“No Turning Back, No Escape”

I decided to sleep in my Bike “chastity cup”. This is the most-restrictive cup. I am only in Day 2 of SR and not feeling anything particularly arousing. But I was up early this morning and decided to have a session with the SGX. I began this session in the usual way but didn’t plan on two developments: a meditation and then a fantasy. Here they are……


Meditation — When we decide to embark on an Aneros journey, we really don’t know where the path will lead us. We take a “leap of faith” when we start, not knowing the end-point nor the pleasures we will encounter along the way. I dwelt on this for a while, succumbing to the erotic pleasures coming from my prostate. I began to feel a tingle coming up my spine and ending near my stomach. I began to shake and squirm all over the bed.

Fantasy — Then, this meditation morphs into a darker fantasy. I am now tied-up and locked away only with my inserted massager and my “cup”. I am squirming over the bed in various positions, unable to wrest myself from my predicament. With every squirm and position, I am feeling more and more stimulation on my willing prostate but am entirely powerless to do anything about it. Not that I wanted to—it felt so good—but the uncertainty of the situation added a certain level of arousal that had not existed there before. Somewhat panicked, I continued to twist and bend in various positions, again hoping to regain control of my situation. I was unsuccessful. Finally, I began to think that the only escape would be when it came time for me to “expel” the massager in the natural way! With that thought, things began to settle-down for me and so this session had ended.

Initial Entry

I did a rectal flush, injected 10cc of lube, lubed up my MGX, inserted without incident and performed some mild anal sphincter and PC contractions. Not much happened, just had the sensation of this foreign object in my arse but it wasn’t terribly uncomfortable. I will try again in a couple of days.

Rare Sunday session, October 22, with foreplay shaving my scrotum

Hi guys,

Sunday morning yesterday, there was the annual Marine Corps Marathon race here in DC. It is one of the greatest events yearly here. Unfortunately route of the marathon passed through my neighborhood and disrupted bus service to church, so much so that I had to stay home and view our church service over the Internet. After the service, I went to our 7 Eleven to get a coffee refill, a sandwich, and a couple pastries for lunch.

I appreciate very much @goldenboy’s prolific Aneros blogs covering such topics as lucid dreaming, Youtube binaural beat videos, his pursuit of chastity and semen retention by wearing athletic cups which he calls “chastity” cups, etc., etc. Really hot material!

Anyway after the service as I was taking my walk in my neighborhood, I was thinking about my sexual journey which in the last five or six years merged with my Aneros journey. I began to get horny, in fact super horny late morning. Many of you know of my intense jockstrap and athletic fetish which began in my puberty and adolescent years. I joined the Internet many years ago in 1993 when I got my first PC. I discovered then that there many guys on the Internet who share my fetish. One of them was a computer professional at a university in Wyoming who wore a jock and cup often to his office on campus. He also told me that he shaves his scrotum once or twice a week. Indeed there are quite a few athletes who wear cups for contact sports who shave their nuts regularly. A clean shaven scrotum prevents hair pulls or pinches when wearing a cup.

A few weeks into Aneros – just had an a-less orgasm during a regular masturbation session

Just had an interesting experience and wondered if anyone else had come across anything similar. I’ve been building up a nice little collection, helix syn, mgx classic and a twin pack of peridise. Had some nice feelings, a couple of intense HFWOs and some HFDOs so far. I’m fairly relaxed about prostate stuff, I’ve been enjoying p-spot massage as part of regular masturbation for quite a long time and I can cum just from that once I get going.

Decided to give my prostate a rest this morning and go for a standard masturbation session in the bath. Things were progressing nicely when I suddenly had a series of intense blasts of pre-cum accompanied by mini orgasms. That was when I realised my PC muscles were tensing as if I had an aneros inside.

I concentrated on the feeling and gave my PC muscles a squeeze and it built up until I had an intense prostate wet orgasm.

I’ve never experienced anything like it. It was strangely relaxing and very satisfying. Has anyone else had a similar awakening on their journey? Does it become a regular thing that happens (that would be mind blowing).

