I’ve used it for 6 months now and it feels great but I’ve noticed that I get more pleasure when I push it up a lil farther. I think I want something a lil bigger?Would the progasm be the next step?
Tag: Progasm
Follow your Aneros auto-fuck wherever it leads you! : Saturday morning session, June 15
Hi guys,
This morning I had a thoroughly satisfying session with Maximus and Progasm Ivory which lasted about an hour.
I hadn’t any session since Wednesday morning when I tried Maximus and Progasm Classic which produced a session which bordered on the mediocre. Then early yesterday morning Friday while running an errand in the business district of my neighborhood my right hip experienced some pain. I wanted to run this errand before a hot spell begins today and continuing until Wednesday.
I decided to go to bed at my usual time last night at 10 p.m. I wore my BIKE CUP Supporter Unit no. 85. This jock cup fits me like a sock. It lulled me to sleep as I diddled my nipples which was so sweet. Fortunately last night’s sleep lessened almost to nothing my painful right hip.
I woke up the 5 o’clock hour and showered and shaved. I also shaved my scrotum. Athletes wearing athletic cups regularly shave their nuts in order to prevent the discomfort of testicle hair pulls.
Afterward I went out to get coffee and a blondie at our neighborhood 7 Eleven. I regaled in how my BIKE CUP cradled my “junk” so sweetly. That in itself as always is powerful foreplay!
@smaster with his Progasm Classic auto-fucking him inspired me this morning in my session. So did @awired50 with his using Progasm Ivory which Aneros Inc no longer manufactures due to structural weaknesses. The feel of Progasm Ivory lies between the sleek feel of Progasm ICE and the robust feel of Progasm Classic.
Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic, Wow! : Sessions for June 10 & 12
Hi guys,
I had two great sessions with Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic in that order for Sunday June 10 and this morning, June 12.
Seldom do have Aneros sessions on Sunday mornings because that is when I am in church. However last Sunday morning there was only one service at church that seemed avant-garde, so I stayed home. The session I had only lasted 45 minutes in this time slot, 5:30-6:15 a.m. at dawn and sunrise. Now I know that I can begin a session with Maximus which performed well. Then I went on with MGX which performed better. But it was with Progasm Classic that I had a Super-O which lasted five seconds. My Super-O caused me to raise my nips and butt off my blanket. I should have stayed in the pose after my Super-O and attempt a series of Super-O’s and just MMO’s!
@smaster, who is a fairly new member of our Aneros community has been inspirational in that regard:
This morning I had a session with the same models which lasted perhaps an hour. I came close to experiencing a Super-O with Maximus. I also enjoyed my rides with MGX and Progasm Classic as well. These rides this morning felt so good that I just spent extra time just “communing” with my Aneros models.
Take care!
Aneros equilibrium, Aneros resonance, Aneros fishing, etc. : Session for Saturday June 9
Hi guys,
I had a thoroughly enjoyable session with my favorite Aneros models : Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus and Progasm ICE.
For many months recently, I have tried to find out why my sessions have felt so good. I have settled upon some description Aneros terms:
“Aneros foreplay”: Like @goldenboy, I enjoy wearing a jock and cup to bed most nights. Not only does this combination feel so good, but a jock and cup is so consoling. Like a pacifier, they enable me to fall asleep like a baby. When I wake up in the still of night, I like to Kegel in my jock and cup and diddle my nipples. It is so sweet and it constitutes hours of leisurely foreplay. When I wake up in the morning, I am horned, rearing to go with a session.
Last night, I wore a Nutty Buddy Cup in the pouch of an ordinary BIKE jockstrap and over a pair of Munsingwear Kangaroo Pouch boxer briefs. My Nutty Buddy Cup “floats” in this combination.
Here is a pic of MLB great, Mark Littell, creator of the Nutty Buddy. I hope you do not mind the kinkiness of this pic! 🙂
I cannot stress though how the Kegel Exercises, diddling your nipples, and relaxed rhythmic breathing act as rocket fuel in your “Aneros foreplay”.
Aneros sessions for Sunday June 3 and Tuesday June 6 so sweet and powerful!
Hi guys,
I am sorry that I have been so scarce lately. My Aneros sessions have been so amazing in recent weeks that I have a scarcity of words to describe them. I cannot analyze them in detail. Also the weather has been so rotten with two weeks of very high humidity, days of rain and hardly any sun. Fortunately overnight June 3/4 the persistent weather system bringing such misery exited our area. This morning we have brilliant sunshine and low humidity.
Sunday afternoon I celebrated my sixth anniversary with Aneros with a session using in order the following models: Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus and Progasm Classic. What was noteworthy of this session was that these models worked of their own accord without my trying. I came away from this session with abundant pleasure with great satisfaction.
It is hard to believe that six years ago on Sunday June 3, 2012, I had my very first Aneros session with Helix Syn. Fortunately there was little discomfort when I inserted Helix Syn that evening. I had purchased MGX, Helix Classic, and Progasm Classic late December 2011, but they had sat unused because I had felt aversion from using them, a fear of anal play.
