Super O in a Hot Wet Pussy

As I have written in a number of these entries, MMO’s are a solitary experience for me. Last night a few guys asked me how I made the transition to MMOing with my lady. It has always been really hard for me to do them with my lady participating as they require my concentration to be focused on my body and the mental exercise of guiding pleasurable sensation As much as I love performing for her, having her involved can be a huge distraction, as I tend to focus more on her as opposed to focusing on what I am feeling. She is such an incredible turn on for me it becomes very hard to keep from abandoning my orgasms and focus on her lush body and thinking of her response as opposed to my own. Even though we are both mature she has maintained her beautiful figure, her breasts are more soft and elegant than they were when she was younger and she has the most luscious vagina; the icing on the cake is that she is more sexually confident and relaxed which is a huge turn on for me.

In the last three years that I have become particularly accomplished at inducing MMOs without inserting anything in my anus. Yet I have only had them with her participating twice. On one occasion she was a passive participant, the other she was involved with an occasional pat and sexy comment. Admittedly both times her witnessing my intense sustained orgasm was sufficient fuel for my exhibitionist tendencies; having her watch me provided the motivation for two nice sessions, but those sessions were not as intense and deep as some I have had.

Homoerotic Reality and Fantasy

Fantasy and erotic imagery provide a great deal of the fuel that powers my mmo sessions. When prostate spasms are pounding indescribable pleasure into my anal canal and my anus is flexing and opening like a baby bird begging for food, the echoes of orgasmic rapture reverberate in my pelvis and make my cock lurch and drool precum. Being suspending in orgasmic rapture for the extended time that a session takes allows for my erotic fantasies to run wild, reaching the outer limits of my normal responsible behavior to that finite border where my lurid imagination touches the sensual reality of my memory. It is at that razor thin boundary that my fantasies are so incredibly hot that they drive my mmo’s to the limits of my ability to experience pleasure. The excruciating ecstasy that grips my entire pelvis and groin pushes my mind further and further into the lurid and forbidden side of my thoughts. Those chains of relentless chains of orgasms lift my consciousness out of my body and place me in fantasies that are seemingly not anything that I would do … or maybe I would.

I have only had a few sexual encounters with men. They were very erotic; I have experienced the sexual heat of a man’s passion and I have harvested the cream of that passion to savor it and taste it. I have held a mans engorged cock in my mouth as it desperately ached to release his pleasure onto the sucking heat of my tongue. That memory and other lewd and lascivious sex acts I did with my male erotic liaisons provides the reality anchor that draws my mind to that finite border of fantasy.

Mr. Helix

Hey guys. Before I start just wanted to say that I think I have become a addicted to masturbation. I have been trying to keep dry but with these crazy waves of pleasure that run through my body through out the day. I just have to release. But I have gotten a lot better. I have been three days dry with no touching. My jock straps have really come in handy when I ride.

OK back to my original thoughts lol

So I haven't slept with any of my devices in a while so I say hey let me go on a ride to Utopia again so I can fell free. So I took a shower, cleaned out, lubed up got in bed with jockstrap on and slide Mr. Helix in. Now I have not played with Mr. Helix for a couple of days so he kind of was showing me extra love as I rode him.

My calm music is playing and instantly I get these jolts of pleasure in my back. So much pleasure that every time it hit me I arched in my bed. It's like I almost was levitating in my room. It felt so amazing and this new feeling is something that Mr. Helix was showing making me want to never have a break from him again.

At the internist's office

Went to see my doctor, getting my periodic diabetic checkup. Mentioned to him that I'd had an odd experience; within the last month I'd learned to call up dry orgasms at will just by requesting a p-wave.

"That's unusual."

He asked if it was a problem I wanted to get rid of.

"No, I don't think so", I opined.

Drove on with the diabetic checkup. 8>)

He did think the folks doing the Alzheimer study I'm participating in over at the Abby van Buren Unit at Mayo Clinic might be interested. Currently they just have me reacting to cards being flipped over on a computer, or tracing a maze several successive times.

Ya cain't never tell …

My knee was giving me fits in the morning, and I took two alleve tabs. When my wife went shopping, i thought it was a good time to relax … I cleaned and lubed and put in the smallest peridise. But instead of howling ecstasy, I just got a couple of mini-O's and one small thrash. After a good whil lying there dozingly, I gave up and moved to the next size up. Again, I had my pc's playing soccer with the bulb, and went nowhere but to sleep. Gave up, cleaned up. and my wife came home.

I'm suspecting that the Alleve interferes with more than pain coming up the nerves.

