1st Month

Background: Male, mid 40’s, married with children.

June 2008 – While cruising a web site for couples, I read a couple of threads on tantric sex. One of the threads talks about prostate massage leading to great orgasms for men. A simple Google search on prostate massage leads to a variety of web sites – one of them is for Aneros.

I read the forums and do some product research. My wife and I have a fun relationship, but we do not have a tremendous amount of adult toy play experience. We have previously purchased only one adult toy in the past, a g-spot/p-spot vibrator. I tried it a couple of times solo but I found it awkward to use and didn’t get a lot of enjoyment out of it. It has been on the shelf for a long time.

The Aneros ‘hands free’ feature sounds attractive. Internet reviews point to mixed results. Aneros forum users, however, seem to form a small tight knit cult product following. I make a choice, it’s the Helix.