As I’m typing this I can feel my butt starting to twitch. Think there are some aftershocks on the way. Happy days.

Contraction challenge

Hi all! I have been a regular aneros user for the past 3 year. I went through the process of rewiring but still hit a road block some of the time and while in a session today tried to change up what my thought process is. After about 30 minutes of letting my aneros do it’s thing on all foursI roll over onto my sit with my legs bent up close to my chest and count contractions. Every time I hit 100 I start over at 1 and try a new breathing and contraction technique. Sometimes I go quickly, sometimes I let it go slow, and on each contraction I am breathing with it at the pace of the contraction. I know for some of the newer folks here who don’t have the pc contraction figured out yet his might seem complicated. But if you can focus on getting the aneros to go in and out even just a tiny amount and breathing through it, feelings of pleasure will build over time. Do not strive for orgasm but rather imagine the aneros pushing on the nerves in your prostate that make you orgasm. I often fantasize about the first time I had sex without a condom and how strong that orgasm was. I can recall the feeling as things build and get really strong multi minute orgasms with a lot of leakage this way. Don’t get frustrated if you aren’t orgasming, keep at it and if you feel in the mood try to dedicate an hour a session to it! Not every session will lead to orgasms but they will always feel good and energize your day!

Overview of My First Progasm Experience: Meh

My first experience with prostate play was a bit of a letdown but finished with some pleasure.

To start, I showered, cleaned out my rectum (which was a bit involved, not sure I will bother next time), another light shower, and then found some nice audio porn. I lubed up the Aneros Progasm and laid on my side, pulling one leg up and keeping one straight as I inserted it. The Progasm went in fairly easily and comfortably. I found the perineum stimulating ball a bit distracting at first.

I laid on my back, breathed slowly and deeply and listened to some nice audio porn. I have to say, I wasn’t feeling anything. I tried a series of different positions: laying on my stomach, sitting up, doggie style, on my side, on my back – the sensations were all the same – lame. The whole while I was trying positions I did some flexing of my PC muscle, played with my perineum a bit, and was able to get my anal muscles to do some rapid movements (volunatrily), but no intense pleasureful feelings.

I started to wonder if I had inserted the Progasm upside down, thinking that that maybe it wasn’t rubbing against my prostate. I pretty easily turned the Progasm around while inside me and it felt better, somewhat pleasurable, but it was a fleeting feeling. I then tried rocking it around a little by thrusting my hips and then tugging slightly on it with my hand – still didn’t feel much.

My advice to newbies (xposted from r/sextoys)

Having a prostate experience is something that comes easily to very few people. It takes consistent training and focus to make work. It’s spoken of it as a sort of “rewiring.” It’s letting your body acclimate to a foreign sensation and eventually learn to bring great pleasure from it, and it takes time and effort, often great deals of both. I would start by having regular sessions with your toy of choice (I was always interested in the revo, but it’s too expensive for my tastes). I would also say that at least until you get accustomed to what sensations from your prostate feel like, to keep the power off. Adding vibration and rotation may add to the sensation later, but finding them in the first place is like learning the notes on a musical octave, it’s a lot easier to pick each note out when they’re played alone rather than with the accompaniment of an orchestra.

“Male Chastity Fantasy: Tease and Denial……And A Ruined Cum!”

I had no idea where this fantasy would lead me, until……..Let me explain……

I had slept in my SD Ultra “chastity cup” overnight and woke up quite early. I decided to go listen to some erotic but relaxing tracks. I went to lie-down and sometime during the next hour or so, I fell-into a fantasy……My “keyholder” wants to tease me. I wasn’t expecting this, however. “She” carefully removed the chastity “cup” from the mating jockstrap and put it aside. Then, she slowly and deliberately began to caress my balls and my cock through the double-layer jock pouch. OMG! It felt beyond good. But just when I began to get quite aroused, she stopped! And just like that, she re-inserted the cup and I was again in chastity!