Now whenever I have a session I come to it with an expectation of Aneros horniness. Like @goldenboy, I wear an athletic cup to bed the night before. I do not look upon jockstraps and athletic cups as chastity devices but articles that are charged with great eroticism. This goes back to my puberty and adolescence in the early 1960’s when men and boys wore them for sports, even for street or leisure wear! 🙂
When life just gets in the way.
I have been enduring a forced break from any Aneros or associated activity for a couple of weeks now. Some house renovations have been ongoing, none of it smoothly. I don’t get too stressed but find I have been just too preoccupied and distracted to contemplate any sessions. On top of this, I caught some kind of a flu bug that took me down for a few days. All of this has just kind of completely blocked any sensations of arousal or withdrawal I would normally expect after almost two weeks of SR and no sessions. It works but I can’t recommend it. However, I feel a reawakening! I am now bug free and hopefully the work is back on track. I am beginning to savour the thought of a well deserved and long overdue session. Just the thought of which model to choose has got me quite hard and horny. Maybe my Eupho Trident with its sleek lines and nimble ways or, my Progasm Jr that is none of that and quite frankly just f****s me from the word go. So, come Friday, or should that be cum Friday, I shall have to wait and see which one gets the nod.
Should I get the Progasm?
At the moment I have the helix syn, but am not making much progress. I only ended up using it for a week or two and then stopping. However, I do like the ‘fullness’ feeling and was thinking that I should get a progasm. Is it worth it? Or should I go for a different option if the helix just wasn’t really getting me there.
Jocks & Cups, Kegels, Aneros, etc. –> Going deep and Sexual touch!
Hi guys,
Getting my very first BIKE CUP Supporter unit, no. 85 at that sporting goods store on Thursday April 10, 1986 was an event that changed my life. I believe that it was one of the best products that the BIKE Athletic Company manufactured for support, protection, and comfort for athletes competing in contact sports, such as baseball. I ordered actually a lot more of this protect for my burgeoning jock and cup collection for the two or three years it was manufactured.
I wore this jock and cup last night. We have a long stretch of rainy weather the last few days. A couple hours of thunderstorms are scheduled for this afternoon which will usher in a drier stretch of weather. Anyway BIKE CUP Supporter Unit feels like a sock. It is perfect for Kegeling in. I slept like a baby in the early hours before sunrise this morning while it rained cats and dogs outside.
Actually I discovered that I could wear this cup and jock comfortably to bed the very night in 1986 after purchasing it. The elongated, contoured and banana shape of this athletic cup not only scooped my genitalia, but I fell in love who the bottom edge of this cup covered my perineum and even massaged it. It is interesting that I discovered unconsciously that night the Kegel Exercises.
Let’s talk hands-free ejaculation! (with a side-order of drugs, and maybe some stimulation-but-not-fapping)
Been using the progasm and vice (without the vibe) for going on three years. I think i’ve explored a huge range of ‘orgasms’ and still discovering new things. There’s something really compelling to me about a session that ends in ejaclation, and I’ve managed to achieve it completely hands free, but it’s still really inconsistent.
Doing a bit of reading, lots of things seem to contribute to the experience.. not coming for a while, light stimulation, drugs, etc. Personally around day 3 or 4 the urge or feeling of ‘almost there’ to ejaculate starts to ramp up, but i’ve been able to hands-free ejaculate as short as two days from my last ejaculate. Another post mentions cupping the balls at the base of the penis has led to ejaculation, and I’ve experienced this too.
I find porn and a bit of weed to help immensely, but I’m wondering what other techniques or drugs might help. Another post mentions a ‘pre-workout’ pill leading to some amazing super-o (no ejaculation). I’m guessing this has a bunch of caffeine and maybe some pseudo-ephedrine like stimulant. This kinda lit an idea in my head, as i’ve been able to ejaculate more frequently in the mornings, which correlates to having had a few cups of coffee.
So.. all you ejaculators out there? What’s your recipe?
Kegeling and diddling while wearing my BIKE CUP in Aless! May 12 session.
Hi guys,
I wore a BIKE CUP Supporter unit, no. 85, men’s medium, to bed last night just after 10 p.m., my usual bedtime. Summertime weather is making its gradual appearance here. It was 92 on Thursday, low 80’s yesterday, and today it is supposed to be 93 for a high. However last night, I slept with the A/C turned off and the windows slightly open. I woke up at 2 a.m. this morning feeling slightly sweaty wearing my BIKE CUP and jock. I listened to the BBC for a while, but fell asleep and slept some more till 4 a.m. when I listened to the BBC until 5 o’clock. I decided to get up and prepare for a session. The BIKE CUP Supporter unit became an instant hit among athletes, mostly baseball players. The BIKE CUP has an innovative contoured shape with a rather thick polyethylene foam gasket. It’s accompanying supporter has polyester fabric. The combination not only contains an athlete’s “junk” but is very comfortable to wear.
I enjoy diddling my nipples while wearing the jock and cup while in bed in the still of the night. Doing all this at night is very much a pacifier. Of course, these activities are powerful foreplay in themselves. Because of all this, I was really horned for my session!
For this morning’s session, I used in order the following models: Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE.