PC Strength Test?

Hey, is there a generally accepted strength test for how strong your PC muscles need to be to get orgasms from the Aneros?

I finally did it!!!! [multiple orgasms]

Tonight, nearly one year after I first purchased my Aneros De-Vice, I had my first instance of multiple prostate orgasms. Up until now, most Aneros sessions ended with me getting impatient and masturbating normally. I have also been strengthening my PC muscles over the past year, which made a huge difference tonight.

I’ve come to the conclusion that relaxation is quite possibly the most important factor – at least for me. Lately I’ve been trying to cut back on porn, because I noticed that I’ve had the urge to masturbate multiple times per day – sometimes 3 or more – and its been getting in the way of me getting my work done. I decided that for at least the next month, I will only masturbate if I can take my time and do it mindfully, without any porn, which is exactly what I did tonight. I started out just doing some breathing exercises while different parts of my body, and slowly moved on to lubing up the De-Vice and easing it in. Once it was in I started really focusing on trying to feel in the moment – how my hand felt on my penis and vice versa, while also focusing on how my muscle contractions were slowly massaging my prostate. Eventually the P Waves started, and as I neared orgasm I suddenly flexed my pc muscles, at which point I felt like I was carried across some kind of threshold and delivered into my first full-on dry orgasm! I repeated this process two more times, each orgasm more satisfying than the last, before finishing with an explosive cum. Easily one of the best masturbation sessions of my entire life.


I’m really liking this Progasm Classic. Got to sleep in a bit since I didn’t work and school was on a snow delay. Did my normal morning routine although I did spend a little time edging the little guy. I’m amazed at the control I had, it was weird. I’ve never thought of or even considered edging, I’ve always hammered to completion. We’ll see what happens, I’m curious to see the results after reading about others experiences. PC went in nice and easy, my butt must be getting used to it. Such a great feeling. It doesn’t take long to start getting that buzzing feeling in my loins. I must be able to get really relaxed and in tune quickly. I guess I’m gifted in that sense. I’m able to experience some p-waves within 5 minutes and then I’m able to trigger some involuntaries followed by some dry orgasms. Damn that shit is addicting. I’m making too much damn noise on the bed so I throw some pillows off the bed and move to the floor. I put a couple of pillows under stomach and lay face down with my butt in the air and start some light PC contractions. It’s not long before my ass is gyrating, my prostate starts throbbing and PC starts autof*cking me. I’m getting hammered but it feels so damn good. I lose track of time, I don’t know how long this goes on for. I finally roll over once the feelings subside to catch my breath. I have a sitting chair in my room so I move over to it and rest my feet on it so my legs are bent at a 90 degree angle and my butt is against the chair. I rest there for a few minutes and start another round of PC contractions to see if I can trigger another round of autof*cking. Yup, no problem although this time I’m bouncing off the floor and it is hitting my prostate hard and good. Holy shit it’s good. Once again I lose track of time, when it’s finally over I’m able to relax and catch my breath. This is fricken great. I’m writing this almost 10 hours after I finished, I’m tired and my muscles ache like after a good gym workout.


Woke up with an incredible erection again. It’s so nice to be getting those. Laid in bed enjoying it then got up to do my morning routine. After devoting my attention to the Progasm Classic, I decided on showing some love to the Helix Syn today. The session was pleasant, nothing really different from my past sessions with HS but it was a very different experience than the sessions with PC. I don’t know, I think it may be a size thing but l like the way the PC feels in me. I do notice more pre-cum being milked out although it’s not as excessive as I’ve read other members post. I’ve also noticed that in all my sessions I have not achieved an erection. I can get it any other time but not during a normal session. I did manage a wet orgasm while masturbating with HS inserted, but I didn’t get fully erect although my right eye started twitching. All day I was enjoying Aless at work, made for a very pleasant day. On my way home from work, my wife texted me that she wouldn’t be home for dinner. Great, I can get some alone time with PC. Ordinarily I would’ve just waited til morning but I had an itch that needed to be scratched. I can tell I’m getting more proficient at using the PC, it doesn’t cross my eyes as long anymore. I manage to get in about a 45 minute session before I hear the door and voices. The PC really rocks my world. It definitely makes me feel different. I managed to get it into autof**ck mode a couple of times, and it just make me feel like a dirty whore. The feelings are so intense with these Aneros products, I’m twitching in my chair just reflecting on the whole experience. Damn, I’m looking forward to this weekend.

