Hi fellas,
So..i’ve been giving a shot at this (helix syn) since a couple of months, once or twice a week. So far i manager to feel something pleasurable around the area and feel like i’m progressing slowly but steady. I usually do ~1 hr total session (initial warmup included) but I often run dry multiple times during the session and start feeling like i’m scratching my insides. Stop, relube, restart.
So here is my question: how much of which lub do you guys use? How often?
I have a very sensitive intestine, so glycerin is out of question, and I try to stay on the natural side to avoid finding 2 yrs later I’ve been absorbing cancerogenic stuff directly in my bloodstream twice a week 🙂
In the end I am using either ~10 cc of Yes oil based or Sliquid Sassy.. But I still run dry. Frustrating.
You could try home made unrefined shea butter suppository in your rectum PLUS another lube spreaded on your massager. The mix of two different lubes helps improving durability and slipperiness.
Have you tried coconut oil? Sorry if I am totally off base. I don’t have an aneros and just randomly stumbled onto your post.
I’ve found through a lot of trials and reading on this forum that tools and prep make a huge difference for the entire experience.. I moved to coconut oil. I drop the jar in very warm water for a while which makes it feel awesome going inside. Invest in a lube shooter like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Cleanstream-AC221-XL-Lubricant-Launcher/dp/B008ASBIU0/). I’ve personally found it to better my experiences. I shoot a *lot* of coconut oil in there. A douche cleaning makes the movement even better. [This](http://www.lovehoney.com/product.cfm?p=5181) one I’ve found to be high quality.
I’ve found through a lot of trials and reading on this forum that tools and prep make a huge difference for the entire experience.. I moved to coconut oil. I drop the jar in very warm water for a while which makes it feel awesome going inside. Invest in a lube shooter like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Cleanstream-AC221-XL-Lubricant-Launcher/dp/B008ASBIU0/). I’ve personally found it to better my experiences. I shoot a *lot* of coconut oil in there. A douche cleaning makes the movement even better. [This](http://www.lovehoney.com/product.cfm?p=5181) one I’ve found to be high quality.