The Case of the Phantom Progasm

After dabbling with the Helix Syn for a while I decided that it was time to move on to something more hassle-free. The Helix Syn wasn’t exactly easy to clean and the first time it had already picked up a smell. This despite several thorough washings. A quick search on the internet confirmed my suspicions. This had something to do with the texture of the knob.

Condoms proved a solution, but as I was a beginner (a total of ten uses of the Syn), I figured that I was missing out on something good. One of the condoms also left a peculiar sensation behind, possibly due to the silicon lubricant used. I determined fairly quickly that the pay-off wasn’t worth the hassle.

But I was still curious and I kind of wanted to know if I could fit something larger in my behind. Haha. The Syn was my only anal toy up until then, with otherwise zero experience under my belt. After some more research, it was either the original helix or the progasm that would remain scentless after a thorough washing.

The progasm proved to be too alluring. Got it on a deal and a week later it arrived in the mail. When I finally mustered up the courage (another week) to shove that large thing up my ass it slipped in rather easily, much to my surprise. It took perhaps two minutes of gentle massaging and working some more lube inside until it slid right in. Plop, there it was.

Thanksgiving morning session, November 24 : Athletic cups on my mind!

Hi guys,

I am typing the blog entry in the 7 o’clock hour on Thanksgiving morning, 1.5 hours since the conclusion of my session which concluded at 6 a.m.

Last night before going to bed around 11 p.m., I glanced at @Goldenboy’s blog entry of a sexual session he had with an athletic cup. I think his session was a combination of his Aless with masturbation.

I woke up around 3 a.m. and listened to both the BBC and an evangelical radio station which had a focus on giving thanks on Thanksgiving. At 4:15, I turned off the radio and then attempted some sleep along some foreplay and stroking my penis which already was oozing copious precum. Actually I was reveling upon my adolescent years when a jockstrap was a mandatory part of our gym uniform for PE class which occurred three times a week during the school year.

In the 1950’s and 60’s, you could order athletic equipment and clothing from Montgomery Ward’s and Sear’s catalogs which many households received in the mail through the USPS. In eighth grade, I saw in them offerings of jocks and cups. I knew I just had to get one!

My session began a little after 5:15 a.m. and ended at 6 a.m., about 45 minutes. I used in the following order: MGX, Progasm ICE, and Maximus. This morning I focused on the massage movement of each of these models in me. While this was happened, I jacked gently my dick and observed how this action affected each of these models in me. The sensation that occurs in both intense and sweet!

After the cold snap, an awesomely sweet session : Tuesday, November 22

Hi guys,

We had bitterly cold and blustery weather Sunday and Monday this week, so I did have a session yesterday morning.

Unfortunately Sunday morning at church I found myself having very unpleasant, political conversations which upset me. It had to the with the incoming Trump/Pence administration. Not only was it bitterly cold with winds howling outside, I was so agitated that I got only 2-3 sleep late Sunday/early Monday. I arose at my usual hour just before dawn yesterday morning and spent my day with translation work which composed me.

Then last night, I slept more soundly which refreshed me. My Aless in bed this morning before arising was exquisitely sweet, yet insistent.

I readied myself for a session which began 6 a.m. and ended 6:45 a.m., just 45 minutes which my usual Aneros buddies, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. MGX is ideal for the Aneros beginner. It is just right, not too small and not too large. I just love its ribbed stem which stimulates so nicely my anal canal and musculature. MGX is the perfect Aneros model for opening a session.

I love Maximus for its large size and its curvature for stimulating my prostate more directly. Give Maximus some quality time and he’ll relent for amazing surprises of sensation texture as it relates to Aneros sweetness and sexual energy found in Aneros sessions and in Aless.

Origin story & best experience yet!

So backstory first: Long time lurker, after buying a Helix classic. I was first drawn to the aneros by an ex gf deciding to get kind of handsy during a bj, surprising at first with a knuckle duster and then she used her index finger to tap down (barely) on my prostate while going down on me. I melted as I came, it was fantastic! Being curious about this new sensation and comfortable enough in my own sexuality, I decided to investigate further all the while having this image in my head of the guy in Road Trip getting his prostate milked by the nurse – I wanted to feel that even though it was an act, I wanted that feeling. So I looked at Prostate massage for men via google and came upon the aneros and forums. Jackpot, I found what I was looking for and decided to go with a Helix bc the Progasm looked a bit much at the time. The Helix reminded me of the thought I had that if I could just contort my hand the wrong way, I could milk myself lol.

Aborted session, Monday November 14 ; Transformed, completed session, Tuesday, November 15

Hi guys,

After you start experiencing Super-O’s and MMO’s, your body and psyche develops a hunger for the Aneros. It could be Aneros horniness. Just about every session is good, and many are superb. After most sessions, you enter Aless which is exquisite, sweet, and powerful which preps you for the next session. Such has been my experience in recent months and certainly after that landmark session on September 14.

Such was my intention yesterday morning when I prepped my usual models of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic for my session. My ride with MGX was fairly good. However with Maximus I could feel a BM coming on. So aborted the session, went to the bathroom, and had a super large and super long duration BM which pretty much evacuated my intestine. I have found that my Aneros sessions keep me regular. But what happened yesterday was something out of the ordinary. I never got to Progasm Classic. The session lasted only 30 minutes.

I had thought of having another session in the noon hour or early evening, but I got involved in a translation project.

This morning I had a session with the same models which was great. They rode exceedingly well. I relaxed and let go. The models massaged anal tract and prostate with some new strokes which amazed me. I believe the session lasted about an hour. Now I have a great Aless. Take care.