I Wasn’t Going To

I swear I wasn’t going to. I planned on taking a day off. My wife is going to be out of town all day tomorrow so I was just going to save it all and not do anything today. I’m glad I didn’t.
I thought I’d just lay in bed and edge for a bit and see how far I could take it but my itch got the best of me. For some silly reason I decided to do a little anal exploration. I’ve never taken the time to really check my self out down there and I didn’t have to work today so I had a bunch of time. Pulled out a glove and some lube, put a dollop of ‘glide on a couple fingers and worked em in. Interesting, I learned a lot about my body during this time. What muscles do what when I clench and how it feels. Cool. Then I got that itch. Crap, I might as well, I got everything out. Went to the closet to retrieve the Helix Syn and prep him for duty. I opted to put a condon over it to keep it from retaining odor. He was getting a bit stinky and I figured I’d give it a shot. I don’t know if it makes a difference in performance but today’s session was incredible. I did my pre-ritual lube job and lubed inside and outside the condom. Insertion was effortless and I settled in, laying on my back and relaxing. A couple minutes into it and I got some butt twitches that triggered p-waves, Awesome. I rode those for a few minutes, then the feelings subsided. I caught my breath an rolled over on my side. Glanced at the clock and figured out I was going for 10 minutes, cool. I’m always amazed at how much time flies when you’re having fun. I started doing some really deep, focused breathing to relax. I concentrated on trying to get every muscle in my body to release tension. OMG, it worked! The next thing I know my hips start gyrating and my glutes start twitching and I’m thrashing around on my side. I maintain my breathing pattern and start throwing in light PC clenching. BINGO! I start going into what I’m guessing are orgasms because that’s what it feels like but I’m not ejaculating anything. I’m knocking em out left and right and it’s not stopping. Is this what a MMO feels like? Holy crap, I don’t want it to stop. I finally roll onto my back to get my foot off the throttle and realize it’s been a fricken half hour. You gotta be kidding me, OMG! After a couple of minutes I roll over to my other side and settle into the fetal position. After a few minutes of relaxed breathing, it happens again. Great googlie mooglie, this is AWESOME! I’m riding waves and hammering orgasms in an endless stream, I’m in euphoric bliss! I’ve always wondered what women experienced when they have multiple orgasms, now I know. Once I got settled down, I look at the clock and see that I’ve been going at it for an hour. A few minutes later I hear alarms going off. Damn, time to end it.

“Surefire Precum Induction Meditation”

Well! Here is a surefire way to induce precum (at least for me!)

I awoke not too early (~4 AM) and decided to put-on my one-size-too-small tight gray boxers along with a safety towel. I lie-down and begin to surf. I am rock-hard like I took Viagra. I begin to surf and it feels so good! I feel like I am filling-up to the limit with semen and may be overflowing soon. And that is when I began to experience this unusual “meditation”. It is so simple yet it was very effective. Let me explain……

Now this may sound a little too simplistic, but here is what happened. Don’t ask me for any logic since there is none. I am carrying trays of water filled to the point of overflowing and I am trying to be extremely careful that I don’t spill any as I move them from one place to another. As hard as I try, I manage to spill some water on the ground. And as I continue, I also feel that I have spilled some fluid out of my cock as well. That is all I am concentrating on at the moment. After a while, the trays become glasses filled-to-the-brim. As I continue into this meditation, I feel a certain wetness beneath my boxers and quickly feel beneath my towel. OMG! The head of my penis feels wet! I quickly cover-up and continue the meditation…

Saturday morning session, November 5 : Quality time with my Aneros devices and in Aless!