This tease-and-denial “scene” played-out I believe two more times; I am beginning to get so aroused, I sense a precum “leaking” feeling. I still don’t know where this is leading…..

The jock cup goes on again and I am “treated” to some binaural beats for prostate orgasm, anal stimulation and some others. Finally, and quite unexpectedly, the “chastity cup” comes off one more time and I now am situated at my PC; my keyholder begins to fondle my quite aroused package beneath the pouch and it is obvious that I will have no choice but to cum. I have gone too far down the arousal path and there is no turning back…..

“Session Without A Toy”

I had a pinched nerve in my neck for a few days and needed to apply an ice pack and lie-down. I did and thought to myself: can I “will” myself a prostate orgasm without an Aneros toy? I quickly learned that the answer was a resounding……yes! Let me explain…..

While lying down, I started to perform gentle PC contractions, in and out (regular and reverse) and began to feel a warm, familiar sensation from my prostate. I am now in Day 8 of SR and my system is “ready” for a release any day now. And I continued these contractions for not too long when I began to experience deeper, more regular breathing and I felt my body tense-up to the point where my arms got tingly and I began to shake them. OMG! I had no control. Actually it was just a little scary! How can I experience this much prostate pleasure since I am not even performing a “regular” session? I have no toy inserted. Then it dawned on me…..

Being re-wired through Aneros, I am more “in-tune” with my body. If I become aware of delicate sensations from within my prostate, there is no telling how far these feelings can progress. I discovered that this morning during a brief “Aless” session. What I take away from this experience is encouragement for all the Aneros “guys” trying to experience the elusive Super-O. Just relax, feel the sensations within your own body and learn to amplify the feelings to the point of orgasm. It can be done! I experienced it this morning!

new beginning

I think I finally understand what a prostate orgasm feels like. In the past i believe i was wishing i had one but it was more of a traditional orgasm in disguise. I usually had to have some form of penis contact to initiate a orgasm and most of the time they ended with ejaculation. Todays session however was totally different. I had some alone time and it was a nice warm day so i just relaxed naked on my bed and let things happen. Almost imediatly i was able to relax and get a warm feeling in my groin, I tried a little nipple stim and my prostate pulsed and i had some very light back to back contractions. the warm feelings continued with more lite pulsing and as occasional soft contraction deep inside, not like a traditional pc contraction. This went on for about 15 minutes I have never had this much activity a-less before. I decided its time to try the aneros, I lubed my ass with a finger and some water based lube, I then lubed my ps-new with some coconut oil topped off with more gel lube. I put it in and relaxed on my back legs up. with in minutes i could feel the aneros as if it was filling my rectom and warmly pressing on my prostate. I relaxed and enjoyed, then a warm rush a couple of pulses and two or three very light internal contractions like i have not really felt before. they subsided and came back again. there was a build up of good feelings then the pulsing and contractions. Very light nothing like a traditional orgasm contraction. This happened three or for times with a few minutes in between. Things calmed down so I swithched to my Helix synn. I have been going back and forth between two models during a session, when things calm down I switch to the other one. Today I think that backfired because when I switched it was like having to start all over again. I was able to get some results with the helix but not as nice so I switched back again. after a little while I was able to get the pulsing and contractions going again. I have never had this happen before it would build do its thing and then subside, rest and build again. I think it was some form of a real prostate orgasm. They felt very nice they where very subtle and warm. After one hour and a half i decided to stop. I usually do not go this long and did not even realize it was that long. I laid there after removing my device and just relaxed. I decided to see if I could get a erection and started playing with myself, almost instantly i had the urge that i was going to come i was not even hard at all. I stopped because i was not intending to ejaculate after my session. i was able to hold back and then my cock just leaked some clear fluid. I Think it was built up pre cum from my session. i decided to clean up. I was all relaxed and washed out like i had had a real intense sex session. i think I will stick to only one model per session from here on the alternating is a distraction. I truley believe this was the first time i really experienced prostate pleasure and not traditional orgasm pleasure. Not a super o by any means but very encouraging. Looking forward to more pleasure in the future if I can get the house alone again.