However, when I went to bed, I was thinking of telling my internist about my newly found gift of calling up dry orgasms at will, tried calling up a couple of p-waves that brought minis, licked the end of my finger, WOOOO! I got a Aneless super that kept me rolling with p-waves and supers for an hour before I collapsed into sleep!

Now I'm sort of scared of what the Eupho Syn will do to me next time it rides me. Last time, I was hallucinating I was in a woman's body having intercourse with my beloved. And I haven't had a dick in me since high school when my best friend and I, with inadequate lube, tried to find out what sex felt like.

My Breathing Meditation

Guided breathing meditation

)I've edited this blog after getting feedback from my Tai Chi teacher.(

I've started my sessions recently with this breathing exercise that I put together from several sources. I do it with any model aneros prostate massager. I like it because it gets me aroused from within without any stimulation. It may be of interest to men who have trouble getting aroused. I don't know if it will work for anyone else but me. Let me know if it works for you.

stage 1 oral breathing – to relax and circulate oxygen

Breathe into your abdomen relaxedly with your diaphragm, don't use your chest muscles.

With your mouth closed pull in air smoothly and slowly and gently through your nose.

Feel it as it flows down your throat into your chest.

Pause briefly, and then push the air out while saying"ahhhh" deeply so you feel it in your belly.

Exhale slowly and feel the air flow up out of your chest, up your throat and out your lips.

Pause briefly again and start over.

If you feel uncomfortably light-headed, slow down and take smaller breaths.

If you feel shortness of breath, take a deep breath and adjust your breathing so you're getting enough air.

Do this as much as you need to feel comfortable and natural doing this.

So, what's going on?

Well, I've given Aneros a first exploration. What explains my taking to it so quickly and my current supersensitivity without it in?

I suspect that fifty years of sensual exploration may have a lot to do with it. And my current geezer status with the ED and shortage of semen may have been leading to the facility with dry orgasms. Although I could get what i thought of as female orgasms with nipple play. Just didn't gealize what I had.

Now that I can trigger a p-wave and a super-O just by thinking, I'm wondering whether this gift might be interesting to someone over at the Mayo Clinic here in town. )I've been watching "Masters of Sex" on Showtime.(

Guess I'll quit trying to explore and analyse; pop my helix syn into my tail, relax, and bliss out for a couple of hours.

If you hear someone howling at the moon, it'll be me.

Phase 3: Session Disruption & Discomfort

Had a pretty annoying session.
I was in my room, enjoying my aneros. But I wasn't home alone, so people constanly disrupted me.
This really made me stressy and annoyed. + my arousel level dropped to zero.
On top of that the water-based lube seems to dry out too quickly, which causes discomfort.

Didn't get any P-waves or anything, coudn't even let it autofuck me because I wasn't relaxed enough.

Session Summary:
– None
– All

Phase 2: Successful P-wave

Session was better than last time, I was more relaxed.
Progasm started to autofuck me real good about an hour in to the session.

I felt I was about to orgasm, but my mind was like: "ERROR IllegalArgumentExpection: Prostate not registered as OrgasmProvider" (forgive me, I'm an IT guy).
I did however get a good P-wave out of it.

My muscles were getting tired after that, and I couldn’t get them to spasm so nicely anymore.
I grew impatient and just jerked off to a Super-T.

Session Summary:
– P-wave
– Unable to get prostate orgasm
– Should be calmer and take more time.

So; experimentation and Mark Twain's Remarks on the Science of Onansim.

Well, my wife and daughter went off to visit another daughter and my grandchildren for the day and night. Around midnight Friday, I was wondering how my regular reflexes and possibilities were doing after the previous day's hypersensitivity. So down in my lounger, I undressed, lay back, put my laptop on my belly and found nice a porn of sweet young things making love. (; search lovers orgasm over 10m to get ones by, who specialize in female/couple-friendly artistic HD porn They kiss a lot, laugh a lot, and seem like they give a damn about one another.

My standard jack-off to ejaculation worked fine, and I'd had time enough since the last time to have some secretions available. )It seems to take me about four pwaves, losing my erection between them to get there.(

So, there I was, a few hours later; wondering how things would go with the helix; considering …

I still don't have the tight kind of control; I lost it onto the rug in the bathroom getting up from loading it in. Got onto the bed and reloaded it. A half-hour into it, using my normal doing-nothing, I had progressed from a few timid flutters to waves of super-Os howling at the moon; literally this time, since I was alone in the house. I could get used to this soooo fast!