Hi guys,

Here is my first attempt at composing a blog post directly online at Aneros.com.

As many of you who read my blog, the USA where I live is about four days away from election day, November 8 after a most contentious and strife-ridden election cycle, which began in earnest two years ago. This was fueled by divisive partisan politics and egged on by 24/7 news media! 🙁 As a way to sooth myself, for the last two weeks, I have been having nearly daily Aneros sessions which 45 minutes to an hour per session. Such a schedule has revved up my Aneros realizations through new vistas of Aneros and Aless experiences recently.

This morning I spent quality leisurely time with my favorite Aneros buddies: MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. The session lasted a good hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. This morning I let go as much as could and let my Aneros devices work in their own way. What I am experiencing more and more in my sessions is greater attention or focus on my part how each of my Aneros buddies “feel” while inserted. The result of this attention and focus is unexpected textures and surges of pleasure, especially as I center myself on Aneros subtlety!

Friday morning session, November 4 : Luminous genital energy and sweet chairgasms

Hi guys,

I do not want to say that I have become addicted to Aneros of late, but these days I have been having daily Aneros sessions. Generally they last at most 45 minutes to an hour.

This morning I spent about 45 minutes with Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, and Maximus, my good buddy with whom I jacked off yesterday morning in a Super-T. Eupho Classic and Helix Classic may be smaller Aneros models in comparison with the larger Maximus and Progasm models, but they are just as effective in delivering Aneros pleasure all the same. It is gratifying to use subtle anal contractions and calm rhythmic breathing to activate these three models. It is even more wonderful to relax, sit back, and observe how they operate on you. While I thought this morning’s session was supremely good, it seemed rather routine, or so I thought.

After cleaning up after the session and putting my Aneros tools away, and dressing for the day, I sat before my PC to relax a bit. Very sweet Aless began. It was/is luminous genital energy. I feel it localized in my balls, but also at my cock root. I love it as I kegel a bit and that revves up this energy into something very sweet as it travels or rather surges from my cock root up the length of my dick and ends up in my Glans where it tingles so sweetly. Then it travels down to its source. Also I notice its wavelike motion of this exquisite energy!

“An Experiment In Ejaculation Control: Can I Induce PE?”

Having endured DE (Delayed Ejaculation) for a while now, with less than stellar results as far as ejaculation is concerned, I decided to see if I can “swing the pendulum” towards the PE (Premature Ejaculation) side. There seems to be a consensus that these erectile dysfunctions mostly have a psychological cause and I believe they are right. So I embarked on this “experiment” last night.

While laying with my wife watching TV, I began to stroke her hand, ever so slightly. At the same time, I began to feel an arousal in my cock. Before I knew it, I was fully aroused and getting a Viagra-like erection. I slowly grabbed her hand and had her place it over my cock. She obliges and, for the next 10 minutes or so, begins to stroke and squeeze it to the point that I am loudly moaning. I am not ready to go-off, however and, since it is close to bedtime and I do not have the confidence yet for penetration followed by a quick ejaculation, I decided to call it a night.


Nov 1

So, as expected I had a chance to use the Helix today. I used the Astroglide. It seemed slippery enough, altough it was so thin that it was tricky to get it to go where I wanted and not just drip all over the place.

So, then with the Helix in, lying down and reading. Once again after about 5 minutes I felt the “tingle” starting. I tried to relax and let it go for a few minutes–slow, deep breathing and nipple stim. This time something different happened… I got hard. My Aneros experiences so far have mostly been erection-free, but this time the pulsating of the P-tab seemed to lead directly to my penis. At this point I decided to wait it out and see what happened… though I had a pretty strong compulsion to clamp down with my PC muscle, I decided to wait and see what would happen. After a short while I reached a plateau of the involuntary Helix motions and then started to relax, and the erection went away.

After a couple minutes of relaxing and breathing the tingling came back, and another erection, though not quite as hard as the first one. At this point I was feeling another buildup and I gave in to the impulse to do some contractions. I had some very pleasurable spasms, but it felt like there was more to come.