Want to Aneros while sitting in a chair? Here’s how…

Just thought I would share another trick that I have discovered (PAGING /u/HELLENBACH).

Anyone else like the idea of using an Aneros while sitting in a chair (computer, etc.), but find that doing so is counter to how Aneros products are designed? Me too.

Some of you may have found ways to get around this, say by cutting the tail on your Helix Syn (something that I have tried, and advocate) or building a "rolled-up towel fortress" for your butthole. However, there is actually an easier, non-destructive way to go about this.

Get a ring cushion. Ring cushions are already sold/designed for BPH sufferers and hemorrhoid sufferers. The idea is to provide a surface to sit on while leaving the space below your ass open. One practical option is this pillow:


I bought this ring cushion in part because it is discreet and easy to store/hide (you just deflate it). It's also transportable. But there are other perfectly good ring cushions out there. With a ring cushion, it doesn't matter what type of Aneros toy you have inside you at the time; you will have the freedom to move everything just as if you were laying down in bed (with a pillow to prop your ass up), or bottoms up, or what have you.

Really… this is all about facilitating Anerosing in a wider range of positions. And I have to say that – for me – this works quite well. Certainly it is less of a hassle to set up than rolled-up towels or pillows. Cleanup is also much simpler.

Give it a shot. I'm curious to find what others get out of this tactic.

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/2qtj51/want_to_aneros_while_sitting_in_a_chair_heres_how/


  1. Great tip. You can also put 2 chairs side by side with a little gap in between, and sit on that

  2. Funny, I came here looking for a recommendation on which, if any of these toys work in an office chair (since I work at home). Kind of a "set it & forget it" activity while I go about my morning. I’m thinking I can use a [travel neck pillow](http://www.coreproducts.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/f/o/fom-193-memory-travel-core-pillow.jpg) in the same way you’re describing? And just leave it in my office because it’s not a weird thing to have at all! 🙂

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