September 9

For quite a while I maintained two separate sex lives, MMO and sex with J. However, the last two weeks have witnessed a curious joining of the two. They have come together to entwine in a complex tango of sexual intimacy, sensual experience and mindful emotions. The wall between the very internally focused and intensely pleasurable sensation of MMO and its ability to turn my thoughts into molten waves of orgasmic rapture and the highly emotional intimacy of coupling with J or coaxing her pussy to convulse in orgasm with my tongue has broken down. Those two worlds now are twisted together like the strands of a rope. It is impossible to discern one from the other as I look down the rope.

I have also written many times about my sexuality being like a kaleidoscope. In MMO or in the sensual diversity of my sexual activity with J, each moment reveals an exquisitely pleasurable sensation, profoundly moving emotion or a riveting sexual response. Each day is a new experience; the magnetic pull of eroticism on my iron cock and the tender merciless song of sweet erotic rapture tantalize my prostate and anus changes from one day to the next.

My Sexuality, My Fantasies and the Tao of Eros

Tao: the unconditional and unknowable source and guiding principle of all reality; the process of nature by which all things change and which is to be followed for a life of harmony. The Tao is the path, the art or the skill of doing something in harmony with the core meaning of life.

It is 20 years ago that I began this journey of sexual discovery; after all this time I now realize that my purpose has been to pursue the Tao of Eros; but it didn’t start out that way. When I began walking in this path of sexual discovery, my simplistic goal was to seek higher levels of arousal. Along the way I came to the realization that I also wanted to better understand female sexual response so I could be a better lover.

I discovered the opportunity of the Tao of Eros when I discovered Tantric Sex Practice in the first year or so. With my new knowledge I sought out eastern thought and philosophy as the first steps along the path. I read books and I did retreats in Tantra, Zen and Taoism; I studied some of the theory behind Kundalini Yoga. I read books on Extended Male Orgasm and Male Multiple Orgasm.

Those early intellectual efforts years ago opened my mind to so much more than kinky means to seek arousal. As I looked to increase my libido I gained sexual proficiency, instead of pushing horniness to new heights, instead I discovered new pathways to orgasm. Finally I discovered the power of eroticism and subsequently became a sensual man who followed the Tao of Eros.

My Two Orgasmic Worlds Join

When I first started my journey of sexual discovery 20 years ago, I had no idea what intriguing and life altering things I would find. Then 10 years ago I stumbled into MMO totally by accident. It happened while surfing the net; MMO and anal pleasure sounded too good to be true but the testimonials convinced me to try it. So ten years ago I bought an MGX and my journey in anal orgasm began resulting after a year or so in my rewiring.

Anal induced MMO brought together the tantric sex that I had been studying and enjoying with J and it even incorporated some of the Zen Meditation that I had been )and still am( practicing and it changed my sexual respose pattern forever.

MMO is a very solitary inwardly focused activity for me. On the other hand, savoring J’s pussy with my mouth or penis is very outwardly focused; it is an activity where we participate together. Either I am sharing the warm lush pungency of her dewy pussy mouth on my tongue or I am plunging my steely penis deep in her pussy probing her vagina and savoring the exquisitely sensual caress of her warm wet femininity on my cock. Either way it is a paired activity in which the visceral desperate ache of shared erotic sensation is enjoyed mutually; most of the time it culminates in the ecstatic torrential flow of my semen for her witness or taste, or the euphoric rhythmic spasms of her pussy as she succumbs to orgasm.

The Erotic Bridge Between the Reality and the Forbidden

The sexual connection I have with my wife is unique; I can’t have it with anyone else, unless I fall in love with that person and have sex with them. The blending of our emotions and our experience of sexual euphoria when we make love, or do mutual masturbation or partner focused pleasure makes the experience of intimate connection, other worldly and profoundly intimate. I acknowledge that I can never have a sexual experience bound in the complex dimensions of our relationship with anyone else and I never hope to. But I also recognize every sexual experience has a physical and emotional dimension and provides unique pleasure. As much as I have sworn to be monogamous I am also an intensely sexual man with erotic desires. As a result I savor the experiences I have and have a voracious appetite for sexual experience. It is a big dilemma.

The last dozen or so years have taught me that sexual pleasure that is tinged with an element of the forbidden or the vulgarly erotic adds a quality to the experience of pleasure that speeds up my pulse, makes me giddy with lust and deepens the orgasm that results. I derive intense pleasure from sex. It may not provide the deep spirituality and emotional high that sexual intimacy with my wife does but it imparts the resonant vulgar ecstasy and desperate euphoria that makes the pleasure extra sweet.

The Sexual Ecstasy of an INFJ

A number of years ago I took a Myers Briggs personality test. The other day as I was cleaning out old files and papers in my desk, I came across a folder with my resumes, it contained the results of that test. It was a very interesting read; I had not read it in a long time. Beyond the fascinating insights it gave me in its explanation of decisions that I have made in my career after I took it, it was particularly intriguing when I considered it in the context of my sexual journey. I had taken the test in my late 30’s before I began on this path of erotic discovery.

The first thing I did before I read it and prejudiced myself about its results was get on line and take it again. I scored it after carefully answering all the questions; I was pleasantly reassured that nothing had changed in 30 years, I was still an INFJ.

The interpretation of each MB type was explained in a set of profiles that accompanied the test on line. For an INFJ like me the summary profile said that I sought meaning in relationships, ideas, and events. Relative to the last several years of my sexual journey I had indeed done that; I had joined some sex forums but left them because they were shallow and a lot of the talk on them was inane. However, every forum that I was on I met people who became close personal friends in my real life off the forum establishing meaningful relationships with them.

