This might be the right place to find my answers ❤ so please read and give me advices

Hello! I hope everybody is okay and horny, i started the anal play since 3 mounths (only with fingers) i always cum only by stimulating my prostate while watching porn, it feels so damn good but the thing is that i’ve never felt what u call “P-waves” or anything like that (btw i can’t buy any toys sadly) .
So if i stimulate with a cocumber and a condom with alot of lube for more than an hour without watching porn this time , would i have a chance to discover new orgasms ? Or otherwise called P-Waves ? Knowing that i really enjoy the anal play
One last question : if i accidentally cum and still want to continue the prostate stimulation, would i still have a chance to reach the results ? Or once u cum it’s done.
I’m insanely craving these P-gasms.
Thank’s to everyone who reads this and sorry for the long text.

Whats your thoughts

Hi everyone, I’ve been exploring in this wonderful world of prostate massage for the last 2 years on and off and have achieved prostate orgasms and mmo with my helix syn. Long story short I don’t have my helix anymore and was contemplating getting another helix syn or a eupho syn. I don’t think i want to go any bigger as I used to get a bit sore after a long session so I was just curious on everyone’s thoughts are on both of them. Cheers guys

Progasm Anniversay Onyx edition.

Have been meaning to post a bit of a review on this but wanted a few rides on the clock before doing so.
So what’s different? No base nub. Narrower lower body. Same size at head and mid section. So you can sit down if you want. And it moves more while still having the girth to keep in contact with those sweet spots.
Sometimes though it can move too much and exert too much pressure so gentle contractions or do nothing seem to be in order with this.
That said the better mobility allows laser like targeting of the bits that feel good so overall that’s a plus.
Overall I don’t think there’s a massive difference between old and new progasms – they’re both good and both quite large/girthy.
I do find that I can go a bit longer with the new one simply because the pressure on my prostate can be lightened easier with the new.
The orgasms are still progasm like – IE Intense and near non stop.
I think if you don’t have an old progasm the new is worth the investment. If you DO have the old one, there’s not a huge difference but those differences that there are make it a subtly different ride.


Does being overweight hinder prostate pleasure and effectiveness with Aneros? I’m curious to try the Helix Syn, but wonder if it may effect the use. I’ve tried other toys before and didn’t really feel comfortable with them. I’m hoping Aneros is different. If anyone could speak about this, I’d appreciate it!

Leave it in?

So I think I’m well on my way to achieving the famous super-O but I have a couple questions regarding the Progasm.

I’m getting pretty good at giving myself mini-Os where my prostate throbs and inflates and I feels this massive rush of pleasure that I can hardly contain myself. I wear a flexible rubber chastity device to stop myself from masterbating too when playing. (it’s quite difficult to contain myself sometimes) but I’m left so horny and eager that I just never want to stop.

So how do you guys deal with the intense horny feeling you’re left with in between sessions?

And also, is it OK to leave the progasm in for a while (a couple to six hours) to keep my prostate stimulated and eager for more?

Ps, I haven’t done it yet but I feel like I will achieve the super-O faster if I keep my prostate stimulated.

Thoughts/comments welcome.

Involving your spine?

Hey everyone

I’ve been using my Aneros for about a year now with bearing amounts of luck, and today I had a different experience that I was hoping someone might help clarify for me.

I popped in my Progasm and did the normal lay on my back type of thing for a while. I had a twitch that sort of hit my spine that felt good so I thought I’d explore it since I’ve never involved my spine in any way. I kept imagining energy going down from my head to my prostate in the front, and then circling back up my spine back to my head. And this get really good! My heart began to race and after a while it almost felt as if my spine was going to orgasm. Nothing substantial happened but it was an enjoyable session.

Has anyone else ever experienced this or was this just an odd thing I did today?

Thanks in advance.

Question regarding Eupho Trident vs Helix Trident and beginners.

Hi, I was just placing an order for Aneros Helix Trident but by mistake I selected and purchased the Eupho Trident since they looked so similar! 😛 Since then I’ve read in some places how Helix is better for beginners.

I am a beginner to the Aneros line but I have had a lot of experience with other Anal play toys – Different size butt plugs (Kinda big size), Vibrating Prostate vibrators, Stronic Drei etc. I have also been doing my kegel etc. for a long time. So, would I still be considered a beginner? And would the Eupho Trident be a complete waste for me?

Something happened….

Since I’ve got so much out of everyone else’s progress reports, it only seems fair to post my own, since I actuall had some…

So last night was different, currently I’m not sure what I did to make it different.

For some background, I’ve been using Aneros toys for a few years now, I love the idea of multiple dry Os, and the Super O just sounds amazing, but I’ve not been successful in any of those. I have managed HFWOs, but calling them Hands Free seems a bit much TBH given the amount of vigarous perinium massage that’s required…

So my plan was to get an early night with the MGX in an see what happens, with a goal to feel something new, but not planning to push for the big O. No expectations, and a specific plan that I wasn’t going have a normal orgasm afterwards.

I had some nice sensations, tried a few different positions, I didn’t manage to get any involuntaries going. After about an hour and a half I switched to the progasm to see if that would change anything.

Then I had the same again. Nice sensations, nothing new or extraordinary. I started trying to push out an HFWO for a bit, but then decided to stop as it’s not really what my goal was here.


I‘m new to prostate play and right now I’m just fucking myself with the aneros and it feels amazing.
Is there a certain technique to make it feel even better ?