First session. Not getting anything.

Last night, for the first time I used my aneros helix. Left it bout 2 hrs in my ass, tried to build up the horniness during my session. Didnt feel anything. Didnt touch my cock at all. Ended up, doing traditional JO. Had a great anus contraction. But thats it. Maybe i need to try again. Any tips guys?



  1. It’s totally normal to not feel anything for quite a while even with repeated usage. I suggest you thoroughly read the wiki (link on the right) as it contains a huge amount of very helpful information. Shit I still refer to the wiki now and then, and I have almost a year of experience.

  2. Great man! Thanks for the input. May I ask? When did you start to feel the different? I read the wiki, I know I need to be patient. But just wondering, what kind of feeling I am expecting. Cheers

  3. Ask anything man. We’re all here to help 🙂 I started around the second week of April of last year. I began feeling extremely faint tickling around the middle of May. It’s definitely a journey. I became fully "rewired" around July or August. Keep in mind I have consistently been anerosing 3-4 times a week.

  4. Thanks man! Just wondering what does rewiring mean? Does your prostate somehow more connected to your toy and mind? Pardon me haha

  5. Everybody has a different definition but most agree it has to do with the rewiring of the neuronal pathways which leads us to have pleasure in a way we’ve never had pleasure before. It’s like if you’ve never had a traditional JO and you’re trying to get yourself to climax using only two fingers on the base of your shaft. I found a discussion about it on the aneros forums which has a lot of different opinions and people who can explain it better than me: [Here]( Once rewired, your pleasure will really take off. You begin to feel random pleasure outside of sessions which you can build upon. You can feel the "ghost" of the toy moving around even though you haven’t had a session in a few days.

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