Metaphysics and the Ring of Fire

Metaphysics, the Ring of Fire and Our Relationship

I took the Kinsey Sexual Orientation Test again recently. I took it because I was wondering about my recent writings involving guys. I was a 0 at one point indicating total heterosexual. I am now a 2 indicating heterosexual with tendencies towards homosexuality. At some point I will write about the fine line that divides my sexual psyche. However the results reinforce thefact that I am still very very turned on by women. The main reason I am turned on by women is the emotional connection I feel for women and the woman I love.

Emotional longing and erotic arousal and passion; the relationship is so powerful that at times it can be overwhelming.

I share a deep emotional love for my wife, as a result there is a physical energy that expresses itself as a passionate attraction. It is a dominate force in both of our lives.

Attraction occurs in nature in the affinity of the north and south poles of an earthy loden stone; magnetically the poles are drawn together by an invisible attractive force. Attraction expresses itself through gravity, in a cold clear babbling brook being drawn along a stony channel in the forest, desperately seeking the release of joining with the warmer water of a deep lumbering river. J. and I share such this passionate attraction; it has bound us together as a couple for 4 decades. Our attraction did not start out as strong as it is now, but it always was there, and it has grown and evolved over the years.

Thoughts That Inspire My MMO's

I am incurably erotic and sensual man; that eroticism expresses itself in my own hardened cock or in the twitching anticipation of my anus. My erotic desires extend to visions of cocks hardened, arched and aching in arousal and cunts reddened and open, dripping with the nectar of feminine lust. I came to this realization as I began this journey many years ago. Since then I have turned my writing energy to recording my intimate and erotic thoughts.

The act of writing and weaving my intimate and vulgar erotic narrative into the complex sexual fabric that is me is in and of itself a very arousing process and it fuels my MMO's. I seldom finish a piece without an erection that is aching and throbbing in my pants and my anus twitching and tingling. Almost every night I lay in bed pondering some of the memories that the writing that I have done as I pleasantly suffer in the desperation of arousal.

The erotic maelstrom in my head as I mmoed this morning is now hanging heavily between my thighs. Recalling some of those thoughts provides the fuel for hours of unbridled orgasms and it has inspired me to write an entry to share them with you … so here goes.

Cock Craving Continued

Your anus is contracting and sucking on my finger as the precum drools from your lurching cock; it is semi erect and I hanging helplessly between your thighs as the mmo tugs mercilessly on it. At the same time excruciating pleasure is flooding your anus as it sucks as much in as it can. Your face is buried in the bed as ecstasy tortures you with unbridled glee. You thrust your convulsing anus out at me as if offering it to me will make the exquisite anguish of deep anal orgasm either increase or go away; you cannot make up your mind which you want.

After 20 minutes of the most agonizing rapture that a man could ever be expected to endure I remove my finger from your gaping hole. I marvel at how red and swollen it is. However I don’t waste much time admiring the view and instead lay down next to you on the bed so my face is adjacent to your knees and my own pelvis is next to your head. Then carefully urging you back to reality I guide your knee over my head and you lift your arm to allow my pelvis to slide under your face. I am on my back with my face underneath your suspended cock and your face is between my thighs just inches from my own lust engorged penis.

Super O Plateau

One of the most mysterious and exciting things about this Aneros journey is its subtlety and the connection of mind and body in experiencing sexual pleasure. When I started this journey of sexual discovery almost 20 years ago I knew that it was as much a mental experience as it was a physical one. Even though Aneros practice is rooted in the use of a physical device, the power of the mind to facilitate extreme pleasure through that device is manifest. Even more mysterious and fascinating however is the power of Aneros to instigate anal pleasure and facilitate an altered mental state at the pinnacle of a chain of multiple orgasms.

My normal sessions usually are between an hour and 3 hours. Typically a session will consist of back to pleasure spasms that flow in waves of building and ebbing pleasure. The waves never disappear they just modulate slightly from peak to peak. If I am going to go for a 2 hour session I will deliberately let the wave dissipate slightly to relish the sublime sensation of climbing higher again. It will typically build up on its own to start the second hour as I wait for it to lift me in renewed waves of ecstasy.

However the interesting thing for me is the way that prostate and penile bulb focused pleasure waves build in me eventually becoming contractions of mind numbing euphoria.

Seasons of My Sexuality

As you can read from the previous posts my sexuality is a complex thing. Like the seasons it transforms itself within the measure of a year, each season bringing its unique conditions, qualities and sensibilities. The torrid heat of desire for a woman and the vulgar intimacy of being with a man each bring their own memorable pleasure that resonates in the moment but lingers as an echoing memory; both harden my cock and make it ache with need. The calming chill of ecstasy and the urgency of arousal also speak to the sense of sexual seasons that I experience.

Homoerotic desire is one of those seasons that swings in and out of my life like the much anticipated chill of fall in the end of a sultry summer. Yet at the beginning of a summer with the anticipation of bathing in searing feminine sexual lust fantasies of sex with a man seem like a distant activity like raking leaves would seem in June.

The thought of male intimacy ebbs and flows. When it surfaces it finds me like a butterfly seeks a bloom. It is silent. I never know when it will land on me. The desire for male intimacy is so mysterious and secretive that one night as I lay naked in bed it lands on me, seeking my sticky male stamen. It finds me with grace and elegance that belies its masculine character; it alights on my wetted swollen cockhead which is exuding the sweet nectar of my arousal.