The sweetness and power of an Aneros autofuck, Saturday session November 12, and wow! That Aless!!

Hi guys,

I have never experienced anal intercourse. It is in many ways the quintessential sexual activity among gay men. But I am sure that the bisexual and even many straight men enjoy it too. I’ve heard that if done properly and with right intention it produces a “connection” out of this world for men!

However, in the real world of HIV/AIDS and other STD’s, fucking among men without protection is very risky.

I just wonder if an Aneros autofuck rivals or is different from anal intercourse among men. According to the Aneros Wiki, an Aneros autofuck ranks real high on the scale of Aneros milestones. An Aneros autofuck is that when Aneros devices do the work. They fuck you so naturally and easily with any hardly effort on your part. They ride you much more so than you ride them. I felt this morning how beautifully and sweetly and powerfully, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic plowed my ass!

The session must have lasted at most an hour from 5:30-6:30 a.m. approximately.

However like many Americans, I was thrown into despair and black depression when the Trump/Pence ticket won the majority of votes in the Electoral College and Hillary Clinton won the major of popular vote this past Wednesday. The change of mood, at least here in DC, seems to be that of day and night. That is why I had no sessions since Monday morning this week.

The Plateau – There and not further

In the last weeks my doctor changed my anafranil dose to half, which could kick something in my sexual drive.
I’ve tried having some sessions meanwhile with progasm ice, progasm jr, helix syn and maximus but nothing come out of it.

The problem is that I need a long time for things to start and generally I fall asleep during the session.

Yesterday I decided to try eupho. My prostate is kinda dead and recently I’ve been trying to have more contact with it to trigger something. In the last days I’ve tried something else, getting more movement with helix syn and eupho.

As most of my sessions in the last years, I don’t have much hope that a session will be good. Anyway, I keep trying. My sexual drive is extremely low and I wonder when will I be able to have a proper sex drive to help me in the aneros way.

So after inserting eupho I watched some porn, in this case the xtude Aneros MMO video of that guy with helix syn where he explains through the session what he was feeling. I really like this video and I like the slow session that I can watch for almost an hour.

Late Sunday afternoon, early Monday morning sessions, Nov. 6 & 7 : overdoing it (temporary)

Hi guys,

I had an intense time at church yesterday morning which left me exhausted emotionally when I finally got home in the early afternoon. After changing into casual clothes and having lunch, I decided to relax some. I am so glad that the combative national election session is drawing to an end tomorrow with the election. So to release stress, I decided to have a session which began about 4 p.m. I used Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, and Progasm ICE. The session lasted about 45 minutes. Eupho and Helix rode in new wonderful ways that took away my breath. Progasm ICE road less well. I know well because I had a sizable BM last night at 9:30 p.m.

The switch to standard time yesterday caused me to stay up late to about midnight last night. I did sleep, but it was an unsettled sleep due to election uncertainty which has many people, including myself, on edge. This morning I got up about 5:30, bathed, shaved, and dressed. Then had an early breakfast. I decided to have a “quick” with Maximus and Progasm Classic. Both models rode incredibly well. However, having daily sessions since Monday a week ago, exhaustion caught up with me. I had to lie down several times today to deal with the physical and emotion exhaustion. In a way, I feel exhausted still tonight. Tomorrow morning Tuesday I have to run some important errands. So perhaps a day off from sessions will do me good. Take care!

Saturday morning session, November 5 : Quality time with my Aneros devices and in Aless!

Hi guys,

Here is my first attempt at composing a blog post directly online at

As many of you who read my blog, the USA where I live is about four days away from election day, November 8 after a most contentious and strife-ridden election cycle, which began in earnest two years ago. This was fueled by divisive partisan politics and egged on by 24/7 news media! 🙁 As a way to sooth myself, for the last two weeks, I have been having nearly daily Aneros sessions which 45 minutes to an hour per session. Such a schedule has revved up my Aneros realizations through new vistas of Aneros and Aless experiences recently.

This morning I spent quality leisurely time with my favorite Aneros buddies: MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. The session lasted a good hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. This morning I let go as much as could and let my Aneros devices work in their own way. What I am experiencing more and more in my sessions is greater attention or focus on my part how each of my Aneros buddies “feel” while inserted. The result of this attention and focus is unexpected textures and surges of pleasure, especially as I center myself on Aneros subtlety!

Friday morning session, November 4 : Luminous genital energy and sweet chairgasms

Hi guys,

I do not want to say that I have become addicted to Aneros of late, but these days I have been having daily Aneros sessions. Generally they last at most 45 minutes to an hour.

This morning I spent about 45 minutes with Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, and Maximus, my good buddy with whom I jacked off yesterday morning in a Super-T. Eupho Classic and Helix Classic may be smaller Aneros models in comparison with the larger Maximus and Progasm models, but they are just as effective in delivering Aneros pleasure all the same. It is gratifying to use subtle anal contractions and calm rhythmic breathing to activate these three models. It is even more wonderful to relax, sit back, and observe how they operate on you. While I thought this morning’s session was supremely good, it seemed rather routine, or so I thought.

After cleaning up after the session and putting my Aneros tools away, and dressing for the day, I sat before my PC to relax a bit. Very sweet Aless began. It was/is luminous genital energy. I feel it localized in my balls, but also at my cock root. I love it as I kegel a bit and that revves up this energy into something very sweet as it travels or rather surges from my cock root up the length of my dick and ends up in my Glans where it tingles so sweetly. Then it travels down to its source. Also I notice its wavelike motion of this exquisite energy!