, very enjoyable.

The place where I stayed had a swimming pool and I wondered what it would be like to swin with the Vice inserted. I thought about the hygene aspect, for other people who would also be using the pool. But the Aneros would seal the anus, preventing anything from coming out, so I inserted it, using a gel lubricant and went down to pool.